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Kommando_Benny's Art Thread

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First of all, hello fellow doomers!

I usually put up a thread in the "Art" sub-forum in the various dens of the internet I dwell in. So I guess this one would be no exception.

I do lots of doodling on paper for fun (not on the pen tablet), though I almost never find the patience to scan it. In the last years I've gained quite some experience with PS through tutorials and just messing around with its tools. With hopes of engaging in game concept art in the future, I keep trying to improve.

Plus, I'm in the process of making a tribute to one of my all-time favorite games (take a guess at which one it is) and your opinion or suggestion would be appreciated.

You guys can check out some of my endeavors here: http://blitzfenix.deviantart.com/

Anyways, back to Doom!

Please note that this is nearly two years old. With the knowledge I've gained in the mean-time, I intend on redoing and finishing this.

So what do you guys think?

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