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Loading external DDF with EDGE

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Hi there.

I'm trying to load an external DDF file for EDGE.

Lets say my DDF is "foo.ddf" into a folder "bar". This DDF has a monster definition that works well if I include it into "things.ddf"

EDGE seems to provide two command line arguments to load external/additional DDFs:

-ddf   <dir>         Load external DDF files from the directory.
-game  <dir>         Game dir, for PARMS, DDF, RTS, WADs, etc.
But none of them seems to work.
It returns me "Missing languages!" error just upon launching EDGE.
I tried copying all languages .ldf files, but I get the same error again.

Is there any way to solve this without replacing the original EDGE things.ddf?

Thanks in advance.

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Your DDF file needs to be named according to what it is replacing. So, if it is Things.DDF, it needs to be named as such (etc). You need to provide all DDFs in the folder at the same time, or convert it into an internal lump. External directories cannot process individual DDFs, only internal wads can.

Attach your EDGE or EDGE2 log if possible.

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Chu said:

Your DDF file needs to be named according to what it is replacing. So, if it is Things.DDF, it needs to be named as such (etc). You need to provide all DDFs in the folder at the same time, or convert it into an internal lump. External directories cannot process individual DDFs, only internal wads can.

Attach your EDGE or EDGE2 log if possible.

Following your instructions, I copied all the DDFs into my custom folder. Then I replaced the things.ddf with my own things ddf, where the only thing defined is a modified zombieman. This is, the only contents in my DDF is the 'ZOMBIEMAN:3004' thing.

But when loading edge, I don't get any more missing DDFs but EDGE doesn't seem to read the original DDFs at all, so it crashes with a

"Unknown thing type: CLIP
Error occurred in entry: [ZOMBIEMAN] (things.ddf)"
like if he doesn't even knows that Clip thing is already defined withing the original edge_ddf/things.ddf.

What I need is to just tell EDGE to use the 'ZOMBIEMAN:3004' that I provide in my custom things.ddf, and replace the original zombieman with my own zombieman.

It seems that the only solution is to use the DDF from within a .WAD? Or is there any other solution?

I know zDoom allows loading external scripts with a simple command line argument without any trouble. I guess if EDGE has/will have this aswell.


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I think it should work if you run EDGE 1.35 (or later) and use -file option with your DDF file, for example:

edge -file somewad.wad foo.ddf -warp map01

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andrewj said:

I think it should work if you run EDGE and use -file option with your DDF file, like this:

edge -file somewad.wad foo.ddf -warp map01

Actually, I found what the problem was.
The '<THINGS>' marker was missing. Now doing only

edge -file foo.ddf

I don't even need to copy all other DDFs.

Thanks for help anyway.

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