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Two Big, Stupid Maps

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Well hello, Doom people! I've been lurking around on here for awhile, and finally decided to sign up and make a map. It's... fairly linear, which I realize most people don't really care for. Anyway, I wouldn't expect anything totally mind-blowing from this, but hopefully it manages to be not completely god-awful.

Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/U5hwO

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b0i0guu046849qu/Fireburn.v2.zip

It's in Boom format, MAP01 by the way.


Here's the second thing I've made. It's also pretty big and linear. Again, nothing incredible, but hopefully fun. It seems like every time I run through it, I find some little bug somewhere, but it is able to be completed, last I checked. I probably missed a few, though.

Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/jhwwV

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/y31r71oe767bcqg/veilisis.v3.zip

Doom 2, Boom format, Map01. Music is by James Paddock, since I don't have a textfile to credit him in yet

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I like it. I'm not really a fan of slaughter maps, but I like arch viles a lot. Still can't finish it, but I can comment a couple of things. First, it looks good, it actually looks like an infested base (I hope that's your goal). Despite the size of the map, it's not confusing, but you might consider that some fights (like the one at the yellow door, before getting the yellow key) may be a little easier than I think they should (the arch-viles get caught in the crossfire too easily, and they are not actually a threat, at least not more than the other monsters. And maybe you can change some barons/hell kinghts for revenants, some of them feel like it takes too long to kill them, but maybe that's just me.

That's it for now, I still have some work to do, but I will continue and comment soon. Good work.

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Here is a failed FDA that I've recorded in PrBoom-plus. My preferred port is Zandronum, so I've finished the rest of the map in that port (without any recording).

I really liked the map. It looked fantastic while still "Doomish", that shows a very competent usage of detail. The challenge was pretty well done too, it actually forced me to move while it wasn't too extreme. Enjoyable experience. You're obviously talented. I also liked the map's progression, and how the 2nd half of it continued after getting the keys. The map has provided enough goodness so that I could totally forgive its linearity.

There were just a few moments that I really disliked and considered unfair: 1) The sudden yellow key Baron enclosement, it seemed like an instant death trap. 2) The sudden ambush of an archvile duo shortly afterwards. 3) The sudden revenant horde ambush <I don't remember where it was>, for the same reason again. All of these situations were way too hard without a foreknowledge, IMO. You could have toned them down.

Overally a great job, congrats! And I'm already looking forward to see more from you! :D

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Dunno if this is your first map ever but it's a damn impressive effort.
Very nice visuals, challenging gameplay definitly slaughterish but not overwhelmingly difficult.

Here's another failed FDA
Think i've made it about halfway through the map, i'll give it another go when i'll have a bit more time.

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Just played this beast, quite a long adventure. Bit slow going in places, but the scenery is really richly detailed and well (un)lit. Eventually I got a bit lost, there is some backtracking after the red key where I completely forgot where I was meant to be going. I figured it out in the end, and should have remembered seeing that red key switch, but its such a sprawling map that I was just hoping it would take me where i needed to go. Other than that it all went smoothly.

Gameplay is pretty tough, nothing unfair though, just caused me a lot of saving. I liked the 2-pronged final battle (which is lucky considering the number of times I had to attempt it). Really nice map, a little dark and confusing at times maybe (and occasional awkward scenery) but a feast for the eyes.

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^Mouldy: I also haven't remembered the other red key switch, but I thought it was quite intuitive to find that place. Even though it was far away, I headed right in that way (backtracking), and new monsters on the way were hinting me that I were doing it right.

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Nice, tough map. I'll have to play this one in stages given its size, its high monster-count and the setpiecey quality of its encounters. It might be better for me to tackle this on HNTR first, even though the battles thus far aren't overwhelmingly difficult for a savescummer like me. Most of the battles are quite doable -- on the second try. ;D It also helps to have the right weapon in your hands when the fur begins to fly, especially if the weapon needed is the RL, so you can blast the bad guys before they get too close.

I especially enjoyed the way you had support forces to back up the Mancs, HKs, Arachnotron and Cacos in the outdoor SSG fight. Just when I thought I was doing well, a Spectre waddled out and meatwalled me long enough to get me torched. That was your first pelt off of me. When I fought it again, I discovered a hallway loaded with Cacos and a PE, and I zigged when I should have zagged -- say hello to your 2nd SteveD pelt. There are many more to come on UV. ;D

I like the way you teleported in the SSG and a shellbox. That was boss, and reminds me of Bungie's old Mac game Marathon 2.

