dg93 Posted September 2, 2014 The shit stains on the underwear of the Middle East (known as ISIS) have once again beheaded another American Journalist. http://www.aol.com/article/2014/09/02/isis-releases-video-purportedly-showing-american-journalist-steven-sotloff-beheading/20955911/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D523704 0 Share this post Link to post
Doominator2 Posted September 2, 2014 It's sad that they have no remorse for another human being like themselves. But on the other hand I dont know why Obama continues striking Iraq. 0 Share this post Link to post
dg93 Posted September 2, 2014 Doominator2 said:But on the other hand I dont know why Obama continues striking Iraq. The way I see it, we should never have invaded Iraq back in 2003. The country was a mess even after Saddam's reign of power. Civil wars broke out and the United States was forced to prolong it to prevent terrorist groups (like ISIS) from taking over. But instead we withdrew our armed forces too soon and now Iraq is in an even bigger mess then it was before. Letting ISIS take over countries one by one is dangerous. 0 Share this post Link to post
Fulgrim Posted September 3, 2014 ISIS apparently has a British hostage imprisoned and will behead him next. the_miano said:The way I see it, we should never have invaded Iraq back in 2003. The country was a mess even after Saddam's reign of power. Civil wars broke out and the United States was forced to prolong it to prevent terrorist groups (like ISIS) from taking over. But instead we withdrew our armed forces too soon and now Iraq is in an even bigger mess then it was before. Letting ISIS take over countries one by one is dangerous. People have been warning the US government against getting involved in the Middle East, including people in the government, since the 50's and 60's. Just about every superpower has tried to get involved in the Middle East and has paid dearly in one way or another. But, the American people don't seem to learn from history or want to control the government, as they should be. So the US people are going to continue to be put at risk because of the actions of the Us government in the Middle East. 0 Share this post Link to post
dg93 Posted September 3, 2014 Satyr000 said:ISIS apparently has a British hostage imprisoned and will behead him next. People have been warning the US government against getting involved in the Middle East, including people in the government, since the 50's and 60's. Just about every superpower has tried to get involved in the Middle East and has paid dearly in one way or another. But, the American people don't seem to learn from history or want to control the government, as they should be. So the US people are going to continue to be put at risk because of the actions of the Us government in the Middle East. I absolutely agree. That is why I didn't initially approve of the Iraq War. The middle east is a mess that is becoming a big a waste of time, lives, and money. 0 Share this post Link to post
Cupboard Posted September 3, 2014 the_miano said: The middle east is a mess that is becoming a big a waste of time, lives, and money. On behalf of all the ragheads out there I declare with a wink and a nod, "thank you, have a nice day" Iraq is a basket case at the moment thanks to Bush 43 and Syria is walking boldly down the path to "failed state" status. It is not surprising that a bunch of rabble-rousers would band together temporarily to exploit the weaknesses of their centralized authoritarian regimes. All I can say is this will be a very big decade for the CIA and their analyses of what factions are worthy enough to oppose ISIS. 0 Share this post Link to post
Avoozl Posted September 3, 2014 Maybe they should've instead done the atom bomb routine and saved them all the trouble. :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Cupboard Posted September 3, 2014 I'm not going to lie to you, but I remember that exact same proposition being offered as a solution to the "middle-east dictator crisis" during my 6th grade social studies class by a fellow 12 year old at the time. 0 Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted September 3, 2014 Doominator2 said:It's sad that they have no remorse for another human being like themselves That's just the thing: they don't consider infidels "like themselves" at all. 0 Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted September 3, 2014 neubejiita said:When will we fight back? http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/1/2/0/6/6/2/8/Nuke-Mecca-18725808055.jpeg lol. If you want to fight back, then stop buying oil, and convince everybody around you to stop buying oil. Also stop buying any and all petrochemical products -- that means plastics, fertilizers, and more. If everyone were to stop buying oil, well, the economy would pretty much crash because our entire society is built on it and on the relatively cheap energy it provides. But then Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, etc. would stop getting billions of petrodollars daily that they don't know what to do with and end up giving to terrorist networks and fundamentalist proselytes. Nuking Mecca would make no sense in any way. First, if you think the destruction of Mecca would somehow pain ISIS -- the fanatical group that, when it isn't slaughtering entire villages, is busy destroying old mosques, shrines, and tombs because they see them as a form of idolatry, then you are sorely mistaken. These guys want to destroy the Kaaba afterall. Secondly, those Muslims who aren't as iconoclast as the crazy genociders would rightfully see that as an attack against their religion. Are you trying to antagonize them? 0 Share this post Link to post
