So, what did you REALLY expect of Doom 4?
Maes, in Everything Else
So, what did you REALLY expect of Doom 4?
57 members have voted
1. So, what did you REALLY expect of Doom 4?
It was exactly what I expected, and glad about it.22
It was exactly what I expected, and pretty disappointed with it.5
It is too much like Doom 3, which I liked.7
It is too much like Doom 3, which I hated.5
I honestly expected some kind of remake of the original Doom and Doom II with a modern engine.12
I really expected an officially endorsed source port that used the original IWADs, maybe with a few enchancers.2
I would have been more pleased with another official IWAD a-la "No rest for the living"4
I would have preferred something that broke away with both Doom 3 and Doom II/Doom.7
I can't really pinpoint or argue about a flaw, I simply don't like it.1
Other (please specify)14