I was a bit less thrilled with the visuals, though I think changes in the lighting, mainly darkening some of the too-bright interior spaces for more dramatic contrasts, would make the map look much better. Some of the detail is a bit fiddly, though, and you use some idiosyncratic ceiling light structures that at least offer something different but seem a bit awkward to me. Also, some of the doorways into other rooms are a bit odd, for example descending into Sector 63. That sector also has trigger lines that don't reach all the way to the walls, which on rare occasions might result in a player sneaking along the edge and not triggering them. It's happened to me, so just letting you know.

But overall, this map is a lot of fun so far, and checking it in DB2, it's a positively massive undertaking. I look forward to playing the rest of it.

BTW, thanks for serving up that first Archie on a platter. It was much appreciated. I have a feeling that will be the last easy Archie kill. ;D

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Howdy. The screenshots and other posters' comments caught my attention, and so I gave this a play, producing this skill 4 FDA, about 40 minutes long or so. Despite some hairy moments and approximately 437 incidents of me dimwittedly damaging myself with my own rockets, I managed to make it through without dying. Finding 8 of the 11 secrets no doubt proved a great boon to me in the endeavor, don't think I'd have been able to overcome my mistakes without them.

Writ large, what this most reminds me of is a more linear Hellbound; not to everyone's taste, but for my part I'd certainly say it's no bad thing. Your penchant for striking scenery, particularly that which is beyond the bounds of the actual playing area, is certainly appealing, and I for one am always glad to see a mapper who isn't afraid to use a lot of dark/dim lighting to enhance the mood. Very neat and clean as far as concourse goes as well; I think I noticed a slime trail at one point, and some of those weird cloudy deadspots in the 'skybox' in the large watery cavern (the one with the teleporter blocked off by red bars), but otherwise very little in the way of technical issues.

As far as the play goes, as advertised it is extremely linear, although being linear is not necessarily a problem if the map's flow plays out as a long sightseeing "there and back again" journey as this one tends to. For my part, I didn't have difficulty remembering to go all the way back to the red switch after finally getting the red key, although the actual exit sequence does seem to have momentarily disoriented me. I think that where the linearity has the largest negative impact is actually on the level of some of the combat, particularly early on. In the map's later stages, the battles tend more and more towards enclosed/discrete setpiece or arena fights, which are palatable enough, but at many points the linear route through the map in concert with its generally hearty monster-density means that the player runs up against a number of meat-laden chokepoint fights, where the area ahead is stuffed with entrenched monsters that make entering the area rather awkward, leading to camping the door or a convenient corner and fighting a slow-paced battle of attrition with the room's occupants, which bogs down the pace and the tour.

Having a little bit of this is okay, I think, particularly in those situations where the player can realistically choose to enter the hostile area rather than camping the threshold (e.g. the aforementioned large water cavern, which is spacious enough to subsidize a risky-but-fun Rambo strategy), but I found myself running up against it more often than is ideal. To give you a specific example of what I'm talking about, I didn't like the first entry into the grey room where the rocket launcher is first acquired: the zombies and pinkies and arachnatron and other assholes clog up the doorway, while the mancubi and revenants on the elevated platforms focus-fire on it, making for a fight that one methodically prosecutes through the threshold (and perhaps the back third of the room) using mostly lower-tier weapons, which isn't particularly entertaining. Sometimes there's a bit of a feeling of too much of the 'moving meatshield' effect with some of the Barons and knights in the smaller corridors, although I think this is somewhat less problematic because in its later stages the map starts developing the theme of an irrepressible torrent of demonflesh that pours towards the player trying to pressure him/her into a corner.

tl; dr: It is certainly not completely god-awful. ;) On the contrary, I think you have a lot of potential, especially if you can eventually add some less linear stuff to your repertoire.

Edit: Oh yeah, one random fight suggestion--during the final two-prong battle, at some point have some cacodemons emerge from the out-of-bounds area beyond the iron fence, making it a three-direction fight instead of a 1.5-direction fight, keep the player from getting too comfy in that starting spot with all of the ammo and such.

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First off, thanks for all the replies and the demos. I've watched other videos/demos before of course, but it's really something else to watch one on your own map!

