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If Batman's villains had a fight to the death, who would win and why?

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I guess it's up to a good writer to solve this problem. There are way too many characters whose skills differ from comic to comic.

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Isn't Bane in the comics both ridiculously strong and frighteningly intelligent? Presumably he'd have it in an unprepared death match scenario.

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Phobus said:

Isn't Bane in the comics both ridiculously strong and frighteningly intelligent? Presumably he'd have it in an unprepared death match scenario.

I also think it would be Bane. You were right to say "unprepared death match" as the Joker, for example, is usually well prepared BEFORE Batman appears. If he was caught flatfooted, the fight wouldn't be nearly as difficult.

Bane it is!

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Aliens. If there's lots of aliens, they could just overrun all the others. If there's only one alien, it could just camp in some dark tunnels and kill the others one by one without them ever realising what's going on.

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I'm also going with Bane. People often tend to forget his super strength is only part of what makes him so dangerous, and that he'd be a formidable opponent even without it. Doesn't help that Batman and Robin portrayed him as a lumbering oaf.

I'm glad no one's suggested the Joker yet. I feel like he's been given this godlike status of always having a backup plan or wheels within wheels so that he always comes out on top due to his popularity. Like, I'm so sick of the "Joker was defeated, but that was just part of a bigger plan," cliche.

Like yeah, he's always doing horrible things, and he always gets away in the end, but people overlook the fact that that's as much on Batman as it is the Joker himself. It's kinda blindingly obvious that it's Batman's own "no kill" policy that allows Joker to escape time after time, and Joker would've been dead long ago if Batman weren't so strongly opposed to killing.

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My vote also goes to Bane, for aforementioned reasons; on top of being physically superior to pretty much any other human, he's also a genius. Doctor Destiny, so long as he has Morpheus's dream crystal.

Also, by technicality Solomon Grundy wins by default because he cannot die.

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geekmarine said:

I'm also going with Bane. People often tend to forget his super strength is only part of what makes him so dangerous, and that he'd be a formidable opponent even without it. Doesn't help that Batman and Robin portrayed him as a lumbering oaf.

I'm glad no one's suggested the Joker yet. I feel like he's been given this godlike status of always having a backup plan or wheels within wheels so that he always comes out on top due to his popularity. Like, I'm so sick of the "Joker was defeated, but that was just part of a bigger plan," cliche.

Like yeah, he's always doing horrible things, and he always gets away in the end, but people overlook the fact that that's as much on Batman as it is the Joker himself. It's kinda blindingly obvious that it's Batman's own "no kill" policy that allows Joker to escape time after time, and Joker would've been dead long ago if Batman weren't so strongly opposed to killing.

Yeah I think if Joker could win in this scenario, he'd be the type to make alliances and use people to kill everyone else, fake his own death maybe. Then kill the one that thinks they're the winner.... when he leans towards knives, six shooters, acid, gas and everything else. He always has a plan, but that plan is always just to fuck with people rather than bluntly kill them.

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The Joker, because he's the Joker.

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So for everyone that votes for Bane on strength + intelligence, what happens when he's murdering someone, he gets his juice chord cut? Or would Bane be smart enough to have his back to a corner during the hypothetical murdering? Without the strength, he is still intelligent, but so is Riddler.

I think its safe to say Riddler wouldn't win?

Plus outside of a giant fight to death, you'd think that Bane would come up with a metal for the tubes that is flexible and cannot be cut.

What about Poison Ivy and spores? Ever see the Happening?

Scarecrow can induce fear on everyone and murder them while they're cowering in terror.

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MFG38 said:

The Joker, because he's the Joker.

I feel that if all the villains got into a death match, they'd single out Joker first just because he has a conniving history. If anything, he couldn't survive a mobbing, and then he'd be out of the running. With that thought though, You think they'd all go right for Bane's throat too, but he could probably hold his own. I wonder if Mad Hatter could get real lucky though with his mind control shit though, which could effectively turn Bane into a tool and then force a suicide. There's a lot of angles, here actually.

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Somebody with guns. And skill. Let me search a little, I'm not familiar with all Batman villains besides the main, notorically famous ones from the movies.

