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The Blueberry Shadow

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Started mapping on 25th. Done 6 levels so far. Maybe this time I could get it eventually 32 levels...

As usual, it runs on anything. All levels can be pistol started. Maybe sometimes you'll have plenty of ammo and sometimes not so much. About 200 monsters per level. Armor/Health Bonuses stacked to give 2 points. Secrets are probably easy to find, and the levels are pretty straight forward.

Level Descriptions:
M01: Alpha Station - Dark cement halls, your entry to the starbase
M02: Toxic Dump - A place to dump the toxic waste
M03: Radio Outpost - The small outpost got overrun by the demons
M04: Nuclear Lab - Underground lab for studying the new clear matters
M05: Control Center - Where's all the computers?
M06: Highway 5 - UAC cut back on funding the road maintenance

The Blueberry Shadow

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FDAs for all 6 maps, 3 of them unsuccessful. Check out MAP01 demo where I shot a rocket to a Cacodemon in the last room, it hit the Cacodemon mid air, and thanks to "infinitely-tall" splash damage, it also blasted and gibbed a whole squad of zombies hidden behind a wall below the Cacodemon. :)

Simply detailed, but consistently good looking and greatly playable speedmaps. I like your style, Jimi, and I don't have anything negative to point out. Good job.

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Here, have some FDAs. All six maps completed, no deaths.

This is a pretty nice set of maps you've crafted, especially considering they're speedmaps of some sort. The maps have quite the classic feel to them, thanks to the simple detailing and your mapping style in general. And I mean classic as in stylish & tidy so don't take it as a negative at all.

Gameplay is pretty heavily RL and PG oriented, which is definitely not a bad thing as monster counts are rather high for maps these sizes and middleweights are thrown at the player like there's no tomorrow. Rockets and cells are plentiful though so with a bit of ammo management you'll do just fine and there's no need to start grinding away Nobles and Mancs with smaller weaponry. So despite the high monster counts, all the maps are pretty short; I don't think I spent over 10 minutes in any of the maps in the FDAs. They're also pretty easy, at least in my opinion, but there's enough chaos and good ideas so that it still kept me interested the whole time.

So yeah, not much to criticize about this and would definitely like to see more.

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MAP01 - 100% Kills - 77% items - 100% Secrets - 4:21 / No deaths

Good clean map with not-so-secret secrets. Thought you'd have put the shotgun before the chaingun in the map (unless I miseed it). Only gripe is with the random marble walls with MARBFACE and flesh floors before the final room.

MAP02 - 100% Kills - 100% items - 100% Secrets - 9:12 / No deaths

Much more brutal than the last map - had to spend time chipping away at all the demons in the nukage. Found the blue armor and soulsphere secrets after dealing with all the enemies, wish I had found it sooner. Exit room seems a little out of place, but nothing particularly irking about the map in general.

MAP03 - 100% Kills - 100% items - 66% Secrets - 11:23 / No deaths

Easier than MAP02 by a long shot. Found the arch vile 'secret' early on and turtled my way through all the enemies. Standard layout, nothing spectacular or weird, and totally knew where the two secrets were. Accidentally hit the exit switch before searching for secrets.

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BloodyAcid said:

Thought you'd have put the shotgun before the chaingun in the map.
Only gripe is with the random marble walls with MARBFACE and flesh floors before the final room.

I don't see absolutely anything wrong there. I don't think that weapon progression has to follow the same pattern in every wad (that'd be boring, actually), nor that every single design choice needs to have a purpose (an abstract map has a random hellish touch, and what?).

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scifista42 said:

I don't see absolutely anything wrong there. I don't think that weapon progression has to follow the same pattern in every wad (that'd be boring, actually),

I never said that there was anything wrong with it.

scifista42 said:

nor that every single design choice needs to have a purpose (an abstract map has a random hellish touch, and what?).

I don't get your hostility...? It's a random marble wall and slime floor slapped into a well designed tech/cement/pipe based map, and there aren't any other traces of hell whatsoever anywhere in the map other than the opening arena with the midgrate, which makes it seem very out of place or "unfitting" for the map.

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Thanks for the demos and feedback. Was fun watching them.

scifista42: Splrrt! heeh... looks like one of them survived it.

Veinen: That crazy zombie trooper attacking the cyberdemon! I usually try to make my levels last some 5 to 10 minutes.

BloodyAcid: The marbface/etc are because of the demonic invasion thing. Also wanted to have some stuff just a little out of place. Maybe I edit some of the tekwall4 into skintek. At first I was just going to use stock Doom2 textures, but now there's some of the "missing" Doom1 textures in the wad, just didn't get to use them much yet.

I've thought I'd try to continue with the current rate of 1 to 2 maps per day with about 4 hours per map. My first idea was to make 4 levels per day with 2 hours per map, but maybe that idea some other time. The first version of the first level was 2 hours, but didn't include the starting corridors with the zombies/chaingun room, or the trap at the end.

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the blueberry shadow, aka, killing things with rockets is fun: the mapset. pretty well put together for maps constructed in 4 hours. gameplay was pretty good for the most part, I like that you didn't shy away from throwing hordes at the player to blast through. the powerful weaponry and abundance of powerups made it pretty easy overall, but still an enjoyable romp. favorite maps were 01, 05 (cute, decently-paced, slightly dangerous). least favorite might've been 03 or 06 (a bit draggier, not a lot of threatening monster setups).

here's a fda if you're into that (uv-continuous): https://www.mediafire.com/?ovc6zdd1dmdfzys

only gripes include some mild tedium (e.g. hks at end of 02, various cacos in 06), and a couple infinity-tall annoyances (decorations in 05, cacos in 06).

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Very fun maps, I recorded a continuous fda
I died on a few maps so there are a few pistol starts in there.

Nice to have a lot of rockets and plasma to mow down the hordes. I got a bit trigger happy on one of the maps and ran out of ammo, think after that I started playing a bit more sensibly. I like how there is enough ammo and health to allow for some haphazard running and gunning though, and the maps are reasonably short and sweet (and easy to find secrets).

Good stuff

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BloodyAcid said:

I don't get your hostility...?

I apologize. That's not how I wanted to be. I considered your reply to be a critical one rather than just thoughts; I'm not a native English speaker and I thought that your word "gripe" had a stronger meaning than it had. I also express myself strongly, trying to make the meaning of my words clear, and I only wanted to say that (in my opinion) there was nothing too faulty to complain about in that map. Sorry again.

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No problem scifista, I also apologize for harshly expressing myself. I edited my posts a few times after posting it because I felt that I came off too rude for a simply inquiry as well.

Glad this resolved quickly. Sorry to have hijacked the thread Jimi.

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Very cool maps jimi!! I had a lot of fun. :)

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