This is my first wad, and you can probably tell I was learning how to map as I went. It wasn't originally intended to leave my hard drive, but I sank so much time into it I figured why not. That doesn't excuse the floating blood puddles on the lift though, haha. I've also noticed a few other things, including some weirdness with that sky transfer area. I'll probably change a few monsters/traps here and there as well.

@Scifista42: If you mean the "baron triangle" just before the cave area, they're supposed to appear right in front of you, but maybe you had the bad luck to rush right into the middle of them? I'll fix that as well.

@SteveD: It's probably me being moronic, but it looks like sector 63 is right behind the start...? I'll try to find the linedef in question and fix that, though.

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Thats pretty damn impressive for a first map, I hope you make more. I'd recommend making some smaller ones that allow you to experiment with gameplay scenarios without getting too bogged down in the epic amount of work it takes for large maps. I found with this one there is a lot of head-on corridor combat which tends to limit your options as a player (and limits the monsters options for attacking you), having more space to run around and alternative routes through interconnected areas can make for more interesting fights.

And if you fancied joining in a community project, the Nova team welcomes new mappers, not that it looks like you need any help.

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Octavarium said:

@SteveD: It's probably me being moronic, but it looks like sector 63 is right behind the start...? I'll try to find the linedef in question and fix that, though.

No, it's actually me being moronic. I took a quick look at the sector number while light streamed in through my window, but checking it again, it's actually Sector 83, not the very similar-looking 63 in DB2's incredibly microscopic font. ;D

This room is a bit odd because of the way the door is positioned so high above the floor and also the "sunken living room" area under the lights. But there are also 3 trigger lines that don't touch walls in there. I stopped doing that type of trigger after a few people reported that the effect didn't work because they scooted around the edge, though they will work the vast majority of times, so it's not like you have to sweat it, but definitely something to keep in mind as you continue mapping. 1 of those trigger lines is bounded on each side by teleport sectors, so if you choose to stretch it to the walls, that will naturally require some moving stuff around -- the line is usually the easiest choice. ;)

That said, this is your first map, huh? Jeez, I can't wait to see what's next! :) And kudoes for putting in the time to learn all the stuff you had to learn to pull off what I've already seen in terms of architecture, fight design and well-constructed tricks. Have you considered joining the Nova II team? They're looking for talented new mappers and that means you!

Edit: I see that me and mouldy both reached the same obvious conclusion. ;)

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I always enjoy your "Doom Dissertations," DotW. Originally, I did have a caco swarm joining in halfway through the end-battle, but thought it a little too difficult. Then again, I had a fairly big pile of them flying around... I do like the idea of it, though, so it'll probably happen in some form.

@SteveD: Ah, I see what you're talking about now. I'll shuffle something around and get that fixed. Thanks!

@mouldy: Yeah, the combat is kind of one-directional in a lot of this map. Part of it was to try to punish the player if they chose to run on ahead of some of the fights, but instead just kind of wound up being... well, one-directional because I think most people here have been playing Doom long enough to know not to do that by now.

As for joining a community project, I may just do that at some point. Right now though, I actually have another map about the same size as this one just about done and I'm about three-and-a-half maps deep into a 5 or 6 level set. I am also an excruciatingly slow mapper, so it'll probably be several years before I have the time or uh, creativity to join a project. Mapping is really damn fun, but it wears my imagination out, haha! One of these days, though...

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Bump, OP updated with another map. I'll probably just post all the stuff I make here, unless that's a stupid idea.

...And Happy New Year, everybody!

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Happy new year! Have an FDA for veilisis.

Octavarium said:

Here's the second thing map I've made. It's also pretty big and linear. Again, nothing incredible, but hopefully fun.

The map looks totally awesome, good usage of stock + custom textures. It's damn hard, but (maybe thanks to that) enjoyable anyway, I only gave up after roughly 10 attempts. The biggest "problem" is that the map wordly disallows run-and-gun gameplay, but rather makes me camp or run back to take cover, due to constant punishing encounters - but that's also a kind of playability that can work well, and in this case, it did. I have to say again, many fights were enjoyable for being challenging. Not having a powerful weapon (until later on) made them somewhat interesting and gripping. Occasionally I felt like swearing, but anyway, I consider the map to be very well done. I liked the chainsaw intro, clever! Very nice music choice, too.

What I seriously disliked was the killing FIREBLU wall - why didn't you just place an invisible barriere there, instead of killing an unsuspecting player? At least it was early on, so that the player is not likely to lose much progress.

