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No, the map is completely trivially easy. It gives a bad impression in the following aspects: Ugly default texturing, skippable fights, symmetry and bland square rooms, flat ground everywhere, and short length. These are the areas you should focus on to improve in the future. This map is OK for a first map, definitely not good as a product for people to play, but you will improve with experience if you're willing to continue trying, that's for sure.

Note for other people: The map is for ZDoom.

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Any advice on how I can make fights not skippable?
I'll come up with some way I can improve on everythig else, but I'm not really sure what makes someone have to fight.

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1. Motivation. Reasonable balance of challenge/time needed to spend on it. Players want to be challenged, but they don't have unlimited patience. If you force them to shoot into a wall of enemy meat for half a minute while staying on one place and simply keep dodging enemy fireballs, that's not appealing enough challenge at all, the player will say "screw it" and will run around the enemies, annoyed. This should not happen.

2. Enemy placement. Punish the player for rushing forward way too fast and carelessly, by losing health. Hitscanners and monsters with powerful attacks are good at this. Don't overdo it, though, it may become annoying to spend a whole game camping behind corners. Also, generally, place more monsters than you do - but place them efficiently to threaten the player, perhaps from different directions or heights at the same time.

3. Architecture. Don't make rooms too large to allow easy escape from the monsters and their attack. On the other hand, when you make rooms too cramped, it becomes uncomfortable. Feel free to vary it up, depending on the situation. Make the architecture to give some advantage to the monsters - a slightly tighter-than-usual corridor when fighting monsters you're not supposed to skip; an open space when using monsters with fast projectile attacks like Arachnotrons and Mancubi; terrain variation to allow Cacodemons to fly over; hide some monsters in darkness (but don't overdo this, please); etc.

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TrueKindness said:

Any advice on how I can make fights not skippable?
I'll come up with some way I can improve on everythig else, but I'm not really sure what makes someone have to fight.

Yeah, you might make some traps on the way so that you can only avoid these traps by killing the enemies on the way , Or some blockers .

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