Pure Hellspawn Posted May 24, 2014 what a sick bastard. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/3-dead-7-wounded-drive-by-shooting-uc-santa-barbara-article-1.1804163 0 Share this post Link to post
Clonehunter Posted May 24, 2014 At least he apparently committed suicide like all respectable alpha males and self-proclaimed gods. 0 Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted May 24, 2014 Clonehunter said:At least he apparently committed suicide like all respectable alpha males and self-proclaimed gods. i thought he was shot dead by the police. 0 Share this post Link to post
geo Posted May 24, 2014 Is it that university shooting that happened last night? the one in the BMW SUV? 0 Share this post Link to post
Clonehunter Posted May 24, 2014 Pure Hellspawn said:i thought he was shot dead by the police. According to your article it sounds like no one actually knows at this point. 0 Share this post Link to post
geo Posted May 24, 2014 Pure Hellspawn said:i thought he was shot dead by the police. Yeah the news only says he's shot in the head. 0 Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted May 24, 2014 There's nothing about this case that isn't completely explained in the DSM with regard to persons with a mix of borderline and/or avoidant personality traits who are repeatedly subjected to frustration of goals and/or social ridicule. When this happens, the irrational tendency to dwell on and amplify past emotions spirals out of control and leads to extremely irrational thought patterns and violent retaliatory fantasies. The fact is we are embedded in a society that glorifies revenge violence, and creates a grotesquely exaggerated air of machismo around sexuality which makes people with challenges in interpersonal relationships feel like they are completely worthless. What other reaction can be logically expected, barring such people receiving the help they need, or at the least being placed into some kind of supportive environment? 0 Share this post Link to post
geo Posted May 24, 2014 While digging through the comments, I think this sums it up: rockaway01 47 minutes ago After reviewing the video, I laughed so hard that I couldn't breath. This was one sick loon, he hated girls because they gave their sex to the jocks and other popular guys, while ignoring him. He hated the guys that he felt were better than him and more handsome than he was. He was angry because he was a 22 year old virgin? ... Yes this was one of the most funniest videos I've seen in a while and its just to bad he didn't kill himself first.. 0 Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted May 24, 2014 geo said:While digging through the comments, I think this sums it up: rockaway01 47 minutes ago After reviewing the video, I laughed so hard that I couldn't breath. This was one sick loon, he hated girls because they gave their sex to the jocks and other popular guys, while ignoring him. He hated the guys that he felt were better than him and more handsome than he was. He was angry because he was a 22 year old virgin? ... Yes this was one of the most funniest videos I've seen in a while and its just to bad he didn't kill himself first.. Yep mental illness is completely hilarious. Everybody who suffers it should blow their own head off. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooM_RO Posted May 24, 2014 The Dreaded "S" Word 2: Hell on Earth I am a lonely loser too, who is frequently made fun of due to my lack of skills with women and depressed because of it but I would sooner kill myself than end up like him, which I really hope I won't. 0 Share this post Link to post
geo Posted May 24, 2014 Quasar said:Yep mental illness is completely hilarious. Everybody who suffers it should blow their own head off. I thought that the Godzilla movie was completely hilarious unintentional comedy. When it comes to killing 7 people and then killing yourself, I would chose just killing yourself, since apparently getting help is not an option. 0 Share this post Link to post
geo Posted May 24, 2014 DooM_RO said:The Dreaded "S" Word 2: Hell on Earth I am a lonely loser too, who is frequently made fun of due to my lack of skills with women and depressed because of it but I would sooner kill myself than end up like him, which I really hope I won't. *hugs* There are other ways than killing yourself and or killing others. Talk to someone. Punch a punching bag. Go for a jog. Pick up a guitar. There's always a way out :-) 0 Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted May 24, 2014 update: he was on a forum called puahate. it's a scary place. full of misogynistic creeps there. this is/was his facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elliot.rodger.3 0 Share this post Link to post
mrthejoshmon Posted May 24, 2014 Goes to show that the thing we should fear the most does not hide in shadows, wait on distant planets or even lurk underground. The thing we should fear is ourselves for we are the most evil thing on this earth. 0 Share this post Link to post
Quasar Posted May 24, 2014 mrthejoshmon said:Goes to show that the thing we should fear the most does not hide in shadows, wait on distant planets or even lurk underground. The thing we should fear is ourselves for we are the most evil thing on this earth. Other species are not that different. Rival male chimps tear off each others' faces and genitalia in blind hormone-driven rage. We have just made ourselves a lot more dangerous through technology. We also tend to operate under the rather foolish assumption that we are all always capable of being rational actors who operate under the rules of logic and not subject to the whims of neurochemistry or obsolete primal instincts. 0 Share this post Link to post
doom_is_great Posted May 24, 2014 I'm a 23 year old virgin. Never had a long term girl friend. Sometimes I get depressed about it. However, each time I get down and depressed about it, I remind myself that I am a person of much value and there are countless fish out there, therefore, there is bound to be someone out there for me. When someone rejects you, the best revenge is moving on and being successful and being the best you can be. Acting out like this faggot did does nothing except destroys your own life, the lives of others, and your name ends up living forever in infamy. 0 Share this post Link to post
