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Map Submissions

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Committed http://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/freedoom/catoptromancy/map31.wad
Enabled secret exit, Add DM player starts and items.

Committed http://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/freedoom/random/tarin_map08__map02.wad
Adjust and playtest skill 2 and 3, Add DM player starts and items.

Committed http://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/freedoom/catoptromancy/cato_01c.wad
7 powerups added, some more ammo, remove archvile jump secret, make BFG secret much easier to find.

Committed http://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/freedoom/catoptromancy/map18.wad
Implement and fully playtest skill 2 and 3. Add DM player starts and items, bot and server testing.

Committed http://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/freedoom/z0k/map15o_c3.wad
z0k's map, Adjust and fully playtest skill 2 and 3. Add DM player starts and items, bot and server testing. Used "Multiplayer tagged, Not Cooperative" tags on "teleporter destinations" to teleport only DM players to keep them within a DM area.

Committed http://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/freedoom/z0k/map28_c3.wad
z0k's map, Fixed routes and pits, Adjust and fully playtest skill 2 and 3. Add DM player starts and items. Used "Multiplayer tagged, Not Cooperative" tags on "teleporter destinations" to teleport only DM players to keep them within a DM area.

Committed http://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/freedoom/catoptromancy/map22_c1.wad
Massively adjust and playtest skill 2, skill 3 playtest and adjustments, Add DM starts and items.

Committed http://www.geocities.ws/catodemos/freedoom/random/map16_c1.wad
Lighten up skill 2 mostly. Playtest skill 2 and 3. Already had DM starts and items.

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