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While I've never seen the official Doom board game, back at elementary school my friends and I used to play an improvised version of a "Doom board game", which was mostly inspired by Monopoly.

Of course, you don't get to buy ordinary sites in this game, but rather demonic places (slaughterhouses, evil temples, weapon factories, haunted tombs, etc.). It was fun :)

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I've got the board game. Sadly, none of my friends were into it (even though they said they were before I bought it!). We only played it once years ago. I really liked it though. If memory serves it was quite similar to Space Hulk - which is no bad thing. :)

I think its out of production now but it seems to pop up on Ebay pretty regularly. :)

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Ahh, the old DOOM board game!

I have played this gem before. Many times. The kid that I used to babysit was a HUGE doomer. He was 11 years old, made little DOOM wads (not good ones, but come one he's 11), and he had the DOOM board game. So, every time I babysat, we would play it.

It's really only fun if you love DOOM and have played it, otherwise you can't truly appreciate it for what it is.

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I have it, but we play with more of a DoomRL rules instead of the ones it came with.

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Play it occasionally, quite nicely built. Wish it was Doom 1/2 setting rather than 3 though.

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