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These are pretty tough maps, but I like them. Each area has a definite sense of place with strong landmarks, and I never felt in danger of getting lost.

I recorded a couple of FDAs on medium difficulty in ZDoom:


Only had a couple of criticisms:

Visually, I feel the room in the 4th screenshot feels a bit flat, I'd be tempted to put a strong colour, or more dramatic lighting in there to bring it to life.

I'd prefer to get access to a stronger weapon earlier on the second map.

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Urthar said:

I recorded a couple of FDAs on medium difficulty in ZDoom:


Just for your info, ZDoom is a very unsuitable port for demo recording, because ZDoom demos are incompatible with other ports and even with other versions of ZDoom. I recommend you to switch to PrBoom-plus when recording demos, it's a widely used port specially for that purpose. And when you manage to record a ZDoom demo, say which exact version of ZDoom did you use (for example, the latest one is ZDoom 2.7.1).

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I've played the first map and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found 4 of the 11 secrets, and I rather feel that a BFG would have made the ending a bit less of a nightmare. (I'm guessing there's probably one hidden away somewhere) I got a bit lost on the way back with the red key but I liked the way that new monsters in previous areas indicated where I should probably explore again. The only thing I feel that could maybe be improved is in yourfirst screenshot, when you first encounter that area it's pretty easy to just cheese the majority of that fight by not jumping down and letting everything that flies come to you first, by which point some infighting will have taken care of the rest.

I seemed to spend an awful lot of the map with more armour than health! The dual Arch Vile ambush was very challenging especially if you're low on health. If they both attack at the same time and you're not able to block both of them with a nearby pillar then you're in real trouble. I just PG'd them both and was lucky to split them and use a pillar to block their line of sight.

I'll play the second map soon and hopefully it's as good as, or better than, your first one!

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fda: (dies in (presumably) the last room, with like 14 monsters left -.-) http://www.mediafire.com/download/3i11rw3cwgnrrdw/fireburn_fda_rbk.lmp

cool map! some very inventive trap setups, some pretty cohesive detailing (hurray curvy flesh areas :D). I had a lot of fun playing this. brutal small-scale trap-centric setup is exactly the type of doom I like playing so the ambush setups in here really jived with me, felt almost death-destiny-esque at times. I only found a couple secrets, but I rather enjoyed the one by the watery cave fight, elaborate secret areas are definitely my jam. So yeah, great map! Some things that I think could use some work:

- layout (I think others harped on you enough for this already :p). that's not to say nonlinear design is the end-all be-all, but it's definitely nice to at least have some forks in the road to do certain set-pieces in varying order, encourages replayability and whatnot!
- a lot of the enemy placement outside of traps/set-pieces ("incidental" enemies) felt pretty uninspired: open door --> beefy monsters facing me from inside --> optimal strategy is to camp from door --> boo!
- some of the block-sound usage was a bit wonky, could snipe many groups of enemies
- there was a pretty annoying AV popup somewhere where I nearly rocketed my face, by the watery cave fight mayhaps?


fda: (doesn't get too far) http://www.mediafire.com/download/mb67r3k500dp3mz/veilisis_fda_rbk.lmp

again, cool map! (what I saw of it). I made it up until some big arena with rockets all over the place, but I managed to miss a rocket launcher somewhere? I died shortly afterward -.-. I was a bit lost most of the time, which is surprising given how small the first area is. maybe I'm just incompetent.

Anyhow! excellent stuff. I loved some of the setups in the YSK area, the spectre/caco --> duo manc --> hk/cg/rev pincer were all excellently designed, nice micro-slaughter. The visuals were also quite good imo. sensible detailing. cool midi also (hurray jimmy).

the broken door --> chainsaw reveal was cutesy, I love stuff like that (like the glowing eye motif in the first map as well). also I didn't mind the fireblu deathwall at all. it's really early in the map so at most it costs the player 2 minutes of their time. I can deal with that.

overall: fun stuff. make more! in the mean time I'll try to beat the second one.

