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Oblige 6.05 released

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This is hella rad. (wad? :P) Endless fun, just about.

Question: What is "Disable Prebuilt non-boss maps?"

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Elaxter said:

Question: What is "Disable Prebuilt non-boss maps?"

It stops adding some prebuilt (human made) maps, e.g. the very nice little Cyberdemon arena map made by 40oz.

Boss maps (MAP07, MAP30, ExM8) are always added because they have special stuff going on -- killing some monsters will open some doors or whatever.

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I'm very impressed with the progress this project has made over time. In fact, I had the previous version already on my computer. The quality of the architecture is very good by most people's standards. Slowly, it's losing that feel of being generated. That said, I have a couple of suggestions for the developers (which may or may not be realistic, but would go a long way in enhancing this great tool further).

1.) Offer an option for scaling monsters in an IWAD. You can scale the size of maps as the numbers increase, but you can just as easily end up with cacodemons and other higher tier monsters in map 01 or e1m1, etc. It would be great to have it so that earlier levels had a bestiary matching the pace of the original IWADs. An added cherry on top would be if this were done by episode for DOOM1 and UD.

2.) Related to above. In a similar way, if textures in DOOM2 mirrored the progression of levels as they do in the IWAD, that'd be great. If, for the most part, Doom1/UD could would implement textures that were usually seen first in a certain episode accordingly (most obvious between E1 and E2, for example). Some sort of thematic progression in the levels.

3.) I saw a lot of great opportunities for ambushes in these new wads. But when I could just waltz right up to a megasphere with no repercussion, it felt like stealing.

4.) Related to above, it would be wonderful if there could be an exception where powerups could be found largely on pedestals with switches you had to hunt for to lower them. Or something, so you don't have ammo drops and armor floating around in the middle of a hallway.

That's about all I can think of for now. Honestly, some of the architecture and layout, in some cases, was downright inspired. You've got the nuts and bolts down solid, it's just a couple tweaks that will really make this just phenomenal. There was a time when I was a young Doomer, before SLIGE or even OBLIGE existed, that I dreamed of something like this. It's nothing short of astounding how this has gotten as far as it has.

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This is a huge leap up from 4.0. I'm impressed with the competency of the map layouts and consistent aesthetics. It'd be nice if GZDOOM mode made use of some of its features (colored lighting, 3d floors, etc), but already so much has been done!


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Amazing work, as always. Perhaps it is time to update the screenshots section...

edit: woah, the nuts! monster setting really does emulate...nuts. I remember that the old "hordes" setting wasn't really hordes per se, but sprinkled amounts here and there. I love this new setting.

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The "Hordes" setting is way better than V3's Hordes setting that I can say for sure.

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Generated a 32-map wad yesterday and I'm playing it today. Lots of caves, hall, and other stuff. Completely off-the-chain awesome. Each level is long and challenging. There's times when I believe that this is a hand crafted megawad. When there's long stretches of cave (in my maps) that lead on top of a wall that overlooks the starting area, it feels epic.

Keep up the awesome work.

Tips: If you want awesome maps, specialize them. Don't "Mix it up" for everything, because you have a higher chance of ending up with a map(s) that doesn't make a lot of sense.

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