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IDFA/IDKFA & Backpack

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Hi there.

I was looking at the wiki and the article on the backpack states: "Using the cheat code idkfa or idfa to give the player all weapons and maximum ammunition does not give the player a backpack." Now, in the ZDoom wiki, in the cheat codes article, it says: "idfa-Equivalent to typing "give backpack; give weapons; give ammo; give armor" in the console." (and basically the same for idkfa). At first I thought it was some "enhancement" made by ZDoom, but when I tested in PrBoom+, I type idfa (or idkfa), select the chaingun (in Doom II, MAP01), and I proceed to kill the zombies in front of me. I keep firing until I am below 200 bullets (maybe 197-198), I pick up a clip... and it takes me to 202-203. How can this happen if I don't have a backpack? Anybody knows what's happening?

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IDFA/IDKFA gives you the back pack in PrBoom-Plus.

Vanilla Doom 1.9 will not.

It's the only gameplay behavior I know of that -complevel will not recreate, which I think is fine. An all guns and ammo cheat really should have included the back pack to begin with.

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IDFA/IDKFA does NOT give you the backpack in vanilla, Chocolate Doom and EDGE. It fills your ammo up to the non-backpack maximum value.

IDFA/IDKFA gives you a backpack in Boom and derived ports, Eternity and ZDoom based ports. It fills your ammo up to the backpack (doubled) maximum value.

These are just the ports I've tested with.

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ReFracture said:

IDFA/IDKFA gives you the back pack in PrBoom-Plus.

Vanilla Doom 1.9 will not.

Mmmh, I was thinking something like that ("it most be a source port feature"), but I thought, "well, PrBoom is pretty close to vanilla, so this must be standard behavior", and I don't have my 90's laptop right now, so I couldn't test it "the old way". It seems I'll have to test this kind of stuff in pure vanilla from now on...

ReFracture said:

It's the only gameplay behavior I know of that -complevel will not recreate, which I think is fine. An all guns and ammo cheat really should have included the back pack to begin with.

Yeah, I agree. It would be interesting to know where the cheat code began to add the backpack, maybe in Boom?

EDIT: I just saw scifista's reply, which makes sense. But there's still that little issue about the complevel. Any reason for that, maybe just an oversight?

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Zed said:

But there's still that little issue about the complevel. Any reason for that, maybe just an oversight?

It's just a cheat. Whoever uses it, already breaks the game. Also, it won't work while recording demos. I don't see a problem with keeping the Boom's fixed behaviour on -complevel 2. Entryway (PrBoom-plus developer) probably didn't see it as a problem either.

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