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Unreal Tournament Players

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Years ago I started what came to be known Quake Night, and the aim is to do the same thing for people that enjoy playing Unreal Tournament 2004. Days ago I got the itch, so a buddy and I looked around for a good vanilla server. The selection is abysmal and damn-near every server is using mods, so we decided to host our own server. This Saturday night at 11PM, eastern, we plan to play UT2004 all night. Starting with TDM/DM, followed by CTF and what ever players want to play. Everyone's welcome, new or old.
Here's our Steam group for anyone interested: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/VUT04PS

And here's the server link for people that hate that god-damn Steam!

It's up 24/7 and pure vanilla.

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Whatever error he has, it has nothing to do with Windows 8, which (predictably) runs UT'99 absolutely fine.

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When UT3 came out - it quickly became the game of choice for me when it comes to UT series. 2004 could still do but I'm pretty reluctant at it tbh; so, if anyone bothers playing some UT3 - I'll join unless the ping is too bad, game mode isn't that important, though I dislike CTF notably more than others.

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Demonologist said:

When UT3 came out - it quickly became the game of choice for me when it comes to UT series. 2004 could still do but I'm pretty reluctant at it tbh; so, if anyone bothers playing some UT3 - I'll join unless the ping is too bad, game mode isn't that important, though I dislike CTF notably more than others.

UT3 definitely hits the nail on the head. I bought UT2k4 several months ago and played through it again, only to find myself wanting to go back to UT3. Between the graphics, the level design, the weapons - UT3 did all of them quite well IMO.

But sure, I may go for a round or two of UT2k4 online. We shall see.

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Superluigieth1 said:

k. joinin'.
I had UT '99 non-steam, but it won't fucking work on WIN8.

Yeah, I had the same problem when I bought my last computer, and it appears to be quite common. If I'm not mistaken, I think the most common causes are compatibility issues and something about multi-core processors, but I really don't remember what I did. Anyway, it's definitely possible to run it on Windows 8 without any issues, just be patient.

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Joined the group so I can pop in at some point when there is enough folks.

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Zed said:

Yeah, I had the same problem when I bought my last computer, and it appears to be quite common. If I'm not mistaken, I think the most common causes are compatibility issues and something about multi-core processors, but I really don't remember what I did. Anyway, it's definitely possible to run it on Windows 8 without any issues, just be patient.

I think you just disable a certain amount of cores of the programs process in the task manager.

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Cool beans. People usually pop on throughout the day. Saturday should be fun with a decent amount of players. It'd be awesome to get a UT2k4 game going regularly, along with many other classics. And yea, Q3A/TA would be fun. Never got to play TA outside of the few TA maps on QL. We'll have to do that soon, too.

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I assume most (all?) of you are American? If there are any Europeans here willing to duel in QL / UT feel free to add me on Steam and leave me a message.

Nickname: Patrol1985 (same as here)
My QL duel skill: tier 3 according to QL's internal system.
In UT (any iteration) I assume I'm a newb, as I haven't really played any duels apart from bot matches.

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Regarding UT99 running on modern systems:

1. Download an optimized renderer. I use OpenGL v. 3.7 from this page:


(scroll down to "latest news" to see a link to download 3.7)

2. Once the renderer is set, go to your "unreal tournament\system" folder and locate a file called "unrealtournament.ini". In the said file, find the [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice] section and add the following line:


You can set it to whatever you want, just don't exceed 100 cause that's when problems start to appear. I set it to 60 and that's fine with me.

This solution helped me. I believe you can also set FPS via the console. Just type "preferences" and hit enter. You will see a menu with lots of configuration options.

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Unreal, UT, NaPali, UT2003 and UT2004 do have Linux ports.
These games run all in my Debian box.

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I've got the retail release of the Unreal Anthology and UT3, I've only ever played the latter online a few times in the past but other than that I've never really tried to play the majority of Unreal games online.

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UT3 bombed. It didn't have allot of things UT2004 did out of the box, and after reading more into it, I guess allot of people bitched about not being able to differentiate opponents from the environment. It sucks no one really liked it because they nailed the speed with UT3 and its release seems to have kinda killed the UT community. But imo UT2004 is more fun to play.

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