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3D Games with stealth elements either sci-fi or modern times?

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After finishing Deus Ex: Human Revolution a few times I've been craving more games with stealth elements like it such as the keypad/computer hacking or finding codes/password for, hiding behind cover waiting for guards patrolling to walk elsewhere, running through vents, causing distractions, hiding bodies, finding hidden stuff and so on.

I have already played games similar to this such as Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, the Splinter Cell and Hitman games, DX2, and the Batman Arkham games although they aren't exactly like what I'm asking for.

Is there any more I haven't tried yet which I should?

Edit: I don't want medieval themes regardless if they're fantasy or not.

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Have you played Alien Isolation yet? It probably lasts longer then it should but it is a good game.

System Shock 2 actually has Thiefs' ai so hiding in shadow and keeping quiet can pay off even if it's not what the game is built around.

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Metal Gear Solid, obviously. Escape From Butcher Bay was also a good one. And if you don't object to an oldy worlde theme, there's games like Thief, Tenchu and Dishonored.

If we're including predominantly non-stealth games with sleath elements, then there's the Assassin's Creed series, The Elder Scrolls series, Batman Arkham Asylum/City/whatever the new one's called, Crysis... Alien Isolation is more of a "avoid getting killed" than a "kill things and hide their bodies" experience, but I guess it's worth mentioning.

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--- With technology ;

deus ex 2 - sneak, hack, shoot, interract with characters.
system shock 2 - use terminals, shoot things, collect materials.
metal gear solid - the grandmaster of sneaking around.

ghost in the shell - playstation 2

--- no technology.

The dark mod.
You can become a thief in the elder scrolls oblivion... lol


There are so many spread over so many platforms...

Fake edit ;
Refreshing this thread in another tab shows the almighty ninja.

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I mostly just want them with either modern time or sci-fi themes, not so much medieval and the like.

I'll give SS2, Alpha Protocol and maybe even Metal Gear a go depending on if there are any PC ports available or not.

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Deus ex 1 has some stealth elements and SS2 does use thief's engine but there really is no stealth in it. And if you dont mind Red Faction and Soldier of fortune 2 have some stealth levels although no where as good as games like thief.

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You can be stealthy in Fallout: New Vegas. Fallout 3 lets you do it too, but NV does a better job weaving it into the quests if you want to play some of them that way.

Various Wolfenstein games have stealth missions.

Star Trek: Elite Force has several missions that are meant to be stealth operations. They basically always fail and you end up running away screaming while trying to shoot Borg in the face or whatever. Its sequel ramps that up a bit and has you avoiding various sensor beams and such through vision augmented by your gear.

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Project IGI was good stealth fun. Also pretty tough, because you couldn't save during the missions. Actually, some missions were downright frustrating. Thanks, now my PTSD from the last mission and the insane escort mission is flaring up.

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There is some fun stealth gameplay in No One Lives Forever and its sequel.

As far as Metal Gear Solid goes, I really enjoy the gameplay in Snake Eater and Peace Walker taken together, but appreciating them properly sort of requires playing MGS2, appreciating which properly sort of requires MGS1...

A few other games that at least partially fit your description: Bioshock, The Saboteur, Perfect Dark (if XBLA or N64 are acceptable platforms).

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Oh, that makes me sad. Last I heard Night Dive was still trying to bring them back, I didn't know the whole thing had stalled like that. D:

Several years ago I grabbed NOLF and NOLF2 used for $2 each, from the bargain rack at a pawn shop. Flawless install media, and complete in the original boxes, even--guess I should go make backups.

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