Hmm... Deadshot? Powerful and durable suit with wrist mounted guns and using various destructive weapons sounds good, as well as his skill.

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Clonehunter said:

I feel that if all the villains got into a death match, they'd single out Joker first just because he has a conniving history. If anything, he couldn't survive a mobbing, and then he'd be out of the running. With that thought though, You think they'd all go right for Bane's throat too, but he could probably hold his own. I wonder if Mad Hatter could get real lucky though with his mind control shit though, which could effectively turn Bane into a tool and then force a suicide. There's a lot of angles, here actually.

I'd say first go for Grundy, Croc and Bane, but then we're also relying on everyone to make a pact and stick with it. The women can.

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I'm going to say Bane as well. He is one of the only villains that I think Batman is really afraid of. Sure Batman has a bunch of gadgets, but it's intelligence and ability to think on his feet that has enabled him to beat every villian in-front of him. But, Bane is still the only one who has proven he can out think and out strategize Batman. It's also pretty clear Batman knows this as well. After all if Bane really wanted Batman dead, he could have simply broken his neck instead of his back or simply folded Batman like a pretzel the fist time they fought.

Another one that I think stands a good chance of winning is Jean-Paul Valley aka Azrael.

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You think someone could just shoot Bane though. There's a plethora of tommy gun aficionados, such as the Ventriloquist and Babyface. Two-Face in the TAS used two pistols a lot.

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Clonehunter said:

You think someone could just shoot Bane though. There's a plethora of tommy gun aficionados, such as the Ventriloquist and Babyface. Two-Face in the TAS used two pistols a lot.

I think Two Face would be busy flipping his coin. Unless being in that environment he'd realize I gotta kill them all. There can be only ONE.

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geo said:

There can be only ONE.

Heh, in that case Two-Face might decide to fight himself first. Det and Two-Face seem to be the same, but then TAS introduced his Executioner persona, so, he'd probably kill himself from the get go.

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What about Clayface? Can he even die being made of Clay and all. Well I think the original Clayface was just a dude that could look like anyone, but then there is the whole shape shifting Clayface.

Does Solomon Grundy instantly lose since he's dead? Does he even count as a Batman villain since he's appeared against quite a few superheroes.

Solomon Grundy,
Born on a Monday,
Christened on Tuesday,
Married on Wednesday,
Took ill on Thursday,
Grew worse on Friday,
Died on Saturday,
Buried on Sunday.
That was the end,
Of Solomon Grundy

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Calendar Man

Just because you know WHEN he's coming doesn't mean you can STOP him

Clayface was one of the Batman villains that actually scared the crap out of me when I was younger. While he can be contained I imagine that would take an alliance of some sort (or maybe just Mr. Freeze, really).

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Honestly, there's only two who i'd consider likely to win.

Bane, for all the mentioned reasons above. Dude is a beast, physically and mentally. In a raw deathmatch brawl, there is no equal.

But...if there's aaaany sort of planning allowed in this, the other would probably be Ra's Al Ghul. An all-villain showdown sounds like something he could conjure up, and stay directly uninvolved with so that whoever's left *can* be picked off by him and his forces directly. Or hire or something, as I seem to recall he respected Bane.

And then, "fun" times ahead for the Detective!

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The Talons (of the recent Court of Owls plotline) working in concordance would wipe everything else out. One of them would be a tough challenge even for Bane in close combat and there are scores of them. They're also kind of semi-dead and Batman defeated them with the power of science and hypotermia, so Freeze might ruin them perhaps.

To defeat Batman, you need someone with even more powerful plotshield superpowers. Squirrel Girl.

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geo said:

What about Clayface?

A wild guess would be that Mr Freeze could freeze him, and then depending on whether or not this just encases Cay or turns him into ice (Like how fiction uses Liquid Nitrogen), maybe he can just be shattered, Now, if the pieces thaw, will they ooze back into clay face? Who the hell knows. Sometimes these guys with power get a bit, uh, over powered.

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Id say Bane or DeathStroke.
Bane because he is intelligent and strong even he dosen't have the strength amplifier.
And DeathStroke aka Slade because he is a master of weapons and he defeated the Justice League.

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