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Pure Hellspawn

Son of Assistant Director Of The Hunger Games Kills 7 Cause He Can't Get Girls

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Even Larry Laffer, who's a 40 year old virgin who even got kicked out of his mom's house try's to get the ladies, not kill them.

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He might have had a mental illness, although i do not believe half of those illness claims anymore. Almost every human on the planet could be driven to doing this or freaking out up to suicide... it is a sad world... Truth even is 'wanting' sex is still a primitive sub-contious ordeal for most people. I do not see shame nor blame, or even a reason to laugh with somebody whom has not had sex.

Things like this though are way overkill, Things like that seem to be uprising and happening more and more everywhere which makes me believe that the giant amount of people everywhere is making us lose track of whom is in need of help before it go's wrong.

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Sokoro said:

Why not some video or pictures of the slaughter?

you have got to be fucking kidding me. someone ban this piece of shit right now.

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reality 2.0 said:

I'm a firm believer in the 2nd amendment, but goddammit, little shits like this kid makes everything more difficult for everyone. This is just gonna divide this country even further than it already is. But I'm not gonna let this ruin my mood, I'll just wait for Michael Moore to post some extremely opinionated stuff that he thinks is journalism.

I live in Chicago. The south side of Chicago has constant multiple shootings and gun murders every day if not several every day. The state finally decided to authorize conceal & carry hoping if people have a chance to shoot back they will.

It has not stopped the mass violence for the most part, BUT there was a 22 year old woman that opened fire at a bingo hall senior center. A man returned fire saving them all. Apparently there are so many senior center shootings that I can't find the one I'm talking about.

Then there was this pro gun rally in TX at Chipotle: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/23/open-carry-texas-chipotle_n_5380338.html

Some might argue that the real criminal here is mental illness. Others might argue its guns.

People have gone on stabbing rampages, but everyone fails to die. If only knives were better at killing multiple people. Here's a stabbing rampage that happened recently: http://www.bigislandvideonews.com/2014/05/23/arrest-made-downtown-hilo-stabbing-rampage/
And another: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/04/12/school-where-21-students-were-hurt-in-stabbing-rampage-to-reopen-wednesday-4/

There are so many stories to prove any side of an argument.

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Doomkid said:

This dude needed counseling.

My gf is a mental health councilor for troubled youths. There's really no stopping people from doing what they want to outside of a hospital setting.

Even diagnosed and treated, people go off their meds. She's had people that later go on to become mass murderers as adults. They go off their meds or drink with meds or they act on a whim and it fucks up everything.

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You know, I'd actually love to have a discussion about being single/getting girls or whatever, but let's face it, that wasn't the issue here, the issue is this kid had a seriously diseased brain. I'm sure if it weren't striking out with the ladies, there are ten other things that could've ended up setting him off and causing him to go on a killing spree. That's just not remotely rational behavior. What I mean is, we all have problems in life - if "shooting spree" even remotely pops up in your head as a solution to any of those problems, there has to be some problems with the wiring upstairs. This notion that there are normal, healthy people out there who decide to just go off because they had a bad day is, to my thinking, absurd. Yeah, we all get frustrated and angry, but I seriously doubt most of us even consider the possibility of physical violence as an answer, not unless it were a serious life or death type situation. If it were normal to have moments of thinking, "Yeah I'd like to kill people," and it was just a case that most of us can suppress those thoughts and feelings, sure, I'd be willing to accept that maybe he's just evil and not mentally ill, but most people don't even have that occur as a passing thought.

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Sokoro said:

Why not some video or pictures of the slaughter?

I think -[ link removed by mod ]- may satisfy your torture-porn needs Sokoro ;)

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geekmarine said:

This notion that there are normal, healthy people out there who decide to just go off because they had a bad day is, to my thinking, absurd. Yeah, we all get frustrated and angry, but I seriously doubt most of us even consider the possibility of physical violence as an answer, not unless it were a serious life or death type situation

Fighting, Punching, Flooring, Pulling, Pushing, all are part of physical violence and happen daily and non stop by the most standard of humans out there. what is seen as normal in that case is depends on the cultural upbringing surrounding that. I listened to stories of many people way over their 60's and men in their 40's and nobody i know or not even me has ever FOUGHT and used physical violence as much as they had to solve problems in the 60's, 70's, and 80's.

