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Community Questionnaire (idea shamelessly stolen from HeX)

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HeX9109 posted a great thread on the Odamex forums, and I was curious to see the answers Doomworlders would give! (Sorry for being a dirty rotten no-good thief, HeX)

What is your username and what does it mean?

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

What is your favorite game mode?

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?


(Here are my answers)
What is your username and what does it mean?
I came up with this stupid name when I was 9 or 10, tried to change it, but then no one knew who the hell I was. Now I'm stuck with it!

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3 etc)
Shareware Doom with my dad and older brother all huddled around the screen. Probably would have been late 1995 at age 4, I was definitely too young to play this kind of game, but I don't think my dad bought into any of that videogame violence propaganda.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?
Officially, Doom95. Unofficially, ZDoom, back in 2002 on Doom Connector, thanks to Hellbent and R. Good memories.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?
Hmm, either doomcity (a legend), Hellrun for Doom2 (another legend) or DMD2DIE.wad, which is garbage looking back, but again the memories are fond.

What is your favorite game mode?

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?
Not really in a clan. Haven't been into that kinda stuff for years, though in the back of my mind I enjoy the thought of being in UD - like that'll ever happen!

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
My early days on Doom Connector, playing with Grim666, Kitty, Metal, Naut (back then he was called ElitePrime) and the members of <CD>. A bunch of dumb kids having fun Doomin'. Great ping when I was in the US, and overall I haven't kicked the online Dooming habit, so that speaks for itself :)

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What is your username and what does it mean?
MFG38 - the full unabbreviated username is Madfinnishgamer38. Frankly, I am a mad Finnish gamer. But I have no idea where the 38 came from.

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)
Doom 3 in 2007.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?
ZDoom in 2008-ish.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?
A single-map wad by the name of 0blood.wad, probably sometime in 2008.

What is your favorite game mode?
Good ol' single-player.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?
I am not in a clan of any sort.

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
I have never played Doom in multiplayer.

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Doomkid said:

HeX9109 posted a great thread on the Odamex forums, and I was curious to see the answers Doomworlders would give! (Sorry for being a dirty rotten no-good theif, HeX)

What is your username and what does it mean?

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

What is your favorite game mode?

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?

  • yukib1t = Yuki (snow in Japanese; I love snow and cold weather) + Bit (as in 8 bits to a byte, but with a number one instead of an I; because I like computers).
  • Doom 2
  • Doom Legacy, back when that was still new and Doomworld had its old forum software. I rarely used ports, though, until I ran into Doomsday. Now I mostly use that and GZDoom.
  • Skycity, I think. Probably sometime in '94 or '95.
  • Single player or Deathmatch, probably.
  • I used to be in an Unreal Tournament clan, but not anymore.
  • My friend camping me on Barrels of Fun with a chaingun over and over.

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I'm bored, what the hell.

What is your username and what does it mean?

AirRaid, which I stole from a nickname of Bruce Dickinson's, "the Air Raid Siren"

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

Doom shareware.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

Zdoom probably in like 1998/9? I dunno.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when? I have no idea, I played a bunch of really crappy wads way back.

What is your favorite game mode?
Co-op probably

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
Co-op Mock 2 with a bunch of the guys that made it.

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What is your username and what does it mean?

Captain Red. When I was choosing a username for internet usage I was into C&C red alert in a big way. Also red is the best colour.

What was the first doom you ever played?

Shareware doom in 1995 that couldn't detect my soundcard

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

Legacy in 2000 or 2001. I can't remember exactly. But I was stoked that I could look up and down!

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

artifact.wad in the late 90's.

What is your favorite game mode?

Single player.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?


What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?

PlayStation multiplayer Doom with cables at my brothers 15th where I was I was undefeated. the last match was a berzerk fist fight.

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What is your username and what does it mean?
136199 Eris, one of the most distant objects in the solar system. At the time I didn't account the fact that the mythological character it was named after was in fact female. I also didn't realise how clunky a sentence containing this name would be, thanks to the verb.

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)
PSX Doom, ~2001

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?
ZDoom 2.5.0, 2012

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?
2012, I think it was Alien Vendetta. Didn't get very far.

