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Heretic Monsters that don't produce blood

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There are certain Heretic monsters that do not produce any blood when you are using ZDoom or any ZDoom-based bloodmod (BrutalHexen or Nashgore Blood) - First I thought that this was controlled via the +NOBLOOD tag, but than I looked into the script in gzdoom.pk3 and realised that just some of them had the +NOBLOOD tag (like the Sabreclaw) while others do not have it, and still produce no blood (like the Knight). So what's the actual background to this behaviour?

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Knights produce blood for me in Heretic in ZDoom 2.7.1 and GZDoom devbuilds, without any mods. Are you sure it's not just the blood mods changing the behaviour?

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BloodType "none" or BloodType "" can do the same job as +NOBLOOD, although this is probably not your case.

And yes, knights bleed. Even in vanilla Heretic, which I've just tried.

Your problem might be that, in fact, no monsters bleed when hit by a projectile attack. Only hitscan. That's how it works in Doom engine games. :)

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Thanks a lot! The reason behind this behavoiur was indeed a setting of those blood patches which indeed set the +NOBLOOD flag for the Knight, even though he does not have it normally. Strange thing...

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