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Favorite Doom Sound?

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I like the pistol fire sound from the PSX version, and all of the monster sounds...well I like pretty much all them in that game but my favourite is indeed the pistol sound....sounds more powerful.

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Xegethra said:

I like the pistol fire sound from the PSX version

I've played lots of custom WADS that took the PSX pistol fire sound and other gunfire sounds from the PSX port added it to their WADS. It sure makes for a very different experience!

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I really like the imp lurking noises, the SSG's fire and reloading sounds, and the chaingun firing (the louder the speakers, the better).

facelessdoomer said:

Personally, I like the weapon pick-up sound (cocking a shotgun).

Heh, I remembered the pick-up sounds in Quake III Arena, they sound like if someone was chewing or something.

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The shotgun sounds are perfect. They should never be messed with. The cube-spitting sound is awesome too. I also think the arch-vile purring sound is extremely menacing but that may be only because I associate it with being stalked by arch-viles (the scariest monsters I think.)

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I'll frequently run past lots of the higher-tier enemies when I start getting bored with a level, but I'll always take the time to kill Arachnatrons just because I love their death sound so much.

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I'd say the common demon pain sound from PSX Doom.

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Too many to list them all - DOOM's sound design is top notch! But I'll +1 the weapon pickup, gib, SSG cocking, arachnotron death (I really like all the arachnotron noises), second death scream, and rev punch. A few others: pinky death (especially the 'thud' as it hits the floor), all AV noises, caco death, PE pain, manc death, sphere pickup, and the humble item pickup.
It would be easier to list the sounds that I don't think are great: pistol firing.

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Demon death.

Zed said:

Heh, I remembered the pick-up sounds in Quake III Arena, they sound like if someone was chewing or something.

I never get tired of the Q1 main menu scroll sound.

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durian said:

It would be easier to list the sounds that I don't think are great: pistol firing.

Really? I like a gun that sounds like bubble wrap.

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Killing a Skellington. Whether it is a BFG, SSG, A rocket to the face, or good old berserk fisticuffs, the sound of Mr. Bones falling down is still satisfying. Even after 20 years.

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Doomguy's pain sound, for many, many reasons. Tne Baron's death sound also.

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Sound of the ssg loading, picking up lots of health bonuses, crumbling sound of revenant. Those first came to my mind when thinking of pleasant doom sounds besides soundtrack

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Definitely the gibbing sound. Such a satisfying splatter noise. Actually really grossed me out as a kid. I'm also actually rather fond of the PC speaker gibbing noise, too - amazingly still gives that satisfying splattering feeling, even if it is just bleeps and bloops.

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I like the Hell Knight death sound the most. I also like the Icon of Sin pain sound and the sound the Cacodemons make when I alert them.

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Pretty much all of the PC Doom sounds mentioned in this thread are my favourites. I can't decide. I wouldn't want to reduce Doom's sounds just on a few selected ones, too. I'll say that I cannot think of a very favourite one. I like the variety and "iconicity" of them all. :)

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