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Weird/Dumb Stock Photos

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Lately, I've noticed something about a lot of the stock photos out there, namely that they're weird as hell and make you question why they exist. Case in point:

There's also this one, which I'm not going to embed because it's slightly rude. No actual nudity, but still not the kind of thing you'd want your daughter or boss to catch you looking at without context: http://thingsithinkarekindacool.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Awkward-Stock-Photo-2.jpg

And now I implore you to go out and find some wacky stock photos yourself. Return here and post your findings, as per usual.

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Isn't the whole point of stock photos to be easily used in presentations and other stuff like that? A stock photo of a pretty girl in a bikini, a kid playing a video game, a fat guy eating etc. all make sense as they can be easily applied.. but... a doll in a raw chicken? What in the fuck?

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