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Why the DOOM hate christians?

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Maes said:

That sounds hypocritical at best, especially in a country who's been quite literally at the front line or of every major war in the 20th century, and even (undeniably) "started" the 21st millenium with two brand-new wars (Afghanistan, Iraq, without counting how many other conflicts and "colored revolutions" it might actually be behind...)

Without wanting to sound political, I have some difficulty understanding how on the one hand you can consider some killing bad (which also happens to be entirely virtual/imaginary...) while accepting very real mass killings that are going on even as we speak, for "just" causes such as "democracy" and "freedom".

After all, that same kid that is forbidden from playing Doom today (or in the 90s?) might very well grow up to be a blackwater operative in Iraq....or an overzealous cop shooting some poor bastard in the head during a "routine arrest" because "the suspect looked like he was reaching for a gun", but none seems to be too concerned with that.

I can understand why you'd think that, but from what I've heard, Americans are stereotyped (and probably rightfully so) to only really care about what's going on within a small 50 ft radius around them, and typically have no knowledge of the very real things happening overseas. Theres very little voter turnout in this country mostly because of how ill-informed we are, and more importantly, how little we prioritize the world conflicts over things like family matters and work-related stress and what to eat and when to sleep.

It's embarrassing but even I never watch international news and choose the be blissfully ignorant of a lot of things just to keep my mind clear.

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Enjay said:

In my experience as a kid taught by a religious person, they didn't need to know anything about other religions because they didn't teach them. My religious education teacher was not a vicar but he was definitely religious and his lessons were basically bible classes and he was, almost universally, thought of as a blistering cock-end (not merely because of his very biassed RE classes). Of course, that wasn't recently and in my more recent experience, RE is quite a different thing in Scotland these days than it was when I went to school.

I don't have a problem with someone who is religious teaching about other religions though - provided they do so from an informed and even-handed perspective. I'm not sure what the alternative would be. Have a teacher for every conceivable religion? That's just impractical. Don't teach religions that you don't have a representative from? Not ideal.

You can be an expert in something without sharing the beliefs. You can even be an expert in something while believing something contradictory. Presenting it in an even handed manner, to as high a standard as possible is really what's important.

As an aside, people who say things like "I don't want to know about [religion X] because I am [religion Y]" are wilfully ignorant IMO. Why not find out about it if only so that you can qualify your objections to it? Or are you so unsure in your beliefs that you worry that finding out about alternatives may turn you from your current path? (When I say "you" I mean "you" as in "one", "a person", not any particular person.) In reality though, in my experience, most of the people who make that objection don't really care, they just want to try and get out of a class.

I'd be cool with religious people teaching R.E, as long as they aren't using it as a tool to inflict their own beliefs. So I agree on that. I can get behind the standpoint that people of different beliefs can be well informed enough to teach what another belief is about, which is why I'm O.K. with Atheists teaching religion, they might be faithless but still can know enough to teach varying different beliefs.

When I was at school it was all pretty straightforward, I remember our school had a bit of a thing teaching about various religious holidays, of course they taught other things about religion too, but the holidays were the thing. They made us make a lot of cards....

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Xegethra said:

I wasn't aware they'd let a religious person teach religious education....what would he know and or say when it comes to teaching about other religions other than his own? But it's pretty bad that he would try to teach it as fact.

I don't have a problem with it as long as it's done without bias. It could be argued that there's a conflict of interest but you could also say the same about anyone.

In his case I don't even recall him teaching Christian religious doctrines as facts, just these rather wacky superstitious things about ouija boards and evil spirits. Funnily enough after posting my previous comment I googled his name and found a news article about how he's doing faith healings in the church he's now a vicar of, claiming that "all healing comes from God". Right, and modern science/medicine had nothing to do with it...

Personally I don't think "religious education" is a particularly relevant or appropriate subject to be teaching in schools - nowadays at least. At best it could be taught as part of some wider "cultural studies" course where kids learn about different cultures around the world. Religion is often a part of culture and it's good to learn about diversity.

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If that was true sick people wouldn't die and then my diabetes wouldn't need the insulin medicine mimicking the bodies natural insulin system. I was nearly dead by the time they saw I had it....so I know he's full of it. And when my control goes wrong, it puts me in hospital...

And likewise, I've had relatives die form medical problems they needed treatment for....so his statement hits a sore point there.

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Lol Hey I work at a church here in the states and me and my pastor have had conversations about doom he used to play it back in the day. Don't remember where he said he played multiplayer but I remember he said he used to do what they do at most offices and stay late to "Doom" And actually he would probably still play it if he had the free time.

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As a Roman-Catholic I have to say one thing. I love DOOM. There are some crazy people out there that give us Christians a bad name. But crazy people are in every religion doesn't matter what. Hell, there's even those crazy atheists that try to shove atheism down your throat I mean jeez relax man I'm not trying to force my religion why are you trying to force your ideology?

XD Anyway dude, I love DOOM and uh Evil Dead 2 and Aliens is awesome! :D

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Even though I'm religious, I don't see a problem (like almost everyone else on this thread) with most of the game. While I am kind of against that giant, upside-down cross on E2M1, that's about it.

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I think Christians hate DooM because they all secretly worship demons and hate to see anything bad happen to them.

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