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The Heretic

Intermission editing

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Help. For my Legacy only doom2 TC, I want to edit the intermission screen between levels.
I use Deepsea, Wintex and Dehacked. Is there a way to disable the intermission screen? You know : delete it? Im doubting this, but what factors of it CAN you edit? Can you make it silent or display different data? Does it have to have a backdrop?

Please tell me all the possible things you can do with the intermission screen, if any, using the above editors I mentioned.

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You can susbstitute the intermission screen graphics (scores/map name/background) with your own using wintex; paint shop pro is handy for creating new text graphics.

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The easiest way I know to susbstitute the intermission screens graphics is with NWT. Simply go to "interpic" in NWT and press F7 or F8 to import your gif-file. But wintex well do too.

Sorry to use your thread Heretic, but does anyone here know how to change/ disable the intermission texts in Doom2 like the text you get before entering Dead Simple (between level 6 and 7) or the text you read after finishing level 30? Can it be done?


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I think it would be possible with ZDoom and EDGE. At least i have seen extra text's in few ZDoom Wad's, and i think that i saw one in a EDGE Wad also, so i guess you could remove all of them also.

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Fredrik is indeed correct. BEX will do for any source port that supports dehacked/bex.

Zdoom can have a text lump included in your WAD to change all sorts of things, including intermission texts, the backgrounds they use, which sky or music a level uses, which level follows which etc etc.

Look here for details:


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if your levels weren't strictly for a certain source

jdoom has intermissions and finales you can completely edit using simple scripts. is what i'm using for my main plot that will have an intermission/finale after every single level

you can have a different interpic replacement for each level if you want, any patch, or you can just use any flats, and play whatever music you want during it (even mp3s if you're sick of midi)

more than one screen too, you can write just enough text to fill the screen then clear it and write more, you can even stick enemies in, i use this to show what enemies you'll meet before the first levels i place them in (just copy the finale script from after map30 and change them around a little big, mostly trial and error)

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