What is your favorite game mode?
Single player.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
Pretty much all my multiplayer is in ZDaemon TNS, which is consistently fun, so I have no particularly fond memories.
Perhaps the most annoying thing I can remember is being in a TNS derivative server with about 6/7 people. I was last player left in Resurgence for over half an hour. Had a sudden lag spike during the 3-cyb fight, and what with the unfortunate combination of the rocket launcher and pillars...

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What is your username and what does it mean?
Well, look at it. Originally came from Disciples long time ago when I was ~15, as it's a pretty minor yet quite charismatic character in there (ironically, demons aren't even my favorite faction in this game). However, I do have certain interest in studying the occult and religious, those interesting tales humankind has written during the course of its history to chain weak minds. Can't even say which incentive prevails nowadays, probably the latter. The last time I read something related to demonology was a month or so ago.

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?
JDoom, around 2002.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?
Icarus: Alien Vanguard, around the same time.

What is your favorite game mode?
Single player.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
Well, somewhere around 2003-2004 I used to play Plutonia coop with a couple friends, both in JDoom and Legacy split-screen. I would never want to repeat this experience, but back then it was pretty fun.

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What is your username and what does it mean?
Akira...well, Akira_98 here, AkiraZXE everywhere else. Akira was just a name I liked, and the 98 was the first two numbers in an older username I used online years ago, since it'd be easy to remember. Obligatory numbers and all that. Decided to not use that name anymore because 22-year old me would like to bury 12-year old me, burn the land, salt it, and pave it over.

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)
Doom. Seriously played with something approaching comprehension, Doom 2.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?
ZDaemon, back when it was in 1.06, so nearly a decade ago.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?
Alien Vendetta, when I first tried ZDaemon.

What is your favorite game mode?
Capture the Flag, actually.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?
I was in one for a while. It probably shouldn't be mentioned at all, but it does lead to the next story.

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
It's really dumb looking back on it, but there was this big "HQ" boom on ZDaemon a little while after I started playing. You can still find the occasional one for Zandronum today. They were essentially themepark maps. The clan I was in made one, and we spent a fuckton of time in a server just treating it like a chatroom, or coming up with these little minigames. There was even a DM level made by one of the people who worked on the map which is in another DM wad floating around somewhere. A lot of silly shit happened there, this dude who made a disaster of a "tactical map" of the level, to Raider coming in and telling the young teen clan leader that no, we can't have porn on a public ZDaemon server, that sort of thing. Watching the map expand from a handful of hallways and rooms to the massive clusterfuck it became though, that was pretty cool.

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-Fan of sci-fi + the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.

-Doom 2.

-Skulltag (2011), ZDaemon around the same time

-A Skulltag wad called Perfect Doom, I think.



-Playing Doom 2 coop (via a serial cable) with my father since my very childhood.

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-I honestly don't know how I came by the name Obsidian: I must have seen the word somewhere and it clicked with me.

-Doom II: Hell on Earth. Pretty sure I was about 10 or so playing it on a friend's computer with no sound.

-Skulltag in 2012: a friend recommended it even though it was already defunct at the time.

-A custom set of maps for ZDoom called Demon's Paradise: the maps range from mediocre to good, with some new ZDoom monsters tossed in there for good measure.

-Uhh, single player.

-Logic Obscure...I think.

-The one that doesn't exist yet. I'll work out online play one of these days.

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My username is Omegalore. Omega for powerful and devastating. Lore, well, I thought it was a name that was part of a Warrior.

My first DOOM was DOOM95. However it wasn't mine. It was my brother's. Played it when I was 6. It was DOOM Ultimate. I never played DOOM 2 until Christmas of 08'. Thanks Santa. Yes, I did request him for that. Either it was him or it was Leon, my other brother.

DOOM95 was my first and kinda grew up with it. A bit easier to run Wads than DOS for me. That's just me. idk when, like I said, I was 6. Either in 96' or 97'. If that's not a great one, then GZDoom would be my first one. First had it on Christmas of 08'

Barrels Of Doom for Skulltag. It's a map that's kinda like Barrels O' Fun. Best part, one set of barrels spelt out 20 years of DOOM.

