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Skulltag Screenshot problem

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I've installed Skulltag and I went and took a multiple screenshots,however I went to the source where I installed Skulltag and didn't find any of the screenshots I've taken,what is the problem ?

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1. Skulltag is outdated and its place has been replaced by Zandronum, therefore feel free to get rid of Skulltag and use only Zandronum.

2. Every time you actually make a screenshot, you can see a log in the upper part of your screen, and this log tells you the exact path where the screenshot was saved to. Make a new screenshot, remember the path from the log, and then go there and you should find your screenshots, if they were actually taken, and if they were actually taken in the port you think they were.

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Check your ini file for what these variables are set to, for example:

Screenshots are named like this:
Should be easy to do a search.

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Did you install Skulltag using an installer? If so, if your Skulltag folder is in Program Files, it might have a security protection and your OS doesn't allow to save files there. (It's weird, but my Windows 7 sometimes cries when I try to add anything to Program Files or delete anything there.) Check if it's the case.

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Ok first of all why are you still using Skulltag ? Most of people moved to Zandronum,i suggest removing the game ,and download Zandronum then install it and try to take a Screenshot to see if it's saved in Zandronum's folder,if not try moving Zandronum folder to a different location and retry,don't worry about mod compability,zandronum should still Be able to support most of Skulltag's mods :

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As everyone else has pointed out you should move onto Zandronum, there is also a mod for the unique features from Skulltag which works in Zandronum if that's the reason why you still use Skulltag.

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Mhm, just download skulltag_actors and skulltag_data and put them in the 'skins' folder in your Zandronum directory. Zandronum is actually more advanced than Skulltag, as quite a few bugs have been squashed, and cool things like Legacy support have been added.

If you're using Win7, I would reccomend never installing Doom-based programs to the Program Files directory - They simply refuse to run most of the time, at least on my end.

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Doomkid said:

put them in the 'skins' folder

Please don't do this. Use -file or drag and drop (assuming this does alphabetical order). Otherwise you potentially prevent yourself from joining online servers.

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sincity2100 said:

I put the skulltag outside the program files and it worked,thanks everyone :)

Nice'but keep in mind you won't be able to play it online,i suggest you to use zandronum instead ..

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