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I had a go at your second map and had to give up on it, kept running out of ammo. I have trouble in maps that give limited ammo due to my habit of spraying it everywhere, but this one seemed to be more stringent than necessary, and made the whole thing a bit of a chore. Health and armour were a bit thin on the ground too. All these things combine to make it so you can't make any mistakes, and I end up save spamming after every room. Catching an unlucky missile and dropping to 20% health may as well just kill you if there is no more health around to deal with the next encounter, and that is exactly where I found myself with the (presumably) first cyber battle. I had 40% health and was given nothing else, shit starts pouring in from everywhere and thats where my game ended.

Shame because it looks really cool, just needs more goodies I reckon.

edit: forgot to say, I really dig the green colours. But also that instant death thing is kind of weird.

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Played part of the second map now.

- No armour (green/blue) or SSG makes the first part of the map very challenging. If you don't have the SSG before going for the Green Armor then the 2 Revenants that ambush you seem very unfair to me. Earlier access to good armour would help.
- The insta-death wall is incredibly lame. What is even the point of it? There's nothing to indicate that you'll die if you enter it. The only remotely saving grace about it is that it's early in the map, but that doesn't make it any less annoying.
- I didn't really feel as though I had surplus ammunition at any point. (Partly because with no SSG at the start, you use more shells doing the same damage with a SG) That's not a problem, until I got to the teleporter after the Arch Vile which put me in a very tight space with 2 Barons to kill. That ate a ton of my remaining ammo. With such little ammo, it didn't cross my mind that I should charge right for the Spider Mastermind until I realised that must be where the Rocket Launcher is. I spent a while running around beforehand with literally 0 bullets and 0 shells. Compounding matters was again a lack of (obvious) armour. I saw a Soul Sphere guarded by a Baron, but I didn't have the firepower to get it. I ended up dying in this area.

Long and short of it, for me, is that there's too much to do with not enough armour or ammo. If there was more ammo, you could actually deal with the threats, and if there was more armour then you'd be able to deal with picking off enemies while being hit. This is especially true in the open area where you have an AV and several Revenants firing a lot of homing rockets, only for another AV to appear at some point, while under near continuous fire from the Spider Mastermind as well. There's not enough places to break their LOS. A MegaArmor would help a lot there.

The map was still somewhat enjoyable to this point, but verged onto the "unfair" side of the very fine unfair/challenging line. To me that can be easily fixed by having (ideally) a Green Armor earlier on, but definitely a MegaArmour in the large open area.

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Glad to see you've kept after it.

Skill 4 FDA (mostly) for Veilisis. I make it through, though not without embarrassing myself a few times (especially at the end).

If it seems like I already know the level up to a certain point in this demo, well, that's because I do! My (unposted) initial FDA ended prematurely in the blue armor secret in the library (first visit, mind you)--if you let the panel slide back up behind you while you're in there, there's no way out. With no RL onhand at that point, suicide wasn't an option, so I had to quit the game and start a new recording for the next attempt, which is what you see above. Fortunately, this was the only serious construction error I personally encountered; other than that, there's just a few texture bugs here and there, e.g. in the dark antechamber to the yellow key room (firewall textures bleed into the floor), an easy-to-miss HOM visible on the brown bluffs as the player is climbing towards the final area (pretty sure I point this out in the demo), and a touch of tutti-frutti or something in the skybox at the very end of the map. Other possible minor bugs include some inconsistently-damaging lava in the large outdoor area with the RL (read: some of it damages, some of it seems harmless), and damaging patches of ground that look they're supposed to be non-damaging in the stone/stained-glass killbox after the first cyberdemon (lots of noisy, redundantly-triggerable sector mechanisms around there too, incidentally).

I don't think that health or ammo are really too limited for the map's playability, though armor is vanishingly rare (either secret or booby-trapped, all of it), which is a bit unusual. I think I see what you're going for here, there are dry stretches and then supplies tend to be found in windfalls here and there, with the relatively plentiful supply of potions and helmets meant to extend the lifespan of the rare soulsphere or armor vest the player might be able to find. This style of placement isn't friendly to blind runs or some playstyles, but for the UV skill level I don't think it's an unreasonable challenge, though you might consider putting some unhidden armor later in the map (I don't think I found anything outside of a secret after the first trapped green vest). HMP would be another matter entirely, of course--even with reduced monster counts, the dry spells between resupply here are probably inappropriately long, assuming item placement doesn't change much. Of course, note that I say all this having found 6/7 secrets--a 0 secrets playthrough would be much, much harsher. Whether this is a problem or not depends on your personal design philosophy: some mappers want you to find the secrets in order to stand a good chance of survival; this is not a particularly popular outlook, but one that I feel has virtues (e.g. it encourages players not to just survive a map but to unravel it). By contrast, many mappers want their action to be reasonably digestible with or without the secrets, and if that's the case for you, I think you may have missed the mark a bit on this one. ;)

