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WAV to doom format via Audacity?

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I don't know if / how can Audacity convert .wav to Doom Format directly. But this is how I go about it: Load a .wav file in Audacity. Click "Export". As a file type, select "Other Uncompressed Files" and don't confirm yet. Instead, click "Options..." in the lower right corner. Set Header to "WAV (Microsoft)" and then Encoding to "Unsigned 8 bit PCM". Audacity will remember this configuration for your further exports. Now click OK and confirm the export (if you're overwriting an existing file, you need to confirm twice). Then import the new .wav file into SLADE3, select "Audio->Convert to Doom Format Sound" and let SLADE3 convert it. SLADE3 can only convert 8-bit wav files, that's why you were doing all that previous procedure with Audacity.

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That has never happened to me.

Do you have the latest SLADE 3 development build? (but I'm sure that converting sounds worked in the previous SLADE3 too)
Does SLADE3 recognize the imported file as .wav?
Did you actually import the new wav file? (=the one exported by Audacity)
Did you set the export configuration in Audacity exactly as I told you?

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scifista42 said:

That has never happened to me.

Do you have the latest SLADE 3 development build? (but I'm sure that converting sounds worked in the previous SLADE3 too)
Does SLADE3 recognize the imported file as .wav?
Did you set the export configuration in Audacity exactly as I told you?

Version (3.1.0-585-g445cf18)
Yes and yes.
Is it supposed to be like this? : http://i.imgur.com/EOsjHxD.png

EDIT : Whatever, sorted that out, it plays prefectly now. Locking the thread.
I figured out I had to remove the second line.

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