There are grades of violence and killing 20+ people like that is seriously disturbing, but i do not agree with the notation that everybody whom uses violence is metally ill by means of a broken brain from birth or damage.

geekmarine said:
If it were normal to have moments of thinking, "Yeah I'd like to kill people," and it was just a case that most of us can suppress those thoughts and feelings, sure, I'd be willing to accept that maybe he's just evil and not mentally ill, but most people don't even have that occur as a passing thought. [/B]

Evil is easy, it is saying 'there is no reason' he is like that... I would like to bring in the act of WAR, and invading other countries.
You enter it, kill because you wanted to kill, leave a broken country. All those soldiers are mentally ill ? are they evil ? no they do what they where told conform to their military culture and upbringing.

It bothers me to see people use these easy excuses like 'Evil' and 'Ill' to quikly generalize it all and ignore the whole picture. such dramatic and sickening events never 'just' happen.

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geekmarine said:

If it were normal to have moments of thinking, "Yeah I'd like to kill people," and it was just a case that most of us can suppress those thoughts and feelings, sure, I'd be willing to accept that maybe he's just evil and not mentally ill, but most people don't even have that occur as a passing thought.

Perhaps not the mass murder thoughts, but most people do have an occasional random thought of violence, which are called intrusive thoughts, pass through their minds like when they are standing next to someone on a ledge and the thought passes through their mind to push that person off the ledge. Another thought which is one that I have had a lot before is when you have pencil in your hand and you have the random thought of stabbing someone with the pencil pass through your mind. Random violent thoughts are more common than you would think. You probably have had some too.

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Quasar said:

Other species are not that different. Rival male chimps tear off each others' faces and genitalia in blind hormone-driven rage. We have just made ourselves a lot more dangerous through technology. We also tend to operate under the rather foolish assumption that we are all always capable of being rational actors who operate under the rules of logic and not subject to the whims of neurochemistry or obsolete primal instincts.

Indeed, violence is natural but so is racism/stereotyping. These natural instincts may have helped humanity in its youth but at this current stage in time they are no longer required to stay alive (well for the most part anyway) and would be better off abandoned...

But who am I kidding it is nature, we all go a little crazy sometimes but you have to control it. Where was the help for this guy? If he had a little help this entire travesty could have been averted.

Actually, never mind its not like I know what I'm talking about.

Sokoro said:

Why not some video or pictures of the slaughter?

And this is probably why you have that title.

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FireFish, you know damn well and good the difference between reacting in self defense vs. initiating violence unprovoked. If someone comes at you and you fight back, that's clearly not the same as assaulting someone 'cause you didn't like the tone of their voice, and you can't simply equivocate the two and claim that somehow invalidates my argument. Obviously I wasn't talking about reacting in self-defense, but rather the initiation of violence in the first place. Even in war the same applies - generally speaking, the idea of war is to defend our own nation, not simply invade others for our own personal ends. You telling me if we decided to randomly start bombing another country simply because we wanted to claim its land you'd say, "Well it's war, so it's okay what we do to them?" Even in the bloody context of war, there is a difference between a justified response to a threat and an assault fueled strictly by greed and personal desire. Even in that context, you're still going to say that some actions are a reasonable course of action and some are just monstrous and unthinkable.

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I just saw his video,

Not only is he mentally ill, he's a sign of evil. he claims it's a crime to reject him, and live a regular life? It's ironic, god i'm so fucking angry! BITCH FUCK ASSHOLE GOD DAMNED FUCKING TWAT CRUNCHER!!!!

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FireFish said:

Fighting, Punching, Flooring, Pulling, Pushing, all are part of physical violence and happen daily and non stop by the most standard of humans out there. what is seen as normal in that case is depends on the cultural upbringing surrounding that. I listened to stories of many people way over their 60's and men in their 40's and nobody i know or not even me has ever FOUGHT and used physical violence as much as they had to solve problems in the 60's, 70's, and 80's.

