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Pure Hellspawn

27 Year Old Guy Gets Swatted With 60,000 People Viewing

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1. Why the fuck is he 27 and playing Runescape

2. This is really too bad. Is there any way to track down these "swatters?" Seriously, these things can be dangerous, yet I feel if someone was seriouslty hurt the "swatter" would probably just laugh because "LOL 1337 HAX 4chan fame Reddit love this shit VINE IT"

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Clonehunter said:

1. Why the fuck is he 27 and playing Runescape

I still play the old school runescape 2007 servers from time to time. It's a fun game. Your point?

And as for swatting, it's a complete waste of time and money, putting innocent people in complete danger. I'm not sure how often they catch the perpetrators though - I hear it's easy to get away with which is unfortunate. Anyone caught doing this should be criminally charged. It's also completely ridiculous that a SWAT team would just spontaneously raid a house without investigation of sorts, but that's the beauty of the police stat-I mean American dream.

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A good question would be why this sort of "swatting" response happens only in the USA. In any EU country, a call to the police would result at most in the closest patrol car or bike being sent to investigate. How come in the USA they can mobilitate entire SWAT teams so quickly and eagerly? Do they have them always on full alert?

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Maes said:

A good question would be why this sort of "swatting" response happens only in the USA.

Two words: police state.

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Pure Hellspawn said:

Thoughts on this?

Is there really much to say? Yes its an enormous waste of time, money, energy, and resources, and yes it is hilarious.

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RUSH said:

Anyone caught doing this should be criminally charged.

Or swatted back....or the system abused until someone important is involved (and pissed off). Then maybe they'll revise their "rules of engagement".

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its not hillarious when you consider that many times police just shoot people without warning, luckily it didnt happen to this guy

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Sodaholic said:

Two words: police state.

Care to explain? I'm particularly interested in your definition of a police state.

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dew said:

Care to explain? I'm particularly interested in your definition of a police state.

A state that assumes that police are always right, and police are able to get away with all sorts of stuff. Being over-armed and over-reacting at the slightest provocation is hardly what I would call responsible police work.

There are countless examples, just Google "American police brutality" and try to tell me something isn't deeply screwed up here.

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It's a fact that police are getting military gear these past years.
And that the government mobilized a new domestic army (DOHS).
And that US citizens are being spied on in every possible way. And that FBI now wants in on that action.
And that there exists large swaths of "constitution-free" zones.
And that anyone at any time can be gitmo'd without any due process.

I don't have a personal definition of police state, but none of this sounds normal or healthy to me.

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Also google "filming cops". Police state is an accurate description.

What a totally fucked up thing to do to someone. This species is a fucking virus I swear, shit like this makes me ashamed to be human.

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So you're using a serious term as a buzzword to criticize bad habits of your country's law enforcement in the same way as one would say "fascist cops".

In a real police state no one needs to swat the guy, because the police would already be watching him. 60k viewers? Needs to be monitored for anti-state activities. Also all the outrage would be supressed afterwards and most people would just know the smart thing to do is to shuffle their feet and shut up about it.

Don't get me wrong, I can totally see a hundred things wrong with the murcan police even from across the ocean, but you're being hysterical and overly dramatic with your "police state" label like a punk teenager getting kicked out of a night club.

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Thanks dew, we all needed your super-accurate definition of "police state," because heaven forbid we use that short and simple term to describe "a country where police and militarization is getting way out of hand and human rights are slowly being infringed upon more and more each year." Please provide us with a more technically correct and less "hysterical and overly dramatic" definition so we can use it from now on.

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Maybe that's why the 60,000 were watching. They all knew but him. He looks pretty pro with that mic.

As for the people saying police state. Yeah and if he was really shooting people in his house its okay let him do it. Its his house even if his mom owns it.

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You missed the point.. We're mentioning the police state issue because it's sheer luck they didnt blow the poor guys brains out. On a different day this would have been a serious tragedy. Theres also outrage over this "swatting" bullshit so were all a bit angry about it. We're glad the police responded to the call, and we're glad luck was on the poor dudes side, in that he wasn't killed..

The people doing this "swatting" shit are doing it knowing there's a risk of death. Fucking fuckers..

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Because he didn't rush the cops or have a gun on him and well... he's white.

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You allow 60,000 people to monitor you and have access to your personal info, but nah, it's the police state that's out to get you when something screws up.

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Coopersville said:

You allow 60,000 people to monitor you and have access to your personal info, but nah, it's the police state that's out to get you when something screws up.

Just like how people don't want the government looking into their privacy... but everything is right there posted on Facebook. Bitches got stalkers? Go figure.

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Does someone have the video of him being swatted? 60,000 people and no one posted it? He was swatted right and its not just a hoax to get net famous? The article said he was forced on the floor and away for 15 minutes. All I see is the aftermath video.

His brother answered the door. So the cops must have knocked and not kicked it down or come in through the windows.

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geo said:

Because he didn't rush the cops or have a gun on him and well... he's white.

Tell that to the early-twenties army guy with the Wii Remote.

geo said:

Just like how people don't want the government looking into their privacy... but everything is right there posted on Facebook. Bitches got stalkers? Go figure.

Except people willingly put that info out for everyone to see.

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Coopersville said:

You allow 60,000 people to monitor you and have access to your personal info, but nah, it's the police state that's out to get you when something screws up.

geo said:

Just like how people don't want the government looking into their privacy... but everything is right there posted on Facebook. Bitches got stalkers? Go figure.

You guys realize there's a difference between information posted online that you WANT seen versus information you DON'T want seen?

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Just because someone's dox are available online does not justify getting a false call in to the police. Don't blame the victim, here.

And a police state doesn't have to be totalitarian to be one. There are gradations of everything, and the US has been on a consistent and definite trend toward more unquestioned and wide-reaching power given to the police.

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So, aside from his fake crying videos, is there footage of the actual raid?

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Jaxxoon R said:

Tell that to the early-twenties army guy with the Wii Remote.

Ya but that police officer wasn't right in the head.

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He's crying like a little bitch. If I got swatted and survived, I'd be laughing my ass off. He deserved it.

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Flesh420 said:

He's crying like a little bitch. If I got swatted and survived, I'd be laughing my ass off. He deserved it.

I don't know man, with police now days..

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