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Classic Doom monsters Vs the Doom 3 ones

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scifista42 said:

What about revenants and mancubi in D3? What about all the other D3-specific monsters?
Doom 3's end story doesn't match the entire classic Doom story at all. That's why it can't be a prequel.
Alright, it's a legit opinion that you can have - but didn't you just contradict your earlier statements about taking the game as a prequel?
Not legally. They're still being sold as commercial games.
"Classic Doom 3" has reskinned monsters, that's about it. Doom Ascension (a classic Doom addon) had 3D models of Doom monsters, but I'm unsure if they were ever released.
Welcome to Doomworld.

1. Mancubi are not D3 specific. they first apeard in Doom 64.

2. I'm well aware of how the story for Doom goes, but thanks for the link, I needed a new copy of it and it also had the 64 story as well, Thanks. ^_^ In the the beginning of Doom 3, you are first being transferred to mars. It never says why, but you are pointed out to have a history as a trouble maker who doesn't follow orders, so it very well could have been for attacking a superior officer. True, it doesn't have you witnessing teleported workers going berserk and people exploding before the attack, or the shipping of their heads and torsos back to earth, they seem to have skipped that and pit in stories of it happening before you arrived. Instead, they seem to have mostly focused when all the shit finally hit the fan and that's basically the whole game of Doom 3. so, once you finish that game, you continue it with Doom, and ignore the original story for that game, because it was all just retold and changed in the form of the game you just finished playing. So, the introductive story for the classic has now been thrown out...

At least that's my theory. You see, I'm still playing Doom 3 for the very first time and have only just gotten past the psychokinetic spider-bitch. So, I haven't really passed my final judgement on the game, just yet. But according to Wikipedia, that's what seems will happen, but I still need to beat this game and see for myself. I never even had a ny interest in the game, when it came out. My bro rented it and I took one look and felt it was crap. But, recently, I suddenly got this "Doom fever" and went looking for the original game, that's when I found out that Doom two wasn't The Shores of Hell and actually took place on Earth, so up ALL the Doom games, except 64 (because I read know it's supposed to be the final ending) and read about their plots. From that, I decided if I'm going to play in Chronological order, I should ble 3 first. So I got the BFG9000 edition, because it has all three. That's why I want a mod to make the monsters look like they did in the classic games. But even with the mods, if Doom 3 turns out not to have enough plotwise connections to Doom, I'm probably going to sell this...

3. What do you mean?

5. I thought Classic Doom 3 was a mod for Classic Doom that made it more like Doom 3...

6. What do you mean by "Welcome to Doomworld"?

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iratecelt said:

1. Mancubi are not D3 specific. they first apeard in Doom 64.

It's like you have an infinite amount of information to pull out of your ass or something. Doom2 existed for nearly 3 years before Doom64 did.

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Edward850 said:

That would be a "no" so don't believe him. he has no claim to that, the truth lays with the individuals who DID make the game. So unless, one of them are on this forum somewhere, and they say that is so, I would not believe what Stratton says, he is clearly twisting things, Like Koji Igarashi did, when he recalled up to 5 different games that are still being played by Castlevania fans today, just because they conflicted with what HE wanted to do... Real efficient way shit on the work of your predecessors, Iga... The Douche bag... >:(

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Some of the new Doom 3 monsters were really fun to fight. The zombies in Doom 3 (the ones without the weapons) were just boring and often too easy to kill.

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Edward850 said:

It's like you have an infinite amount of information to pull out of your ass or something. Doom2 existed for nearly 3 years before Doom64 did.

No, it's lack of information. I've never played Doom 2, so I have no idea what monsters fist appear in that. But it doesn't change the fact that the Mancubus did not first appear in Doom 3. Infact, I only found out recently that Final Doom was only a part of Doom 2. I had no idea, I thought it was a full game by itself... One that I thought had been replaced by Doom 64.