MFG38 Posted September 3, 2014 At least I'm glad to see someone's taking care of Earth's overpopulation problem. 0 Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted September 3, 2014 Gez said:lol. If you want to fight back, then stop buying oil, and convince everybody around you to stop buying oil. Also stop buying any and all petrochemical products -- that means plastics, fertilizers, and more. That's right, stop buying it from the towelheads. Buy it from the benevolent and 100% Aryan & Christian Czar of all Russias instead. Hey, at least he's not a suicide-bombing, throat-cutting, child-raping arab (quote blatantly ripped from The Condemned. Fair use!). 0 Share this post Link to post
Cupboard Posted September 3, 2014 MFG38: you're in the wrong thread. You should be in the Ebola cheering section, swine flu, etc. ISIS has a long way to go before reaching "pathological danger scary alert" status. Also you might look into pro-cancer groups. 0 Share this post Link to post
MFG38 Posted September 3, 2014 TheCupboard said:MFG38: you're in the wrong thread. You should be in the Ebola cheering section, swine flu, etc. ISIS has a long way to go before reaching "pathological danger scary alert" status. Also you might look into pro-cancer groups. Knew it was a bad joke... 0 Share this post Link to post
Gez Posted September 3, 2014 Maes said:That's right, stop buying it from the towelheads. Buy it from the benevolent and 100% Aryan & Christian Czar of all Russias instead. Silly Maes, Slavs aren't Aryans! Here, let me explain to you how racism works: Also, Orthodoxes aren't real Christians, since they worship paintings instead of God. That makes them satanical idolaters like the Catholics. Southern Baptists are the only Christians. 0 Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted September 3, 2014 Gez said:Also, Orthodoxes aren't real Christians, since they worship paintings instead of God. That makes them satanical idolaters like the Catholics. Southern Baptists are the only Christians. Actually, Orthodoxy banned iconolatry and iconodulism centuries ago. Icons remain an important aspect of Orthodox Christianity, sure, but they are not meant to be worshipped per-se. But yeah, the contrast with Catholicism which has almost no icons, and protentastism which has none, is striking. But I am afraid Putin's case is more one one of siding with the wrong Jesus: 0 Share this post Link to post
Clonehunter Posted September 3, 2014 Sounds like ISIS wants a monopoly on the killing of their own people. If we keep killing their people, they'll be out of the job, and they can't have that. 0 Share this post Link to post
dg93 Posted September 3, 2014 Maes said:That's right, stop buying it from the towelheads. Buy it from the benevolent and 100% Aryan & Christian Czar of all Russias instead. Russian's aren't Aryans... 0 Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted September 3, 2014 the_miano said:Russian's aren't Aryans... According to one theory, at least part of them are descended from Viking settlers. Lots of blondes and redheads with blue eyes, too. They even have their own White Power movements "against black-assed Chechens and Mongols". That's aryan enough for me. What more do they need, being born with swastikas tatooed on the inside of their buttcheecks? 0 Share this post Link to post
dg93 Posted September 3, 2014 You know they neo nazis can be kittens too 0 Share this post Link to post
GreyGhost Posted September 4, 2014 Gez said:These guys want to destroy the Kaaba afterall. I probably lost several IQ points while reading the cretinous drivel under that blog post. :( 0 Share this post Link to post
Maes Posted September 4, 2014 Gez said:These guys want to destroy the Kaaba afterall. In that respect they are not very different to the "scorched earth" policy that Islam adopted during its greatest expansion days, from its inception with Muhammad himself leading his troops, up to the time of the Crusades: everything pre-existing must be wiped out, especially cultural elements, and only the purest "Islam" must be left behind. What's "new" is that now the targets can also be other Muslims, probably considered "heretics" for worshipping objects and relics. Edit: Heh. At least Al-Qaeda were practical enough to consider selling ancient artifacts to finance themselves. But those ISIS guys, those are the real deal: no compromises, no politics, no watered-down bullshit. Just 100% dumb-as-a-sack-of-hammers, tough-as-nails Islam. Perhaps that's why they are so successful in attracting volunteers. Clear-cut (and often razor sharp) ideology, and, so far, exhibiting remarkable unity and coherency. 0 Share this post Link to post
