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Jaxxoon R

Sound Caulking [Now on /idgames]

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PC Doom Flavor

PSX Doom Flavor
(Vanilla Format)

So, have you ever been annoyed how so many monsters reuse sound effects, and how a few of them have no sounds to call their own? Tired of Revenants making the same old "DEEU-EEUH" sounds when shot instead of a suitably skeletony shriek? How about that naughty Archvile, and his distinct lack of sounds in the PSX version's style?

Well now you're in luck! With the magic of a little SNDINFO, Audacity, and some sounds I had lying around, anything is possible!

(For everybody!)

Edited by Jaxxoon R

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Very cool idea. The sharing of sounds between enemies always did bug me. Especially cool that you did a psx flavored one since I pretty much exclusively use the psx/d64 sounds these days.

Since you did it psx flavor, think you'll come up with a psx archvile sound set?

Any chance of doing it in wav format too? I'd like to try and use some of these as vanilla doom replacements with doom retro and in doomRL too.

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Hmm, does Doom Retro support a SNDINFO equivalent? Otherwise even if I do convert the sounds to Doom format all the monsters will only play the default ones. I guess if that's all you're wanting though, is a conversion, it will be done. When you say DoomRL, do you mean the cute little Rougelike fangame, or some mod I'm not familiar with?

And anyways, I had completely forgotten about the Archvile! Now that you mention it, I could very well put something together for him. Hodges did say he was going for something on the... "disgusting" side.

Check back within a few days.

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Yeah, I did mean the Doom Roguelike. I prefer to use the psx sounds in that too and it is very easy to incorporate different sounds for all the actions including the enemy pain sounds.

I don't believe doom retro has any kind of sndinfo equivalent. It is very vanilla geared port. So, yeah, I was just looking for doom/wav format versions of the sounds to use so I can mix and match with it.

Though, I don't suppose this caulking is possible in dehacked/bex form?

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Ah. I'm still confused.

Anyways, I've updated it to include the PSX-style Archvile sounds I made. And about Doom Retro, is it like Vanilla Doom in that the max sample rate for sounds is 22050 Hz? Or is it uncapped? Well I'll get to converting them all and post back when I'm done.

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Doom Expanded does this, its awesome. You know exactly what monster is nearby at all times, there isnt a single sound shared. Even the zombies are different to each other!

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Jaxxoon R said:

Ah. I'm still confused.

Anyways, I've updated it to include the PSX-style Archvile sounds I made. And about Doom Retro, is it like Vanilla Doom in that the max sample rate for sounds is 22050 Hz? Or is it uncapped? Well I'll get to converting them all and post back when I'm done.

The comment by Tango is BS. I did not mean the DoomRL arsenal mod. I meant the "cute little roguelike fan game" you mentioned. I like to import the psx doom sounds and music into that when playing. It uses wav format too.

As for Doom Retro's sample rate, I have no idea to be honest.
Here are some links to the home page and the Doomword forum page if you want to check it out and maybe pick the author's brain.

Home page: http://www.doomretro.com/

Forum page: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/source-ports/66518-doom-retro-v1-0/

Github: https://github.com/bradharding/doomretro

I do know that it is forked from Chocolate Doom if that helps. I also know that the port is geared to staying as close to Vanilla Doom as possible. So I would assume it uses the original sample rate. I have beem able to use the stock psx/D64 sounds with it that I found in other places.

And thanks for going through the effort to convert the sounds to Wav.

I'm gonna go check out those archvile sounds right now! :D

Edit: The archvile sounds are pretty cool. The only one I don't like is the sighting sound. I never liked the original archvile sighting sound either though it seems like you tried to stay pretty faithful to. Though yours is less robotic. Kinda like a star trek teleport pad. :P

But it always seemed out of place and kinda robotic to me in the original. The others are pretty rad though.

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So I did the thing and converted them to Doom format, so now they can be used in Vanilla-esq ports. Monsters will still play their default sounds though, and I'm not sure if that can be fixed with DeHackED since I've never looked into it, can someone with experience in it clarify for me?

As for DRL, someone could always convert them back to WAV using Slade if needed.

For the Archvile, I noticed that the original had a distinctive charging noise as it's sight sound. I thought that a straight growl would sound too similar to the former humans, so I tried my best to add in a sort of 'demonic magic' sound in a similar vein, but maybe I failed.