There are grades of violence and killing 20+ people like that is seriously disturbing, but i do not agree with the notation that everybody whom uses violence is metally ill by means of a broken brain from birth or damage.

Dude, its not just 'seriously disturbing' to kill 20+ people for no other reason that you can't get blown on a regular basis, its massively and inconceivably fucked up. I also don't get your argument that in past decades people were any less or more violent. Humans are just generally assholes as creatures, that hasn't changed much in hundreds of thousands of years. Moreso, yeah...I hate to burst your bubble but overt violent behavior is a big suggestion of underlying mental illnesses...sorry.

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A whinny murderous smug self-centered narcissistic pile with the most obnoxious fake-sounding laugh it makes you wonder why all the women around him didn't just gnaw his face off when he was asleep.

Boy, think of all the Halocaust survivors that are wonderful human beings after having been through the closest thing to Hell on Earth that the world will hopefully ever see, and yet this poony little shartmeister decides that just because some people don't fucking like him that he can kill everyone who just fucking exists within the world around him. How does this even become? From cradle to this --what the fuck do you have to do to do this? To make this exist from your womb and sperm and soul and... what the fuck man.

'Ooh my days in college were without me sticking me peen in a lass!'

At least you even got to go through college you little shit. Enjoy eric harriss' company down wherever you are. Be it the ground or Inferno.

Also, a mouse?!! What would that even MEAN?!!

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StevieCybernetik said:

Dude, its not just 'seriously disturbing' to kill 20+ people for no other reason that you can't get blown on a regular basis, its massively and inconceivably fucked up. I also don't get your argument that in past decades people were any less or more violent. Humans are just generally assholes as creatures, that hasn't changed much in hundreds of thousands of years. Moreso, yeah...I hate to burst your bubble but overt violent behavior is a big suggestion of underlying mental illnesses...sorry.

I guess you fail to understand what disturbing means in the context of what i wrote. But on the other hand i think the effort to clarify that could be wasted... Disturbed.

my argument about the 60's and upwards was not for the murders but about general fighting which is also violence, and a normal form of self defense or protection which should not be seen as 'evil'. It even has many sport forms, the base for almost every movie ever made. You pulled it out of context.

Evil does not exist in those terms and conditions, People do what they do because life and genetics made them that way, not some magic power called EVIL. I will burst your bubble and state that worldwide thousands of children die in war, fights, disease, and you will not make a video about that because it was not close enough to your home.
So next time try not to act 'smart' by making a covert attack post.

If he was mentally ill he should have gotten help before he did this.
But what i read and see are people acting as if the mentally ill or even handicapped people with a broken brain need to be exterminated as EVIL...

Which makes it hard for me to show sympathy in such threads even if I mean no disrespect.

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From his dramatic monologue I can deduce that this guy is basically a real-life Bond villain.

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Wangsty about sex? Porn and pillows are a fine substitute for the real thing while waiting imo. Bit messy, however.

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If he'd been black or brown instead of white, nobody would be calling him "mentally ill". They'd be calling him a "terrorist".

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fraggle said:

If he'd been black or brown instead of white, nobody would be calling him "mentally ill". They'd be calling him a "terrorist".

he actually was part malaysian if i'm not mistaken.

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I can't even feel anger at this. All I can feel is guilt, because I used to be like this guy back in high school (without the murderous tendencies; that is, unless you want to count suicidal tendencies as murderous).

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geekmarine said:

[...] if "shooting spree" even remotely pops up in your head as a solution to any of those problems, there has to be some problems with the wiring upstairs.

I do agree with this sentiment, but I feel that through conditioning, even faulty wiring can be overcome, in many cases. It's really a hard line to draw as people are so vastly different, yet so incredibly similar. If this guy had gotten help, it may have led him in a different direction. It would certainly have been worth a shot, at least. I guess the people around him didn't realize how messed up he actually was, but as much as it hurts me to say this, these things will always happen. If humans were kinder, more empathetic creatures, the world would be a better place - I wish it were that simple..

mrthejoshmon said:

Indeed, violence is natural but so is racism/stereotyping. These natural instincts may have helped humanity in its youth but at this current stage in time they are no longer required to stay alive (well for the most part anyway) and would be better off abandoned...

