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Protesters Vandalize Charleston Confederate Statue With 'Black Lives Matter'

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Stupid white kids trying to make it look like blacks would vandalize a statue to make them look bad.

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What's that? Historical monuments don't represent our current political/social/theological beliefs? Better deface them.

This is what happens when college kids have four months off and a boner for social activation. A least they logged out of their tumblr accounts for a moment.

geo said:

Stupid white kids trying to make it look like blacks would vandalize a statue to make them look bad. get them some social brownie points.


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Sometimes I think Lincoln should have just cut the south loose when he had the chance. On the other hand, it would be a bigger shithole than it is now. Ugh. It's like Guy Fawkes Day: I have no idea whom I'm supposed to cheer for there. Bastards all around.

It makes sense to see confederate flags disappear from stores. It doesn't make sense for Apple to remove Civil War games. Nobody was going to complain loudly about those. They're just screwing themselves out of money, and possibly other sales helped along by a few good games.

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Technician said:

What's that? Historical monuments don't represent our current political/social/theological beliefs? Better deface them.


I agree, wanting for Black people not to be murdered with impunity by every white shithead in Dixie is the moral equivalent to Daesh's terrorism. Spray painting is equal to destroying. And confederate paraphernalia are equal in value to Mesopotamian artifacts that are over twenty times older than the USA. Great equivocation all around!

Aliotroph? said:

It makes sense to see confederate flags disappear from stores. It doesn't make sense for Apple to remove Civil War games. Nobody was going to complain loudly about those. They're just screwing themselves out of money, and possibly other sales helped along by a few good games.

Good, I am 100% in favor of anything that can cause Apple to get less money.

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Lol ya yanks are taking this WAY too seriously. What about redneck jokes, truckers, and country music? Those just won't be the same without confederate flag imagery.

I wonder what Lynyrd Skynyrd will do....

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Wow so the confederacy is now the new Nazi? Its also proof people are stuck living in the past other than Doomers and Star Wars fans.

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geo said:

Wow so the confederacy is now the new Nazi? Its also proof people are stuck living in the past other than Doomers and Star Wars fans.

Its a World wide phenomena.
Something happened 300 years before i was born and which is not applicable today, i demand justice !

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Commenting on the "Nazi" example above:

don't forget that Germany's de-nazification was imposed by the Allies after they won the war, pretty much like occupied Japan wasforce to repudiate everything having to do with the emperor, martial arts etc. by the US occupation government, or the more recent "de-Saddamization" of Iraq, against imposed by the Coalition occupation government.

It's questionable how much the Germans would do by themselves if they were left on their own, seeing that other countries with fascist/pro-nazist governments didn't go through a similar repudiation/de-nazification purge, and some have quite powerful pro-nazi sympathizer groups.

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Maybe it means that "Black (in general) is alive, oh Mother", from latin mater = mother? Or maybe the "Black" is showing off "Live(s)" in Mater, Belgium? Who knows. Let's not jump to conclusions.

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DooM_RO said:

The white guilt is strong.

If not caring about the pedestal of some dumb statue getting an easily removable graffiti with the message "black lives mat[t]er" a few days after a Stormfront terrorist murdered nine people in cold blood for the only reason that he's a racist shitlord is "white guilt", then color me white guilty I guess.

I notice that there doesn't seem to have been a thread about the Charleston murder. They weren't shocking to Doomworld I guess, what's shocking is a harmless graffiti on a statue commemorating those who gallantly laid down their lives to keep racially-justified slavery an integral part of their way of life.

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^ Seems like you exposed us there, partner. Yeeee-haw! So, how's that Redneck/KKK Doom mod coming along, mah good ol' boys?

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Gez said:

what's shocking is a harmless graffiti on a statue commemorating those who gallantly laid down their lives to keep racially-justified slavery an integral part of their way of life.

Or it is just shocking that (white) people decide to take a piss on history instead of learning why American Civil War was important and what it achieved.

And I am getting real tired of people (I would assume they are some sort social justice warriors or advocates) thinking they are better because they have "sympathy" for minorities, and have "guilt" for something from past.

Instead, they just drive that wedge deeper and deeper. What they should do, is to respect them as a people, not something they were born as.

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Gez said:

a few days after a Stormfront terrorist murdered nine people in cold blood for the only reason that he's a racist shitlord is "white guilt", then color me white guilty I guess.

Jesus, are you being ironic with those words?

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Attacking a mere symbol to bring about social change, in my view, is a vain gesture. Go ahead and take down all the flags, decapitate the statues, and desecrate graves of people who fought for something they believed in at was, at that time, part of their engrained culture and way of life and was believed acceptable, regardless of how we view them now. Go back to any time in history and you will find a negative aspects to any culture. Humans have never and will never be perfect.

If any of the people calling for this for a second believe there will be any tangible benefit in reducing racism or stopping incidents of police brutality or changing minds, they're dead wrong. If anything, it may lead to escalation from more insane people like the guy who carried out this shooting.

Worst of all in my eye, however, is the censorship aspect involved. Maybe next we'll start burning books and censoring history too.

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We sometimes fail to see that America still has two distinct identities when it comes to the civil war issue. Attacking parts of country who still cherishes it's past stab at separation is just segregating them more from today's progressive society.

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FireFish said:

Its a World wide phenomena.
Something happened 300 years before i was born and which is not applicable today, i demand justice !

30 year statute of limitations.

One of my friends is saying its not a hate crime, he chose to shoot a senator and that's why we have guns for when our political powers overstep their bounds. He could have chose any other black church, but he chose one with a senator.

He's not the first gunman to attack a senator or politician with a gun.

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Maes said:

Commenting on the "Nazi" example above:

don't forget that Germany's de-nazification was imposed by the Allies after they won the war, pretty much like occupied Japan wasforce to repudiate everything having to do with the emperor, martial arts etc. by the US occupation government, or the more recent "de-Saddamization" of Iraq, against imposed by the Coalition occupation government.

It's questionable how much the Germans would do by themselves if they were left on their own, seeing that other countries with fascist/pro-nazist governments didn't go through a similar repudiation/de-nazification purge, and some have quite powerful pro-nazi sympathizer groups.

So you're saying blacks have won the war and this gunman was correct and the Illuminati is real?

Anyway, all jokes aside people need to be comfortable in their surroundings. If something makes you uncomfortable, you need to change it.

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