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Kontra Kommando

Replacements [Answered]

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New Question:

EDIT: Answered, link removed

Okay, so I have been really stumped at what may be the problem here. I've been trying to replace Shotgunguy with a Custom monster of mine; the Combat Synthetic. When testing out the Combat Synth in a custom map, it seemed to work just fine. [I'm still working on creating sound files for it] But when I try to replace Shotgunguy in the vanila game, it comes up as that red diamond with the exclamation point. Moreover, I do not understand why the sky texture is completely black now.

I see there are some errors as well, when loading up the WAD, but I will get to those eventually. At any rate, those that endeavor to give this WAD a look under the hood, will also have a very rough first Alpha of my upcoming WAD; Aliens: The Ultimate Doom (TC)


First Question- Edit: Answered

How does one properly replace an enemy?
Here is what I’ve been doing.

Actor Mycustommonster : DoomImp Replaces DoomImp 150001

I know that [ Mycustommonster : DoomImp] means that the Mycustommoster will inherit all of the qualities of the DoomImp. But what could I replace DoomImp with to just purely have the qualities of mycustommonster? I had assumed I could just right type Monster in its place; much like the way its done for Weapons. However, that did not work.

Second Question- EDIT: Answered

How does one replace the textures in the vanilla game with custom textures? I had assumed I could just replace them, by giving the custom texture the vanilla textures name (i.e. MARBLE1). However that did not work either.
I’ve been digging around everywhere, but could not find any resolution. Thank you in advance.

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1) There is no a generic Monster class to inherit from, so you either have to make your own or base it on another monster actor.

2) Not sure about this one, but I think you need to replace the patch(es) that the end texture is comprised of.

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Yeah, the texture's name might be MARBLE1 but it uses differently named patches (a texture consists of one or more patches). So you'll have to look in the TEXTURE1\2 lumps to find out what you really need to replace.

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Blue Shadow said:

1) There is no a generic Monster class to inherit from, so you either have to make your own or base it on another monster actor.

I see. So I will have to merge my custom monster WAD into the my custom WAD, to have it in there to reference the monster class. Then copy, create, and alter another decorate for the custom monster that reads:

Actor Mycustommonster : Mycustommonster Replaces DoomImp 150001


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Memfis said:

Yeah, the texture's name might be MARBLE1 but it uses differently named patches (a texture consists of one or more patches). So you'll have to look in the TEXTURE1\2 lumps to find out what you really need to replace.

Thanks, I will give this a try tonight.

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It's been a loooong time since I've messed with this stuff, but if you wanted to replace the Imp with your own monster, would you not just give your monster DoomImp's ID (DoomEd?) number?

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Huh, so is 'replaces' new? I have never seen this before, and as such was assuming it was very old and deprecated or it was a typo kinda thing.

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Kontra Kommando said:

I see. So I will have to merge my custom monster WAD into the my custom WAD, to have it in there to reference the monster class. Then copy, create, and alter another decorate for the custom monster that reads:

Actor Mycustommonster : Mycustommonster Replaces DoomImp 150001


If you don't inherit from something, do not put inheritance.

Actor Mycustommonster Replaces DoomImp 150001

Clonehunter said:

It's been a loooong time since I've messed with this stuff, but if you wanted to replace the Imp with your own monster, would you not just give your monster DoomImp's ID (DoomEd?) number?

You can, but if you give it the DoomImp's ednum without using replaces DoomImp, you'll get warning messages about conflicting ednums. It's not a serious problem and it'll work anyway, but it'll look sloppy to have a mod that sends warning messages when it's loaded.

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Gez said:

If you don't inherit from something, do not put inheritance.

Actor Mycustommonster Replaces DoomImp 150001

You can, but if you give it the DoomImp's ednum without using replaces DoomImp, you'll get warning messages about conflicting ednums. It's not a serious problem and it'll work anyway, but it'll look sloppy to have a mod that sends warning messages when it's loaded.

Excellent! Thanks for the help! I haven't tried Memfis's advice on texture replacement yet. But I will after work today.

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I see where Memfis was referring to. So I will need to rename the PNG file to the patchname(s). Then double click on textures, to upload them.

EDIT: I must be doing something wrong here.

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Try double-clicking on Patches instead. Then again - don't double-click - since I think XWE's default behavior is to add imported patches to the PNAMES and TEXTURE lumps, which will screw things up.

Single-click on Patches then select Entry/Load and hope XWE doesn't make a dogs breakfast of converting those PNGs to Doom graphics.

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GreyGhost said:

Try double-clicking on Patches instead. Then again - don't double-click - since I think XWE's default behavior is to add imported patches to the PNAMES and TEXTURE lumps, which will screw things up.

Single-click on Patches then select Entry/Load and hope XWE doesn't make a dogs breakfast of converting those PNGs to Doom graphics.


I use XWE for some stuff that i don't know how to use in Slade. But I prefer Slade.

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Awesome, I have everything working now! I ran into trouble before, because XWE had a heart attack this morning. But I followed what GreyGhost said, and loaded the pngs one by one.

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Okay, so I have been really stumped at what may be the problem here. I've been trying to replace Shotgunguy with a Custom monster of mine; the Combat Synthetic. When testing out the Combat Synth in a custom map, it seemed to work just fine. But when I try to replace Shotgunguy in the vanila game, it comes up as that red diamond with the exclamation point. Moreover, I do not understand why the sky texture is completely black now.

I see there are some errors as well, when loading up the WAD, but I will get to those eventually. At any rate, those that endeavor to give this WAD a look under the hood, will also have a very rough first Alpha of my upcoming WAD; Aliens: The Ultimate Doom (TC)

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Kontra Kommando said:

I've been trying to replace Shotgunguy with a Custom monster of mine; the Combat Synthetic. When testing out the Combat Synth in a custom map, it seemed to work just fine. But when I try to replace Shotgunguy in the vanila game, it comes up as that red diamond with the exclamation point.

When testing it in Doom 2, it came out invisible as opposed to being replaced with the exclamation mark sprite (unknown sprite).

Its sprites are not between SS_START and SS_END markers. That's why it has no sprites in game.

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Blue Shadow said:

When testing it in Doom 2, it came out invisible as opposed to being replaced with the exclamation mark sprite (unknown sprite).

Its sprites are not between SS_START and SS_END markers. That's why it has no sprites in game.

This is strange. I fixed the SS_End Marker, but when I played it in Ultmate Doom, the regular shotgunguys were still there. Could anyone explain as to why the sprites are being registered as unknown?

EDIT: I figured it out; I cleaned up the load order, and created SS_Start where there need to be. I will post a beta of this WAD soon, now.

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Gez said:

You can, but if you give it the DoomImp's ednum without using replaces DoomImp, you'll get warning messages about conflicting ednums. It's not a serious problem and it'll work anyway, but it'll look sloppy to have a mod that sends warning messages when it's loaded.

You know, I remember those warning but could never figure out what they were for. Actually kind of glad to know I've been doing that wrong. Guess I've just never heard of 'replaces' before. Thanks

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