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Brutal Wolfenstein 3D

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As many will know, is the father of wolfenstein 3d fps and in his honor were made many mod for doom, as Wolfendoom of Laz Rojas. However, no one has thought of this; Brutal Wolfenstein. Since I discovered Brutal Doom I began to hope that someone did the same thing for Wolfenstein 3D, but nothing. So, after a bit 'of time to learn a bit' language for the decorated, the mapinfo and with handling the Wad and the sprites, I created my dream: Brutal Wolfenstein 3D.

Brutal WOlfenstein is still in work,but you can download the new version,the 3.0.

BW V 3.0-The original missions

The Nocturnal Missions

Spear of Destiny

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*scratches head pondering why this exists, gets curious anyway*

Player is too tall. For reference, the player should be hitting his head on all the lamps and can maul all the poor nazis with his height just by bashing them with his hands.
The pistol fire flare is cut. Also why are there two pistols?
Filesize is bloated from uncredited and probably copyrighted music.
Why is there unused brutal doom code?

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Brutal Wolfenstein already exists. It was released under the title "Rise of the Triad."

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I don't think this is necessary. Why does everything have to be Brutal, and I think we have enough sub-mods of Brutal Doom already.

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Technician said:

D-don't make mods I don't like!

Just to clarify:

I didn't say that because it is a "Brutal" series mod, I said it because the mod itself is fucking awful.

The few assets that were not ripped from other works are absolutely horrendous looking (And you often can't tell what the hell they are):

(Decapitated Nazi, that looks like an MSPaint job)

(That is a blown up Nazi)

(that is a decapitated Nazi, the death animation sprites are offset so he hovers during his death)

(Dead MSPaint Nazi)

The MP40 simply flies into the middle of the screen and obstructs what you are aiming at (making it counter productive to use the ADS).

(What you are actually aiming at is behind the center of the gun, think about that for a second)

The dogs (for some reason) block you when they die.

The gameplay is quite literally Wolfenstein with some added fuckery (such as Hitler absolutely hammering you with fire balls right as soon as you see him).

The height is extremely small making you walk into the ceiling lamps (Giving the illusion that you are about 10 feet tall). NOTE: I am crouching in most of those shots.

Only main generic SA soldier can be fully "brutalized", seeing as though he is quite literally a Brutal Doom Zombieman I think I am right in saying the author is just plain lazy. NOTE: I fought all the enemies and I think this is actually the case, the only brutalizable enemy in the game is directly ripped from BD and MSPaint recolored.

Filled with pirated MP3 files (Brings the "Original Levels" up to about 57.4mb) ripped straight from Youtube.

And some other shit I can't be arsed to mention, I suggest people avoid this one until he actually makes something good out of it.

EDIT: And then I found this.

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I already bought this on a shareware disk at the dollar store in like 1997. It was called something like Sick Wolfenstein or Insane Wolfenstein then.

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Nomad said:

Lolwut. Is that supposed to be the episode 2 mutant replacement?

MAP30, the title was something to do with a creeper's house that I couldn't be bothered to remember because it was honestly just stupid (it also has Minecraft music playing).

My guess would be that it is a Wolfpac style map due to the way the map is designed (symmetrical Pacman maze) and the fact that the anime hurts you on contact (which is just a Lost Soul with constant contact damage BTW, I was shown that it even has the Lost Soul death sprites when I later MDK'ed it, I don't think you can kill it normally).

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That's some of de best spritework I've ever seen!

Move over, Wolf3D classic!

(seriously this reeks of 11 year old)

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He's gotten a lot of shit on the ZDoom forums as well because of some of the content uncredited for.

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Doominator2 said:

Uhh, What is that?

An anime of a Minecraft creeper by the looks of it (And judging by the map name).

I wonder where the author stole it from...

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mrthejoshmon said:

An anime of a Minecraft creeper by the looks of it (And judging by the map name).

I wonder where the author stole it from...

Second result

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Linkrulezall said:

Second result


Also, I decided to gut the file and see what was in there...

We have IWAD resources in "stuff.wad", we have "Call Apogee Say AARDWOLF" and some anime girl wall texture.

We have unused Brutal Doom resources (And even code) that the author didn't remove including pretty much all the default Brutal Doom sprites, all the weapons and all the sounds.

This is quite literally a Brutal Doom re-skin, an absolutely shameless one at that.

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If you really want to make Brutal Wolfenstein then use ECWolf, not Zdoom , learn how to use ECWolf and then learn how to mod for it.
And keep in mind that not everyone here like Brutal Doom and it's author.
Not to mention you've just caused a shitstorm here.
This is a bad start for you.

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Nomad said:

Brutal Wolfenstein already exists. It was released under the title "Rise of the Triad."


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DMGUYDZ64 said:

What's up with that Blood ? Looks nasty ...

It is what happens when you play Brutal Doom in Software mode...

The blood appearance is the least of this mods concerns.

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mrthejoshmon said:

It is what happens when you play Brutal Doom in Software mode...

The blood appearance is the least of this mods concerns.

You're trying to say,this Mod was made without paying attention to vanilla renderer <:(

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DMGUYDZ64 said:

You're trying to say,this Mod was made without paying attention to vanilla renderer <:(

No, I'm saying that Brutal Doom (Which is what this mod essentialy is, a bastardized version of Brutal Doom) doesn't function blood correctly in Software and the blood sprites in those shots should be ignored because of this.

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This is just a stitched up abomination with loads of unused assets and code.

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