I mostly prefer Single and Co-op. I suck at Deathmatch and related.

Clan would be as same as Obsidian's. Well, because Darsycho is the founder of it and I like that dude :)

There was this one time when I got killed and I respawned inside the door and was stuck since it was closed XDXDXDXDXDXDXD. That made me lol. Wad was UAC Ultra and MatthewDoomer hosted it. Wish I can host my own, but without ip, no one can see my servers. There was another way, but failed. A bit confusing. It was Best Server or something like that.

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-geekmarine: Tried to come up with a clever portmanteau of "geek" and "space marine." Don't think it turned out as well as I had envisioned.

-Shareware Doom, 1997. My dad had seen someone at work playing Doom, and told me to go out and find this game. I remember it taking seemingly ages on our 14.4k modem.

-Boom... er, whenever Boom was first released. I remember well the day the Doom source code was released into the wild... Alas, I had not the programming skills to make use of it myself, but I knew there were others who could do wonderful things with it.

-It was either hoover.wad or pisa.wad... I downloaded them both at roughly the same time, so it's kind of like arguing which twin was born first.

-Single player

-No clans

-The day CSDoom went live. I had never really had much of an opportunity to play multiplayer Doom before then. So that was basically my first real Doom deathmatch experience, and hey, it was largely with other people from the Doomworld community, so that was pretty sweet.

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What is your username and what does it mean?

TheUltimateDoomer666. Just a generic name. I originally used "The Ultimate Doomer" on some sites, but then removed spaces and added a 666.

What was the first doom you ever played?


What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

Doomsday Engine. Can't remember exactly when I first played it; some number of years ago.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

One of the Master Levels for DOOM 2... But first unofficial PWAD I played was UAC_DEAD, again can't remember exactly when.

What is your favorite game mode?

Singeplayer. And Deathmatch.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?

"Camping" around the areas with the rocket launcher and soul sphere in E1M2.

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What is your username and what does it mean?
Joe-Ilya, I like the name Joe but Ilya is my real name, so I thought why not whip the name Joe in?
What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)
I saw doom2 first but decided to play regular doom.
What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?
Official:GBA Unofficial:Zdoom in 2010
What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?
Doom 3 : Smiley head safari in 2010
What is your favorite game mode?
If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?
I'm clanless
What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
Gunning down marines with my BFG, of course.

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My username used to mean I want interested in source ports, TC's or anything deviating from classic Doom. I still prefer classic style Doom but I'm open to other stuff so it doesn't really mean anything.

The first Doom I played was the Jaguar port. In a department store display unit. I still have fond thoughts of the more consistent texture scheme.

The first source port I used was ZDoom. I think it was 2005.

The first PWAD I played was something off DZone!

My favourite Doom mode is single player.

I'm not in a clan.

Fondest multiplayer moment was probably playing co-op with Dylan. It's nice to have a shared interest with my son.

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What is your username and what does it mean?
ETTiNGRiNDER in a nutshell means "ettin killer" because I play Hexen and kill ettins. The "blork!" noise they make when they die remains one of the most satisfying game sound effects to me.

Longer answer, I had just decided to start making a big Hexen WAD (which has yet to come to fruition) when I started thinking of a handle to use, so I wanted something Hexen related and was listening to Lord Belial's "Angelgrinder" and it sort of clicked. It's since kind of stuck and become the handle I use almost everywhere in the gaming world.

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)
Shareware Doom. I forget if it was v1.666 or v1.9 but probably the latter since I didn't start playing until after it was already kind of old.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?
Either Boom or Doom Legacy (I think I tried both at around the same time). Probably sometime between 1999-2001. I actually quite liked Legacy back in the day as I recall, then there was some rumor that it had a bug that could fry your system or something. Sounds kind of far-fetched but I never touched it again just in case, and AFAIK there's nothing it did that ZDoom can't do nowadays (and I'm generally less enthused about "advanced" ports than I once was).

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?
I'm really not sure. I have a recollection of N4-EVIL.WAD being one of my early experiences but I suspect it was less the first WAD I ever played as it was one of the first ones I found that I thought was good enough to be remembered.