But who am I kidding it is nature, we all go a little crazy sometimes but you have to control it.

All of my this.

Jaxxoon R said:

'Ooh my days in college were without me sticking me peen in a lass!'

At least you even got to go through college you little shit.

People who are well off never seem to realize just how lucky they are. I'd love to have finished college, but obviously this guy was the type to dwell on what he doesn't have rather than what a lucky sonovvabitch he was. I think it does the mind wonders to remind ourselves how lucky we are to have a bed to sleep on and hot food to eat. I'm not kidding when I say that thought gets me through hard times.

FireFish said:

If he was mentally ill he should have gotten help before he did this.

The problem here is that mentally ill people almost never realize they're mentally ill. Generally the parents should have already made that judgement call by the time their child is 20 - If they're worth a damn, that is.. Society in general, all around the world, should be putting more of an emphasis on love and caring, rather than being 16 and pregnantâ„¢. I'm debating whether or not to have a child because I'm worried about the state of his/her potential peers in the near future.. I'm not religious or anything, but what many can agree are "wholesome values" are being thrown down the tube at an alarming rate since bullshit media like Kim Kardashian's ass size and the youngest parent on record make dat moneh. People who can make some cash never seem to care for the future of the species so long as they have their way with their short time on this rock.

It warms my heart when I hear about celebrities/rich people breaking this vicious cycle. The world needs more of 'em I tells ya.

fraggle said:

If he'd been black or brown instead of white, nobody would be calling him "mentally ill". They'd be calling him a "terrorist".

I really hate how 'terrorist' has become such a buzz word over the last 15 years. These blanket labels don't do anyone good unless they have an agenda.. But yeah, considering how much people love to cling to labels like this, I'm sure you're right.

minigunner said:

I can't even feel anger at this. All I can feel is guilt, because I used to be like this guy back in high school (without the murderous tendencies; that is, unless you want to count suicidal tendencies as murderous).

Your feelings are (were) your feelings - You're here now, you've learned from it, which makes you all around a million times better than this guy. I've been on the suicidal end of the spectrum as well a few years back - You overcame it. Feel proud, not guilty :)

Clonehunter said:

Wangsty about sex? Porn and pillows are a fine substitute for the real thing while waiting imo. Bit messy, however.

Clonehunter wins the thread, GG, regroup next week.

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Doomkid said:

The problem here is that mentally ill people almost never realize they're mentally ill. Generally the parents should have already made that judgement call by the time their child is 20 - If they're worth a damn, that is.. Society in general, all around the world, should be putting more of an emphasis on love and caring, rather than being 16 and pregnantâ„¢. I'm debating whether or not to have a child because I'm worried about the state of his/her potential peers in the near future.. I'm not religious or anything, but what many can agree are "wholesome values" are being thrown down the tube at an alarming rate since bullshit media like Kim Kardashian's ass size and the youngest parent on record make dat moneh. People who can make some cash never seem to care for the future of the species so long as they have their way with their short time on this rock.

It warms my heart when I hear about celebrities/rich people breaking this vicious cycle. The world needs more of 'em I tells ya.

This, and again This !
It amazes me that nobody ever noticed anything or pulled any alarm bells on him. be it close relatives or school teacher, or friends or the 'palls'. I am almost at a point of thinking that every person around him was a 'reject him' type because they noticed problems.

I have been trough very dark periods in my life, literally pitch black
and got trough it because i had people around me, and the realization of what i was thinking.

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Ralphis said:

I should thank God more often for blessing me with a big set of nuts

Why? Balls are soft and sensitive.

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Ralphis said:

I should thank God more often for blessing me with a big set of nuts

We all know you have enormous nuts, Ralphis. You don't have to brag :C

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I saw the video with my gf yesterday. The dude is like a Batman villain. I think he's intentionally trying to sound as serial killer as possible.

Wow that guy had giant lips.

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