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I made a thing (tiny weapons sprite mod based on scifista42' dehacked)

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This is currently nothing more than a sprite edit of the vanilla weapons rebalancing dehacked wad by scifista42 ( found here: http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/68001-try-out-my-dehacked-mod-improving-weapon-balance/ ) which I believe was inspired by one of phml's mod ( http://www.doomworld.com/vb/wads-mods/67618-phmlwep-a-dehacked-bex-gameplay-mod-for-slaughter-enthusiasts/ )

Sorry to scifista42. I posted the wrong link originally. This is the link that the wad is based on. It is actually the exact same mod that he created and is entirely credited to him for all the dehacked work. the only thing I did was modify the sprites.

This definitely makes regular levels a bit too easy. but definitely great on the really tough maps and slaughter maps.

What I actually did to it was to change up and edit some of the sprites.

All weapons now have black gloves. (from Icyfreezy sprites)

There is a new SSg by me. I simply took the psx final doom ssg and made some small edits to combine a few elements from the original ssg into it to make a kinda brand new subtle hybrid.

A new chaingun/minigun by me as well. I edited the one found in BDJ mod. Added a different hand holding the gun and removed bandelero. Also set the offsets lower so it doesn't cover as much of the screen. Also changed the shot flares to the originals.

New bfg from realm 667 made to work in vanilla. Sprites by Zrrion the Insect.

All dehacked work is the same as the original by scifista42. I do want to make a couple dehacked changes myself, but that will be a bit later. I prefer the original bfg behavior for example. I still have to look up more on how to do things though.

I use the psx sounds, but I left them out of here since I figured not everyone likes them and it's easy enough to load a psx sound wad over it if someone else wants them.

I would like some input and suggestions for a new rocket launcher and plasma gun sprites though. Trying to stay as close to the original doom style as possible.

I may add a few other graphical changes later. This is my first release of anything and it isn't really much of one. But thought I would share. I hope someone enjoys it.

Anyway, here it is:

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Brewtal_Legend said:

It's false. You've linked and referred to a wrong thread of mine. That's another DEHACKED mod than the one you've used here. I've made multiple DEHACKEDs in the past. :) NONE of them is actually based on Phml's mod.

Well, this your mod is really nothing more than my DEHACKED work with sprites applied over it. I, however, like the new minigun and BFG sprites, they make it noticeable that the weapons behave differently in this mod.

Brewtal_Legend said:

I would like some input and suggestions for a new rocket launcher and plasma gun though. Trying to stay as close to the original doom style as possible.

I would recommend to not fix what's already balanced very well, that's also why I haven't changed their default behaviour in my mod myself, it was on purpose, not due to a lack of imagination. But if what you want are changes for the sake of changes at all costs, here are suggestions:
-Faster projectiles. (but beware that they might clip through walls if too fast)
-Shorter reload. That's what I've actually done to the RL in the mod you've mistakenly linked to.
-Altering damage. That's what I've done to the plasmagun in the mod you've linked to. ;)

EDIT: Now that you've reminded of it, I forgot to update that previous thread of mine with an /idgames link, so I did it now.

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scifista42 said:

It's false. You've linked and referred to a wrong thread of mine. That's another DEHACKED mod than the one you've used here. I've made multiple DEHACKEDs in the past. :) NONE of them is actually based on Phml's mod.

Well, this your mod is really nothing more than my DEHACKED work with sprites applied over it. I, however, like the new minigun and BFG sprites, they make it noticeable that the weapons behave differently in this mod.
I would recommend to not fix what's already balanced very well, that's also why I haven't changed their default behaviour in my mod myself, it was on purpose, not due to a lack of imagination. But if what you want are changes for the sake of changes at all costs, here are suggestions:
-Faster projectiles. (but beware that they might clip through walls if too fast)
-Shorter reload. That's what I've actually done to the RL in the mod you've mistakenly linked to.
-Altering damage. That's what I've done to the plasmagun in the mod you've linked to. ;)

EDIT: Now that you've reminded of it, I forgot to update that previous thread of mine with an /idgames link, so I did it now.

I apologize. I must have read the thread and/or readme file wrong. I thought I read that your mod was based on Phml's mod. Perhaps i read that it was inspired by it and misinterpreted that it was based on it instead.

I know that what I posted is merely your mod with new sprites and I thought I was clear in explaining that in my original post. I also apologize for that if that was not clear enough. I will try to make it clearer in the OP. And thanks for permission to post it btw.

As for the suggestions that I asked for, I didn't mean I wanted to change the behavior of the plasma gun and rocket launcher. I meant suggestions for new sprites. :P I obviously wasn't clear on that point.

The only behavior changes that I would like to make to the weapons specifically is restoring the bfg to it's original behavior and maybe seeing if I can figure out how to add one extra animation frame.

The only other behavior changes that I may want to make are maybe to some of the monsters. I like some of the ones mentioned in Phml's thread and I may try to see if I can do a few of those.

Anyway, sorry for the confusion scifista42.

And what do you think of the sprite edits for the chaingun and ssg? :D
The bfg is not mine at all. all I did to that was make the frames vanilla and play with the offsets. But I did spend quite a bit of time on the chaingun even though it might not look like it. I think the ssg is a nice combo of psx final doom and the original. All done with ms paint btw. :P

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