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iratecelt said:

That would be a "no" so don't believe him. he has no claim to that, the truth lays with the individuals who DID make the game. So unless, one of them are on this forum somewhere, and they say that is so, I would not believe what Stratton says, he is clearly twisting things, Like Koji Igarashi did, when he recalled up to 5 different games that are still being played by Castlevania fans today, just because they conflicted with what HE wanted to do... Real efficient way shit on the work of your predecessors, Iga... The Douche bag... >:(

Seriously, he's worked at id since 1997, I think he knows what he's talking about. But fine, if you absolutely must have it spelt out to you, just have Time Willits say the exact same thing.

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iratecelt said:

That would be a "no" so don't believe him.

Better link because some people don't know the meaning of the word "partial".

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iratecelt said:

*a load of asspull'd shit over several posts*

PROTIP: Next time you join a discussion, make sure you have a decent idea of what the fuck you're talking about.

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iratecelt said:

I've never played Doom 2

Okay, here's what you do: Go on Steam, buy Doom 2, install it, download a source port, and play Doom 2.

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Gez said:

Better link because some people don't know the meaning of the word "partial".

I see... Well, shit...

AD_79 said:

Okay, here's what you do: Go on Steam, buy Doom 2, install it, download a source port, and play Doom 2.

Don't need to. I already said that I just got the BFG900 edution of Doom 3. That comes with the original classics, Doom and Doom II. So, I have Doom II, I just haven't played much of it. Only the first 2 Levels and just a little bit of the third level. The setting was Hurt Me Plenty.

So, just to to confirm... Classic Doom 3... it will really change the monsters to look like their classic forms?

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iratecelt said:

So, just to to confirm... Classic Doom 3... it will really change the monsters to look like their classic forms?

Wait, sorry, it wasn't actually Classic Doom 3 (which only recreates D1 levels), but Doom 3 to Doom 2 mod that I had in mind. This one, if I recall correctly, changes some of monster's sounds and skin textures, plus it does very minor changes to behaviour, and corpses won't disappear anymore. That's it - the models are the same as in D3.

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dethtoll said:

The edit button is a thing. Use it.

What are you talking about? I use it all the time... My typos are notoriously frequent.

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Then why did you make 3 posts in succession if you knew the edit button existed?

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scifista42 said:

Wait, sorry, it wasn't actually Classic Doom 3 (which only recreates D1 levels), but Doom 3 to Doom 2 mod that I had in mind. This one, if I recall correctly, changes some of monster's sounds and skin textures, plus it does very minor changes to behaviour, and corpses won't disappear anymore. That's it - the models are the same as in D3.

I see... Thanks, but that's not what I'm looking for, either.... Now that I think about it, I think what I really need is a mod that imports the models of all the monsters from the 64 game and uses them to replace all the Doom 3 versions. But that probably doesn't even exist...

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Edward850 said:

Then why did you make 3 posts in succession if you knew the edit button existed?

Because I'm replying to 3 different people.

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iratecelt said:

Because I'm replying to 3 different people.

Unnecessary multiposting is generally bad, specially if it happens within a few minutes. Better place your replies to different people into 1 post. It's not that hard to copy-paste and stack quotes, if needed be. You can also address the people just by name, you don't even need to quote whole posts, that just takes space.

EDIT: I'm sorry, this wasn't meant to be backseat modding, I wanted to explain iratecelt why people complained about his posts.

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iratecelt said:

models of all the monsters from the 64 game

It doesn't have models. Unless you're talking about the models that were used to render the sprites, but they aren't available to the public.

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Yes, Da Werecat already told me that they're sprites. So, what? They were made for a 3 dimensional game, so they should still be adaptable.

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The models have never been released. Nobody has them.

EDIT: Oh, I get it now. You wanted to see sprites in D3. That's not going to be possible, I believe.

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Well, as a thought experiment, I can sorta see how this could sorta work in Doom 3, but it would look so weird and require so many changes that it's just easier to say it's impossible.

An inelegant solution to a non-existent problem.

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