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Strategy in judas23_.wad?

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Charge when you have the BFG. Charge when you have the SSG and the opponent does not. Charge when you're within reach and the opponent is reloading the SSG. Generally, don't charge in other situations, snipe and move between shots.

It is not a bad idea to camp the upper side for control and easier defence, but the generally accepted tactic is to jump down to the central pit immediatelly after fragging an opponent. From there you control most of the spawns for spawnfragging (especially the BFG and the SG alcove spawns are almost ensured kills) or at least controlling your opponent's options. That's the basic tactic from which you're supposed to come up with inventive variations.

Try watching some high profile judas matches from these sites (Zdaemon demos):

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You can also find some Doom2.exe demos on this map by top-class players at this page (scroll to near the bottom of the page to find judas23_ demos).

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Are these over 10 years old demos still considered good or do people play very differently nowadays and see these demos as naive? I don't know much about dm.

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Memfis said:

Are these over 10 years old demos still considered good or do people play very differently nowadays and see these demos as naive? I don't know much about dm.

Judging by the many, many docs I've read that come included with old DM stuff, by the end of dwango (1998) Deathmatching and dueling was fairly set in stone, but of course players have still improved a bit over time. Things also changed a bit when the "new wave" happened for Doom in the early 2000's with the dawn of things like Zdaemon, Skulltag, Doom Connector and Doom Legacy.

Have you watched the fairly recent tournament? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jQbkE09nIc about 17 mins in, they're playing judas. Excellent players who know the turf, watching them might help you out too.

As an avid DM lover (but mediocre DM player, lol) I can safely say it's one of the most balanced 1v1 maps, and very strategic. However, there are other maps out there that can be insanely competitive too, that require the player to use a different strategy than the norm (maps where SSG charging doesn't = auto win, for example) and I don't get why these maps are never used in tournaments. It's always Entryway, D5M1, SSL, and Judas.

The cynic in me says people are afraid of maps that are light on the SSG, since they actually require you to think on your feet and approach things a bit differently. We can't have that, now can we?!

Anyways, let me know how things go, I'd love to have a round some time, I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun. What port do you use for multiplayer Doomin'?

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