What is your favorite game mode?
Single player.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?
The closest I've been to being in a clan was hanging out with the Hexentic guys back when they were still into Heretic/Hexen modding, before they split up and the lead guy took the name for some indie game project. I liked it because they had a forum that was Heretic/Hexen specific instead of being a fringe thing on Doom forums. Now that they're gone there are only two Raven-oriented forums around as far as I know, one of which took three months to review my application and then rejected me, and the other being a for-pay board run by the same guy that runs NewDoom.

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?
It's all kind of a blur now, as I recall my peak MP Doom playing days were when Doomconnector was still a thing and I and the other guys would take turns playing on each other's in-dev homebrew WADs. None of those maps were high caliber but it was all in good fun and thinking back on it I kind of miss that. So I guess being in that general scene would be my "fondest memory".

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What is your username and what does it mean?

It means jerk or something like this in French.

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

Doom, I think, with the swastika in E1M4.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

I don’t know. Maybe lxdoom.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

Maybe Heroes2 or Metro13.

What is your favorite game mode?

Solo gaming.

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What is your username and what does it mean?

Well, you see it's based off the Ishtar Gate, the eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon.

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

I'd have to say...Doom 2.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

Behead those who insult GZDoom.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

Hell Revealed, when I got back into Doom.

What is your favorite game mode?

Singleplayer...sue me.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?


What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?


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Doomkid said:

1: What is your username and what does it mean?

2: What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

3: What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

4: What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

5: What is your favorite game mode?

6: If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

7: What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?

1: I blame Youtube's old name thing.

Josh mon is a nickname I got from a friend, joshmon was taken and so was Youtube's suggestion of "Thejoshmon", however "MrThejoshmon" was apparently free.

2: Playstation Doom (Doom 1 and 2 at the same time?).

3: ZDoom on a half functional PC that soon died days later. This was a fair couple of years ago (4 or 5).

4: Aliens TC, a long time ago (about 3 years ago).

5: Co-op.

6: MLG 420 master blaze it pimp squad, because I thought it would be funny.

7: going 23 to 0 on deathmatch set in E2M2 on the 360 port of Ultimate Doom, the guy rage quit before I could deal the final blows.

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What is your username and what does it mean?


What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

I always thought it was Doom, but to be honest, the oldest Doom memory I can recall is from one of the maps in Doom 2 (maybe Industrial Zone? I'm not sure...)

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

Can't remember really, probably Boom, or maybe Doom95. When I "re-discovered" Doom some years ago, I took my old laptop, and it had ZDoom 1.22 in it, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't the first one I played.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

This one I have no idea.

What is your favorite game mode?

Single Player and Deathmatch, but if I have to choose just one, SP.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?


What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?

I rarely play multiplayer, so no, nothing really relevant.

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What is your username and what does it mean?

Clonehunter. Has something to do with hunting clones, I guess.

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

Doom 2 or the Doom shareware. I can't remember, actually.

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

Doom Legacy. I remember paying multiplayer and splitscreen and fuckin' with the skin mods and stuff. Good times.

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

Only one I remember from these olden days was Neo Doom.

What is your favorite game mode?

Single player

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

Not in a clan. Lets make one and have babies.

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?

Playing a Dwango map and found a spawn point that had an alcove tucked behind it. With the SSG and the RL, it was the easiest spawn camping ever. There were so many players on the server (Zandronum I think) I got second place I think by spawn camping alone.

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What is your username and what does it mean?

Du Mhan Yhu (Doom on you) = Vietnamese for "Go fuck yourself"

What was the first doom you ever played? (Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom, Doom64, Doom3)

Doom 2 back in 1995

What was the first (unofficial) source port you ever played and when?

Was late 2009 found zdoom and figured out what a pwad was. (1st was Hell Revealed)

What was the first (unofficial) pwad you ever played and when?

Hell Revealed

What is your favorite game mode?

Survival. 1 life. Double ammo.

If you are in a clan, what clan and why are you in it?

[EG] EndGame

What is your fondest memory of multiplayer Doom?

24 people on gwar20. (best map ever)

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