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Keyboard controls

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wondering how ppl set their keyboard controls. i dunno how anyone can use the default controls. usually use mouse and kb but when im on my laptop and i just wanna lay in bed i use keyboard.

when i play keyboard i use wasd like modern shooters. use left and right arrow keys for turning and up arrow for shoot. then e for use.

how do you set it up when you use keyboard?

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This kind of thing has been done before I think but... eh XD
My setup is a little odd...but it works for me!

Arrow keys = Forward/Back/Strafe left & Right
0 Ins = Use
Ctrl = Crouch
Left Mouse = Fire
Right Mouse = Jump
Thumb Mouse (button on left side) = Alt Fire
Right side of Mouse = Taunt (or other things if I'm not in Zandro)
[ ] = Cycle Items
Enter = Use Items

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Honestly I can't be bothered to play with just a keyboard. Even with a mouse I'm just an average player, but without it I'm so bad that I usually rage quit after 2 or 3 minutes.

Having said that, you might find this thread useful:


EDIT: Oops, I forgot to actually answer the question:

Mouse - Look around
WASD - forward-backward/strafing
E - run
Q - jump (when required)
Z - crouch (the same)
Space - Use
Mouse 1 - Fire

Now, in those rare cases when I don't use mouse:
Right Control - Fire
Arrows - Look around

Yes, I know my bindings are weird, but there you have.

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This is my ZDoom layout. Most of it is default. :/

Up = Move Forward
Down = Move Backward
Left = Turn Left
Right = Turn Right
Shift = Run Mode
Alt = Strafe Mode
Ctrl = Fire
Space = Activate
Tab = Automap
W = Jump
S = Crouch
A = Look/Swim Up
D = Look/Swim Down

Did I mention that I only use keyboard?

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Obsidian said:

Tab = Automap

I might be wrong, but I think this can't be changed?


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Obsidian said:

This is my ZDoom layout. Most of it is default. :/

Wow, I'm kind of surprised to see this. Didn't think many people still used a strafe toggle.

Zed: Automap key can be remapped in ZDoom, and most other ports as well. Heck, you can even change it in Chocolate Doom.

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For Vanilla Doom:

W -- Advance
S -- Retreat
A -- Strafe Left
D -- Strafe Right
END (Num1) -- Turn Left
PGDN (Num3) -- Turn Right
Down (Num2) -- Attack
Space -- Use
Tab -- Automap
LCntrl -- Run

I typically use a mouse, but I find it handy to be able to roll with a keyboard layout if need be. When I played vanilla Boom over DosBox with BaronOfStuff and Mike Reinor, the lag was so intense that I had to use a keyboard only layout just so I could aim straight -- a mouse was too imprecise.

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I'm a 100% keyboarder (Chocolate Doom player).
Default, unmodified controls.
Yes, I don't strafe with arrows! ;)

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RadTang said:

I'm a 100% keyboarder (Chocolate Doom player).
Default, unmodified controls.
Yes, I don't strafe with arrows! ;)

Brother! :D

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When I play, My key bindings are as set:

a = Turn Left
s = backpedal
d = Turn Right
w = Forward
z = Summon ProgLevelEnder
c =Crouch Toggle
g = Give infrared
h = Give Radsuit
q = Clear
e = God
r = resurrect
t = Chat
f = fly
y and . = Random Bind
o = Kill Monsters
k = MDK
l = Give Ragerune
' = Give Strengthrune
v = Linetarget
b= Fly/Swim Up
n = Fly/Swim Down
\ = Stop Flying
[ = Next Item
] = Previous Item
Space = Jump
Shift = Use\Open
Enter = Activate Item
/ = Give Rune
, = Noclip
Backspace = Summon SpectralLightningSpot
F6 = Save *Insert save name here*
F9 = Load *Insert load name here*
Del = Toggle sv_Infiniteammo
End = Kill (No pun intended)
PGUP = sv_fastweapons 2
PGDN = sv_fastweapons x
Home = Give Health 9899
Ins = Freeze
Uparrow = Give Drainrune
Downarrow = Give Spreadrune
Leftarrow = Turbo 100
Rightarrow = Turbo 255
KP. = am_cheat 2
KP1 = Notarget
KP7 = Give Sappymeal (Custom health item)
KP/ = Drop item
KP* = Quarry Item
KP- = Drop Weapon
KP9 = Toggle gl_enhanced_nightvision
KP3 = Toggle snd_pitched

Yeah, quite a bit huh?