Phml Posted May 24, 2014 update: he was on a forum called puahate. So there is a level below PUA. Wow. 0 Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted May 24, 2014 doom_is_great said:I'm a 23 year old virgin. Never had a long term girl friend. Sometimes I get depressed about it. However, each time I get down and depressed about it, I remind myself that I am a person of much value and there are countless fish out there, therefore, there is bound to be someone out there for me. When someone rejects you, the best revenge is moving on and being successful and being the best you can be. Acting out like this faggot did does nothing except destroys your own life, the lives of others, and your name ends up living forever in infamy. seems like you are waiting for the right one and won't get laid by anyone which is called voluntary celibacy. or you could be asexual, which appears in 1% of the population. these guys are in their own world. a world of severe illness. to those who are single (including myself): yes, do go on dates. no, don't settle for anyone. even if it means you have to wait a while. it will be worth it. addition: the folks on puahate call him a hero. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooM_RO Posted May 24, 2014 geo said:*hugs* There are other ways than killing yourself and or killing others. Talk to someone. Punch a punching bag. Go for a jog. Pick up a guitar. There's always a way out :-) I tried playing the guitar for three years. I was pretty bad at it I think and then I finally quit. I would never hurt anyone, the very thought of killing someone is abhorrent to me. Thankfully, I am making progress on my first Doom map. I am not always happy with it but my intent is to make it using only vanilla Doom resources/textures and no Zdoom stuff (save for removing some annoying limits) and to make it the best newbie map possible, at least visually. 0 Share this post Link to post
TwinBeast Posted May 24, 2014 You need to kill at least 100 people with your bare hands to get girls. 0 Share this post Link to post
Reisal Posted May 24, 2014 What an entitled prick who took it out on others because he couldn't get any. Fuck this guy because he might just have roused the media into scapegoating video games yet again. 0 Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted May 24, 2014 Mr. Chris said:What an entitled prick who took it out on others because he couldn't get any. Fuck this guy because he might just have roused the media into scapegoating video games yet again. what in the world does puahate and not getting girls have anything to do with video games???? if anything it's gonna be gun control, and guys who are misogynists. 0 Share this post Link to post
Inkie Posted May 24, 2014 There may be many fish in the sea, but I'm in a boat with no fuel and no bait. Oh well. 0 Share this post Link to post
geo Posted May 24, 2014 Inkie said:There may be many fish in the sea, but I'm in a boat with no fuel and no bait. Oh well. Bears don't need boats or bait. Some people fish with their nets, spears or their hands. Anyway, whatever bait you may or may not have, there are all sorts of people out there attracted to all things. If you feel one thing is unachievable, set another more obtainable goal and go for that. Just because love isn't happening now, doesn't mean it won't happen later. Pour your focus into something else that makes you feel good. Hobbies, work, activities, anything to get your spirits up. :-) People often find things once they stop looking for them. 0 Share this post Link to post
Pure Hellspawn Posted May 24, 2014 geo said:Bears don't need boats or bait. Some people fish with their nets, spears or their hands. Anyway, whatever bait you may or may not have, there are all sorts of people out there attracted to all things. If you feel one thing is unachievable, set another more obtainable goal and go for that. Just because love isn't happening now, doesn't mean it won't happen later. Pour your focus into something else that makes you feel good. Hobbies, work, activities, anything to get your spirits up. :-) People often find things once they stop looking for them. which is why puahate people will never succeed. they are always looking. on another note, i am not looking for a way to become a multi-millionaire. 0 Share this post Link to post
geo Posted May 24, 2014 Pure Hellspawn said:on another note, i am not looking for a way to become a multi-millionaire. Either was I... either was I. 0 Share this post Link to post
reality 2.0 Posted May 24, 2014 I'm a firm believer in the 2nd amendment, but goddammit, little shits like this kid makes everything more difficult for everyone. This is just gonna divide this country even further than it already is. But I'm not gonna let this ruin my mood, I'll just wait for Michael Moore to post some extremely opinionated stuff that he thinks is journalism. 0 Share this post Link to post
Doomkid Posted May 24, 2014 This dude needed counseling. That said, he was a selfish piece of shit, and I'm sure that added to why he was a 22 year old virgin. That's not even old, for fucks sake. Getting laid when you're 14 isn't something to brag about. I was in an unhappy relationship for years that turned me quite self destructive because of that dumbass nonsense, I was fucking before I knew my ass from a hole in the ground, as it were. It seems to be all the rage these days, though. I fell into that trap because I was a stupid kid, I'm just lucky I didn't end up with an STD. It wasn't long before "going out and getting laid" wasn't even my goal anymore because it became boring, there's no passion if both you and the woman you meet only want sex. It's fun for a while, but people need substance or they lose interest fast, and "empty sex" doesn't take long to get stale. Trust me, guys, you want a woman who doubles as a best friend. Looking back, some girls would be kinda turned away because I wasn't trying to fuck them instantly, and was looking for a friendship. If you're looking to get laid and nothing more, act like you don't care that much. If you're looking for a friend, a potential lover, you can't be afraid to show your colors - that's the only way it will work long term, and you will be happier with your life this way (at least, I am.) Preferably don't bring up your DOOM addiction until they know you well enough to look past it. ;) The best way to "get girls" is to just be yourself, cheesy as it sounds. Don't act nervous, and go out places where there are, well, girls. It doesn't have to be some stupid ass night club, it can be a chess club for pete's sake. I tell you true, it's this simple: There are chicks out there who will dig you, no matter what your body type, how big your nose, how dumb your eyes, I promise that. You just have to be confident in yourself - I understand how hard that can be, but the fact of the matter is, telling yourself "I'm worth being here, I'm worth a relationship, I'm worth happiness and I can be confident" is the way to find a woman that makes you happy. Just remember not to get an inflated ego when things work out. Sorry to go all Dr. Phuckhead on you guys, but I see so many kind people squishing their own opportunities for love by moving too fast, too slow, or not at all. So many great people who feel alone on the inside, and with some simple help from friends, peers, or some random dude on Doomworld, that can be avoided. I don't mean to sound like your mother, but that shit is tragic as far as I'm concerned. In extreme cases, it leads to atrocities like this one. Then again killing 100 people with your bare hands is a good alternative. 0 Share this post Link to post