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WADS with direct continuation?

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Are there any WADS that have direct continuation throughout its maps? For example, you head into an exit room at the end of MAP01, finish the map, and then MAP02 starts you off in the same exit room. Scythe II did this but for only a few maps, and Going Down did it as well with the elevator. Can anyone think of more?

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I think UAC Ultra had it, and there was also a space nazi wad the did it too I believe. I can't remember the name though.

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Phobos: Relive the Nightmare
Cleimos 2
Doom 2 Reloaded
also Reverie, but the connection is often rather contrived (lazy teleport solution)

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Espi's remakes of Hell Keep and Slough Of Despair from the first Flashback Demo have direct continuity between each other, if I remember correctly. Suspended in Dusk also does this.

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The Talosian Incident does this pretty well. Cygnus IV attempts a similar effect, but it doesn't quite work as well (always start the map facing a wall or something). Of course, old zdoom hub type mapsets tend to do this.

Oh, and Project Space for giggles. I recall plenty of mapsets doing this, but I can't list them all off the top of my head like these.

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A Matter of Minutes will do this. It just skips all the boring parts in between levels where there aren't monsters to bother you and the theme changes dramatically and the door sometimes vanishes when you walk into where the next level starts.

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cortlong50 said:

DTS-T did it.

just bear in mind the first few levels are...bad.

they get better.

No they don't.

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Hellbounds maps are continuous in that way too.

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Just found this thread. I also love mapsets with continuation; of following one long story. They're my favorite. You guys have remembered more than I ever could. I'll add one more question on top of the original.

Half-Life and Doom3 had plenty of instances where you could see an area you couldn't reach yet. You got there eventually, but maybe not in the current map. I remember a Doom mapset where you walked along a deep, uncrossable, lava river and saw a building on the other side. Two maps later you're fighting your way into a building to find a key, I think. You look out the window and see the lava river and the spot on the other side where you were walking two maps earlier. I loved the surprise of that moment. Any of the mapsets you've mentioned have anything like that? Or crossing the same map from a different direction? Or a different time period? What would Doom2 maps look like after 1000 years had passed?

I've always thought a Continuation mapset would be a great Community Project. It would take forever because a mapper couldn't start until the previous mapper finished. Also balance would be tricky. You'd always have to bear in mind "This is MAP04. I can't have 3 AVs and 5 Cybers." But maybe six really good mappers could work together and do it. Just an idea.

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I think Jenesis does a pretty good job of keeping the continuation going on a lot of the maps.

EffinghamHuffnagel said:

You look out the window and see the lava river and the spot on the other side where you were walking two maps earlier. I loved the surprise of that moment. Any of the mapsets you've mentioned have anything like that? Or crossing the same map from a different direction? Or a different time period?

I seem to remember Deus Vult 2 eagle's nest has the green castle from the previous map in the distance. I love stuff like that. There's a few maps in Going Down where you can catch a glimpse or revisit previous maps, and of course there is the time travel map.

I always thought a whole time travel megawad might be fun, where each map is the same place but in a different time.


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EffinghamHuffnagel said:

I've always thought a Continuation mapset would be a great Community Project. It would take forever because a mapper couldn't start until the previous mapper finished.

That's what Progressive Fiction was all about, resulting in Hadephobia in the end.

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That's a pretty cool idea. I do enjoy "The Living End" style where you see a place you want to get to right from the start, and then eventually get there at the end of the map, but i didn't think about having that sort of design across multiple maps.

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Yeah, it wouldn't be like a Hexen hub because you couldn't go backwards. More like The Hobbit. "Yep. That's it. Lonely Mountain. It'll only take us another whole movie to get there."

And among mappers who are friends there's also the cliffhanger/dickish possibilities. Ending a map by jumping off a cliff into an ocean of lava, or with 30 Imp fireballs coming towards you. "Okay. That's my map. Take it from there."

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IIRC, in Scimitar you sometimes get to see areas from a few levels ahead. It's a cool idea but when you already know how Doom works and realize that it's just copypaste, some charm is lost I think. It would be nice to become a naive kid again...

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Memfis said:

see areas from a few levels ahead. It's a cool idea but when you already know how Doom works and realize that it's just copypaste, some charm is lost I think.

I still don't see it as anyhow less charming than if it was an actual (hypothetical) view-portal into the next level(s) - unless the foreseen levels visibly contain monsters / items that I cannot kill / pick up yet in this map. It reminds me of the truth. Understand, I wish to get there now, for the monsters and items, to improve my level stats or just get more enjoyment out of this map. And the inability to do so makes me annoyed.

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Memfis said:

IIRC, in Scimitar you sometimes get to see areas from a few levels ahead. It's a cool idea but when you already know how Doom works and realize that it's just copypaste, some charm is lost I think. It would be nice to become a naive kid again...

Foreshadowing is a story-telling technique rather than a technical achievement. Like how in a film, a character or object that will become important later is introduced in an earlier scene. Its effectiveness will depend on its implementation and subtlety, what you describe is the equivalent of a film audience thinking "oh well thats obviously done with editing or special effects", which can happen when the techniques draw too much attention to themselves.

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