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I primarily use Zandronum as a source port. My long-term preferred keyboard config:

Arrows - move
Alt+left/right - strafe
Ctrl - shoot
Space - use
Tab - automap
Shift - run/walk
Numbers 1-7 - weapons
+/- - HUD size / automap size

X - jump
B - crouch
W/S - look up/down
C - center view
I/K - fly or swim up/down
V - fly or swim down (for easier use of X/V for flying)
O/P - switch inventory items
Enter - use inventory item
T/U - chat / team chat
M - force mouselook (while holding)

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I would really love to see some demos of you guys with the crazy/old-school keyboard-only configs playing. No judging, just curious how you manage in wads meant for a more modern control scheme. Especially Omegalore who appears to not use strafing at all?!

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Arrows - movement
rshift - pistola
del - chaingun
end - shotgun
pdgn - rl
kp_end - bfg
kp_ins - plasma
ctrl - strafe left (sl40, combined with left arrow -> sl50)
mouse1 - fire
mouse2 - use
mouse3 - strafe on

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I set my controls to the default keyboard controls (for purity reasons), though I normally play with a gamepad. If I'm editing on my craptop and forget to bring my controller then I play with the standard keyboard controls. I could beat Doom 2 Hell on Earth with it but that's about it.

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E  - strafeleft
R - strafe right

W - move left, strafe on
A or F - use (sp)
space - move back, use (dm)

Mouse handles move forward and shoot as well as turning and glide moves.

If a Doom port doesn't support this, it's inherently broken and not usable for serious play.

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My controls are very wonky but they work for me...


Arrows - Move

Ctrl - Run

Shift - Jump

/ - Crouch

Space - Use

Left Mouse - Fire

Right Mouse - Use Item

Mouse Scroll Up - Previous Item

Mouse Scroll Down - Next Item

Mouse Scroll Click - Change Weapon


Occasionally I would use the right mouse button in some Doom wads as the use key.

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I use WSAD for movement and mouse to look around. Space is set to sprint. Shift is jump and ctrl is crouch. Mouse wheel up and down switches weapons. Right mouse opens doors and left mouse shoots. If I am using a mod with alternate fire modes then I set it to right mouse and use middle mouse to open doors and pull switches. 

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On 8/25/2014 at 8:13 AM, plums said:

I would really love to see some demos of you guys with the crazy/old-school keyboard-only configs playing. No judging, just curious how you manage in wads meant for a more modern control scheme. Especially Omegalore who appears to not use strafing at all?!

I'm guilty of keyboard only too, but I'm trying to learn mouse! Basically, instead of strafe, I can backup and turn to avoid a lot of fireballs. But, it's not a perfect thing, and nowhere near the precision of strafe and mouse.


Why, you ask, have I never learned mouse? The answer is even more outlandish:

For years, I played Doom with analog joysticks with 2 buttons. Button 1 = Fire. Button 2 = Strafe and open doors. Now, these weren't those PlayStation thumb button thingies, these were real joysticks. They were the closest thing I could get to the Atari 2600 (can I get a "Hell Yeah" from anyone?) joysticks. Us oldtimers who were raised on Space Invaders, Ms. Pac-man, and Galaga begged Mom and Dad for the Atari 2600, which came with the 2, single-button tough-as-nails joysticks. So, naturally, when I bought my first PC, I asked "Where's the joystick, and where do I plug it in?". The old sound cards had joystick ports. Nowadays, you can pick up USB joysticks, but it's difficult to find one that just feels right.


For Doom, a proper 2-button joystick still can't match the precision of a mouse, but it's a step above keyboard, for me, cause you can strafe with a button. Turning is fixed-speed for a digital (micro switch-type), but if you have an analog joystick, the turn speed can be somewhat controllable. But my experience has been that the analog joystick pots get dirty and therefore noisy, which can leave Doomguy twitching left and right. Still, it's pretty manageable.


After spending years playing Doom on joystick, it's difficult to re-train my hands to use the mouse.

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Anybody use a mouse with their left hand? I use the mouse with my left hand to play computer games, but with my right hand for all other uses. I believe I'm inherently left-handed, and I play drums with a left-handed drum arrangement, and sight with my left eye for rifle shooting practice. I initially used a mouse right-handed for computer games, but realized that I can play better left-handed.


As for controls, here are mine:


L-Mouse = Primary fire

R-Mouse = Secondary fire

Up arrow = Forward

Down arrow = Back

Left arrow = Strafe left

Right arrow = Strafe right

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