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Blasphemer discussion

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Excellent! thank you very much, i just tested them and they actually look pretty good, now the only thing remaining is the powered staff and the weapon set is pretty much done!

edit: springy, we need a list of submissions at the op provided with links, so we can reference them in a more convinient way once they begin to get buried.

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Yes, a list would be very helpful. A homepage for the project, either just a GitHub page or a GitHub page and a site like FreeDoom's, would be a huge improvement, especially now that Blasphemer is so close to being a functional multiplayer game.

Horrormovieguy: Thanks for putting the weapons together in a WAD. They look great. I look forward to seeing that player sprite!

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I'm not really fond of the cawibouk as a knight replacement, but it's fine as a placeholder.

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I think it might be too large to be a golem. Since the cawibouk has a well-done variant in both color and antler size it seems like a shame not to use both varieties. It's too bad Heretic doesn't have an obvious pair of enemies like Doom 2's baron and knight.

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Oh well, it seemed bigger...


this was a screenshot everamzah took while testing it... from it, it seems way bigger than it is.

(way too many it in this sentence)

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ray: In that case I think the dark, small-antlered one would be a fine golem. Perhaps the light-colored, large-antlered version could replace a shorter ranged enemy like the ophidian?

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Can anyone who is active at this moment of time please make it to the Blasphemer IRC channel, please? Thank you. I'll start fusing resources together and exporting material to GIT. As I am loading up my PC. I'll also see to updating the OP with linked posts to resources and credits.

EDIT: I seem to be having problems with exporting apparently the project provided does not exist which is bullshit as it's an exact copy of the link. I am signed into both GIThub and Google code accounts.

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raymoohawk said:

not really bigger

I think the problem is not the height but the width. It is fatter than the knight but for the collision detection only the knight width is considered.

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Updated the OP. Still a WIP with the submission list. I have combined the weapons that HMG has put together with the main wad. Big thanks to Eriance for his submissions. Also, current wand is being replaced with this by Bloax. I am certain that this was implemented as I remember testing my maps with this but it seems to not be implemented.

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I just finished touching up this thing, it is vastly different from the hymn version, so it should be ok... in the next few days i should be able to progress on my other Blasp. submission and to mesh up protox's maps he left me.


EDIT: Since the project transfer worked for me and not for Springy, now i have the permissions to add contributors to the github page. So if you have a github account please send me a pm so i can add you to the list of contributors\wiki editors and make things simple.

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DARN! i completely messed up, i don't know how but i posted your map instead of mine... thank you for letting me know, i updated the link in my previous post.

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Be sure he will, on irc we had a lot of trouble getting github to work, so at the end he didn't had enought time to fully complete the list. But he should be able to complete it soon. ;)

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- New episode one sky.
- Eriance sprites included.
- New wand graphic fully implemented.

Still to come before a new revision:
- Projectiles for weapon 7 (it has been brought to my attention that Protox has made some). If sufficient, these will be included.
- Player sprite (the chicken replacement appear to be in progress, however.
- Conversion of Riot DM (had started this before but appears to be missing from my laptop) and implementation of the rest of the DM maps.

Also, thanks Cacowad for the commit.

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I've been going through my old (from 2008!) emails with Stilgar, the other former Blasphemer lead, and found some concept art and sprites he was working on, which I have shared below:

Creature concepts:
Golem replacement concept:
Shoggoth-esque chicken replacement:
Disciple replacement:
Golem sprites:
Ingame shot:

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Cheers for sharing, Jute. I am very fond of that Golem replacement, although it seems to be missing attack frames and that flying Buddha looks like a good Iron Lich replacement.

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Yes, the sprites are all unfortunately incomplete. They are great, though.

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I love the art direction here, is there any limit on how small the maps are allowed to be? Are the mappers allowed to name their own maps and make their own music? I'm swamped at the moment with 3 full scale projects so there's no way I can commit or guarantee anything at the moment, so maybe my comment is worthless. :P

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I think there is not yet a clear art direction for the maps, as most of the work done so far is about game assets like enemies and weapons.

There are some map which you can find in the OP (I did one too) but I think the detail and style varies a lot.

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DeathevokatioN said:

I love the art direction here, is there any limit on how small the maps are allowed to be? Are the mappers allowed to name their own maps and make their own music? I'm swamped at the moment with 3 full scale projects so there's no way I can commit or guarantee anything at the moment, so maybe my comment is worthless. :P

No limit to the size, so long as it fits within a limit removing port. Although an Eternal Doom size map would probably be taking the piss. Custom music is allowed as long as it is completely made from scratch and is not too similar sounding to something "big".

@Angry Saint; because graphics come first, I am afraid. That's not to say don't make maps. I have about ten DM maps that are going through a conversion process but I feel that graphics are of a slightly higher priority this early on. Besides, we're almost MP ready. We're just waiting for player sprites but this project will take time.

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Oh, I wasn't complaining, i was just stating the status of the project.

Of course it will take some time before having all resources available and a complete playable iwad.

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Stilgar contacted me to supply some additional info to accompany his concept art that I posted:

I still recall some additional info about the concepts, names I'd thought of for the monsters and such, if you'd like to pass it on to anyone who wants to continue them:

The demon on the floating platform was indeed meant to be the Iron Lich, I'd thought of calling him a "Vizier" and of replacing the whirlwind sprite with one where you could see the faces of tormented souls whirling around.

The golem replacement I thought of as a "Legionnaire" and was conceived as your basic undead soldier. The nitrogolem attack was going to be a flaming copy of his sword flying around.

The guy with the strapped-open mouth was conceived as the Undead Warrior replacement, and was tentatively the "Vominator" (vomit+dominator in reference to puking venom and gore as a replacement for the axes) or the "Algolagnus" (from "algolagnia", something of a synonym for "sadomasochism"; his concept was somewhat influenced by the Cenobites from Hellraiser). Both are kind of silly I guess but they do have that sort of death/grind metal vibe to them.

The big guy with the flaming axe was a concept for the Maulotaur. I didn't have a better name for him than "Siege Demon" but he was meant to be slightly elephant-like (tusks which you can kind of see in the concept, elephant feet.)

The Disciple concept, while it's hard to see from the mockup sprite, was kind of imagined as a partial human corpse with some sort of Lovecraftian parasite clinging to the remaining bones and organs (the green tentacle-ish stuff hanging down), with a faceless mask over the head. The name I had in mind was "Aethernaut" as it was conceived as a sort of dimensionally-traveling entity (to explain the fade in/out of ghostly status ability that Disciples have)

I never got around to drawing it, but I imagined the Gargoyle replacement as a fly-like demon called a "Pestilent". I also wanted the D'Sparil replacement to start out as a humanoid "dark lord" looking character for the first phase (sans mount), then in the second phase he swells up and his armor/clothing bursts off in places revealing a bunch of Lovecraftian tentacles and maws and such for the second phase.

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Looks like some Blasphemer could use a "Torch" graphic.

Not to worry, I got you covered. Just whipped this up and finished this 15 minutes ago.

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ohohoh, this one seems real good, i'll see how this one look in game shortly(tm).
EDIT: darn new page, btw i corrected the sprites errors pointed out by ghostly death, you can find it in the section "experimental builds" on the github page under the "wiki" category.

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