Technician Posted September 5, 2014 This is why I'm actually against the return of precious artifacts from Europe back to the Middle East. Europe is a safe haven for their cultural past at this point. It's a shame but Islamic extremist isn't going to be hampered anytime soon. 0 Share this post Link to post
Belial Posted September 5, 2014 Technician said:This is why I'm actually against the return of precious artifacts from Europe back to the Middle East. Europe is a safe haven for their cultural past at this point. It's a shame but Islamic extremist isn't going to be hampered anytime soon. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Museum_of_Iraq 0 Share this post Link to post
Kontra Kommando Posted September 5, 2014 According to the Nazis, didn't you only have to be 75% to qualify as Aryan? I heard it was due to the fact that Hitler himself had a racially dubious lineage. Edit: though in the US, there was the one drop rule. Damn, even Europe's most racist regimes was still more tolerant, and accepting that those of the U.S. Nevertheless, racist southerners still worshiped a non-European Semitic religion. I think true white power people believe in ancient European paganism. The real Jesus Christ probably looked like Osama Bin Laden. Further, aren't real-life Aryans (ancient indo-europeans), from Iran and India? And are most likely dark-skinned/non-blonde Caucasoids whose pigmentation mutated as a result of climate? Correct me if I'm wrong. Also, Fuck ISIS. Unleash on the fucking terminators and drones. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kontra Kommando Posted September 5, 2014 Gez said:Silly Maes, Slavs aren't Aryans! Here, let me explain to you how racism works: video Also, Orthodoxes aren't real Christians, since they worship paintings instead of God. That makes them satanical idolaters like the Catholics. Southern Baptists are the only Christians. Sort of reminds me of this passage I read in a text book back in college, when I took a class on the Civil War. Southerners were so racist, that they believed themselves to be a race-apart, and superior to Anglo-Saxons. http://books.google.com/books?id=BZIftd0Ip0IC&pg=PA154&lpg=PA154&dq=james+mcpherson+anglo-saxons+normans&source=bl&ots=-XbkbcVhV6&sig=XTP7jyXHWLtWCF4GVR-1Jv56ITc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7w0KVNr1EcGlyASN14H4DQ&ved=0CFsQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=james%20mcpherson%20anglo-saxons%20normans&f=false Book said:Yankees were perhaps fit only to be slaves. To explain this, southerners invented a genealogy that portrayed Yankees as descendants of the medieval Anglo-Saxons and southerners as descendants of their Norman conquerors. These divergent blood-lines had coursed through the veins of the Puritians who settled in New England and the Cavaliers who colonized Virginia. “The Southern people”, concluded an article in the Southern Literary Messenger, “come of that race…recognized as Cavaliers… Directly decended from the Norman Barons of William the Conqueror, a race distinguished in its earliest history for its warlike and fearless character, a race in all times since renowned for its gallantry, chivalry, honor, gentleness, and intellect” If matters came to a fight, therefore, one Norman southerner could doubtless lick ten of those menial Saxon Yankees 0 Share this post Link to post
doomgargoyle Posted September 6, 2014 Why are we in this mess? Oh yeah, because Bush wanted his own little war back in 2003. And all the american people (douchebags) supported his little adventure. Have a nice day. 0 Share this post Link to post
dg93 Posted September 6, 2014 Kontra Kommando said:Sort of reminds me of this passage I read in a text book back in college, when I took a class on the Civil War. Southerners were so racist, that they believed themselves to be a race-apart, and superior to Anglo-Saxons. If I could just say one thing: The concept of "racism" isn't limited to just whites. There is plenty of racism that goes on today in the United States from the black community that often gets swept under the rug by the media. And also, the Civil War wasn't solely on freeing the slaves. It had a lot to do with economics, such as taxation (tariffs). During the time, the Tariff of Abominations were causing tension between the southern industries (agriculture) and the northern industries. The concept of the tarrifs were to protect the northern industries from taxation. This lasted up until the 1850s, but nearly came back in the 1860s when Abe Lincoln stepped into presidency. This provoked the southern states into succeeding from the Union. Theoretically, succession can be done legally (I forget how, but I think it has something to do with the state getting 2/3rds of a vote from congress to give the ok to succeed). The Confederate states didn't go through any legal process. This is what I learned back in college. 0 Share this post Link to post