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ah. right. I just assumed (wrongfully I see) that you must have meant the ZDoom mod, as I didn't know that the actual DoomRL was moddable at all. my BS

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Cool. Thanks for putting them in doom format. Haven't gotten to try it yet, but bet it sounds great with the psx tc.

I like the idea you had with the archvile sound. It just came out sounding much less sinister than the rest of the sounds of the game. I think a breathing kinda sound would be very good and rather unsettling as the archvile sight sound.

btw, how did you convert the sounds to doom format? I've been wanting to try some of the doom3 monster sounds to see if I could find a good mixI did find a doom wad with them in it, but they are all in ogg format.

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I loaded them into Audacity (juggernaut jack-of-all-trades program that it is), dropped the project sample rate to 22050, and then when I went to export it, I selected the type as "other uncompressed files", hit options, set the header to "wav (microsoft)" and encoding to "unsigned 8 bit pcm", and then exported it. I had to maker sure to clear the metadata, or Slade would choke on the files

Then I loaded them into the WAD using Slade, highlighted them, right-clicked, hit "convert to Doom format", and then I saved it.

It took a long time.

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I've added the PC version, and updated the PSX version to include active sounds for the Pain Elemental. It's based off of Perkristian's HD sounds and actually takes a few notes from DE.

Edit: Is there anything I can do about the double-post?

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Jaxxoon R said:

I had to maker sure to clear the metadata, or Slade would choke on the files

That shouldn't be the case unless the metadata was inserted before the 'data' chunk.

And even then it should work with the latest devbuilds. http://devbuilds.drdteam.org/slade/

If you can try it and tell me if SLADE still has problems converting (8-bit mono) WAV files to DMX sounds, I'd be grateful. Thanks.

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Yeah it's working now. Thanks for pointing it out man, you've saved me a lot of time. I'll make sure to keep a look out for any problems I come across.

Anyways, hotfix up, I forgot the SS sounds and the Lost Soul death sound.

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I finally got around to trying this out as intended and I must say that it is quite great. Played it with Threshold of Pain and PSX Doom. It adds a subtle but great layer to the experience. I love all the new sounds (other than that one archie sound I mentioned before). This really is an outstanding contribution to the community.

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Well, uh... you know it's only realistic. A lot of big tough guys make odd noises when they laugh or get hurt. /excuse joke

Anyways, I've realized that the PSX sounds are way too quiet compared to the PC pack, so now I'm fixing that. Should've done it before I submitted it to Idgames, damnit. Can anybody explain to me (like you would an idiot, cuz I kinda am at these kind of things) how submitting updates works on Idgames?

EDIT: Ouch, I accidentally maxed the gain on the imp's pain scream, so now they hold the power of ear rape.

Seriously though, I forgot the Cyberdemon's pain sound, and that's just terrible.

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Cool project, look forward to trying the PC version.

I'm curious why many sounds are replicated from the vanilla game though? Are they Perk's high-quality versions (or similar)?

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Yeah, they contain the Perkristian sounds for the sake of convenience. All the new sounds I made based off of them. Maybe I should strip them out and upload a version containing just the new sounds for those that already have Perk's pack anyways.

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Cool, thanks for clarifying.

While my anal retentive side would enjoy having a stripped-down version, in reality it seems like your mod is a superset of Perk's, so yours is the only one needed for now.

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I just got an idea. Do you think you could make unique sounds for each of the item pickups (or at least make health and armor items use different sounds). You could use the PSX pickup sounds for this.
Also, I want to ask, is this wad based off Perk's high-res sound pack? some of your sounds seem higher quality, even with perk's pack disabled.

Edited by 3371-Alpha

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Just stumbled upon this. An instant must-have mod!


I started playing Doom 64: Retribution with the PSX Doom Flavor one and I legitimately got scared when I first heard the Hell Knight's active sound: it took me a while to identify where this slow deep growl was coming from and I briefly found myself wondering if this was part of Aubrey Hodges' soundtrack or if I had not accidentally loaded some unrelated monster addon along Doom 64: Retribution. :P

Edited by Rudolph

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Started to get sharing requests in my inbox and remembered that Google felt the need to invalidate old Drive links for """""my protection""""" or somesuch. The links are now fixed.

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Is there a way to make this vanilla compatible? (specifically for PRBOOM + and the PSX SFX, which have a "vanilla compatible" version) All of the other SFX work except for the unique pain, chaingun fire, ect... SFX.

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