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1993res.wad [v3]

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1993res.wad v3

1993res is a wad-ified collection of unused doom art, including Alpha/Beta material and the never-seen-before stuff that Romero posted on Twitter. It include textures, sprites, and graphics, including full rotations for the player and zombies (huzzah!) and a few community-edited bonuses like a full frameset for the pump-action proto-SSG (thanks Ravage!). Big thanks to Jimmy n' Minigunner for helping with the rips, too!

As a note, no texture or thing definitions are present; the wad is simply meant to be a graphic resource for other folks to use.

Hope folks find it useful!



This project's pretty old -- check out its spiritual successor, LostRes, here:


Edited by Xaser

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Awesome! Thanks, people.

And I'd say, don't just stick to the new bits. Make it a "definitive resource", complete with the previously known alpha stuff.

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The alpha stuff is incomplete but if you wanna add these too, I advise to finish them just the way you did with the special SSG thing.

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Xaser said:

The big open question of the moment is whether or not to expand 1993res.wad to include alpha 0.4/0.5 resources as well, to be a "definitive resource" for all cut official id art, or if we should restrict it to just the new bits. Thoughts?

I think merging all alpha/beta resources that didn't make the cut (and/or were so completely changed they became something else entirely, like the treasure items) would be a good idea. There is some overlap between all these things, and it's good to have everything unified and centralized.

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Gez said:

I think merging all alpha/beta resources that didn't make the cut (and/or were so completely changed they became something else entirely, like the treasure items) would be a good idea. There is some overlap between all these things, and it's good to have everything unified and centralized.


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Yea I third the idea to put the old alpha/beta stuff into this resource.

Thanks for taking the time to compile this :)

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Hmm, enough people want it that I'll probably do so. Good to know it's not too terrible an idea. :P

Another question: Should i also include full rotations for the player/zombies? As-is, one would need to import them into a custom wad anyway so you can rename the existing frames to take the mirroring out.

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Xaser said:

The big open question of the moment is whether or not to expand 1993res.wad to include alpha 0.4/0.5 resources as well, to be a "definitive resource" for all cut official id art, or if we should restrict it to just the new bits. Thoughts?

Maybe also include the early MIDIs?

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Sure, may as well. Most of them are clearly alpha-quality, but they fall under the same umbrella so there's no sense in not doing so. ;)

Welp. This project is ballooning. :P

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D'you think it would be a good idea to include resources that were included in doom wads but never used in the game? There are a bunch of sprites in the Doom 0.99 wad such as extra fireballs which were never used in the game (some of them were used in the press release beta).

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Great stuff, Xase. I'd say go the whole hog and throw in the alpha resources and the full sprite rotations. Make it as "complete" a collection of lost official art as possible.

Trying to think of where I could shoehorn some of this stuff into ToPII ...

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Bumpalump! 1993res.wad v3 is up, containing all the Alpha/Beta resources too! Whoop!

Everything should be present, but the wad's currently in a rather "raw" state. There are name conflicts between the various resources such that using the wad itself as a full base isn't supported just yet. I'm considering sorting this out and making everything have unique names (sans some beta weapon sprites that identically match the IWAD ones except for the extended part on the bottom) such that it can be used as a base resource of its own, and texture definitions will come as a part of that, probably. Stay tuned, I suppose!

I've also started up a little section for "approved community edits" for things; I don't intend for this to grow much, but I needed somewhere to put Ravage's DB-SSG sprites. I snuck in some sprite edits by Jimmy as well, and technically there's one of my own still there (BFG2A0; Romero never posted the idle frame so I made one). It's minor enough I'm hoping the unofficialness will slide. :P

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Razen said:

That pile of bodies -- it's the coolest thing ever. I wonder why it was left out

It could be any number of things. It could be the fact that it appears to be the largest (width-wise) decoration made for the game and there were concerns over players getting stuck and where to place it. Or, it could have been removing it to prevent worries over gratuitous gore.

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Onslaught Six said:

It could be any number of things. It could be the fact that it appears to be the largest (width-wise) decoration made for the game and there were concerns over players getting stuck and where to place it. Or, it could have been removing it to prevent worries over gratuitous gore.

I'd believe the latter explanation. Doom was the most realistic-looking game at its time (!), surely there were concerns about the amount of showed violence.

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Yeah I agree with the latter as well. If it were due to width I don't think the giant tree sprite would have made it in either.

I just think that looking back now, that amount of gore almost seems comical. Especially next to props that include impaled twitching humans, hanging bodies with limbs torn off, and skulls impaled onto pikes (To name a few)

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Onslaught Six said:

It could be any number of things. It could be the fact that it appears to be the largest (width-wise) decoration made for the game and there were concerns over players getting stuck and where to place it. Or, it could have been removing it to prevent worries over gratuitous gore.

There's one more possible explanation. Remember, the original Doom didn't have a distributor; mine was shipped mail-order directly from id on floppy disks. No one knew it would sell as well as it did. I'm guessing the extra animation frames, decorations and the Spiderboss attack were cut because id didn't want to spend the money for one extra floppy disk.

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Wide decorations tend to look goofy when you circle them. My guess is that the developers didn't want to break the immersion without a sufficient reason (having big monsters counts as one in my book).

EffinghamHuffnagel said:

the original Doom

It's most likely a Doom 2-era decoration. You can spot a part of a chaingunner's corpse in the pile.

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