More concerning is that the flow bogs down here and there (mostly in the first half). Like 'Fireburn', this turns out to be a highly linear map, and while that's not a problem in and of itself, it does mean that it's slow going early on, when the player has limited weaponry but is regularly facing mid/upper-tier demons. In some instances this discrepancy in player/enemy potency is good for creating pressure (e.g. the yellow key trap), but there's also a fair bit of really dry "shotgun vs. hell knights in a corridor" stuff prior to the SSG that's more 'slow' than it is 'threatening', and occasionally we run into monster deployment that exists for no other reason than to make the player take a pitstop--the arch-vile stuck on the teleporter into the Baron-box is a notable example of this, but it happens elsewhere as well, e.g. the lost soul cloud upon returning to the library, which prevents you from entering the room but isn't actually very effective because the souls can't fly over the potions on the pillars. By contrast, your best roadblock was probably the vile trio in the cave shortly after the blue key, and yet in this case, I feel like you pulled a punch where you needn't have done so--the guys are held in the cave by a monster-blocking line, and so other than the initial jumpscare they're not terribly good at their job. Let them run free and push a panicking player back out of the cave, I say.

Where the fights work, though, they're quite enjoyable. Malcolm Sailor's work came to my mind a few times--relatively small numbers of monsters used to create lots of pressure by virtue of their strategic deployment in the environment, presumably what Ribbiks was referring to when he mentioned 'micro-slaughter.' Neat the way the battle spaces vary widely in size, but the overall level of pressure over the course of the map stays fairly even.

Aesthetically, I can't really point to anything in particular as a problem, but this didn't catch my eye in the same way that Fireburn did, for whatever reason...guess I'm probably just burnt out on the CC4 resource pack still, even though it's years old at this point. Still quite solid visually, mind you, with a neat little palette tweak to lend it some extra character, and the little 'epilogue' to the map is really cool, I'm glad to see the general concept seems to be gaining more and more traction in PWADs as of late.

Anyway, good to see you've kept mapping, as aforesaid.

Edit: Oh yeah, the music track in this is really fucking cool, fine work Jimmy. Probably my favorite Jimmytrack since 'Fallen Sun' from Reverie.

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Sorry I'm not on here a lot, I actually don't have internet where I live, so I have to drag ye olde laptop around and "steal" free wi-fi from different places.

Thanks for the comments/suggestions and fdas, everybody! So basically what I'm hearing is more health and ammo; I can do that, and fix the other little odds-and-ends here and there as well. I want these to be challenging, but not over-the-top douchebagfests. Also, I will nix the death-wall. I kind of copied and then mangled the idea from ic2005.wad (I'm pretty sure that's the one), but I guess there's no real warning what it does. My bad, haha.

I do plan on updating these at some point, should be within the next day or two.

...It also makes me warm and fuzzy inside that Death-Destiny and Malcolm Sailor were both mentioned, at least in passing. :D

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The maps are impressive, but like others, I quickly run into ammo troubles in Veilisis.

But, you already know that. The main reason why I'm writing this is that some fire walls near the starting area appear to be bleeding into the ground, almost as if their sectors weren't closed:

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Obviously I can't be trusted since it's been more than a day or two, but I finally updated these. Just a few changes here and there, nothing major. If you've already made it all the way through, it's not really worth going through again, but hopefully people will have enough ammo/health on the second one now. Thanks to anyone who played these/gave feedback/demos!

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So I replayed Veisilis on UV, but I run into ammo trouble again. It wasn't as bad as in the first version, but I run almost dry after the Mastermind arena, even though I employed monster infighting and used chainsaw wherever I could. Then, during cyberdemon fight, I had lots of rockets but almost no other ammo, which meant I was unable to finish monsters which got too close. And even though I let the cyber to kill most of the monsters (again), by the time I got the blue key and was on my way to the blue switch, I run completely dry (again). I rode up the elevator and I found myself standing against 4 revs and 1 fatso with nothing but chainsaw, which didn't end up well.

I didn't find any secrets, so I have no idea if they would help...

Oh, and you missed 3 of those unclosed sectors:

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