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Doom spanish Interview

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Here's an interview with Marty Stratton, it's exclusive to IGN Spain, so there's not an english version as far as i know
It doesn't say a lot that hasn't been said before, but has some interesting comments, so might as well bring attention to it. Since it's only available on spanish, here are the main highlights from the interview:

*Some talk about how doom 4 violence aproach is very over the top, and how they have made some changes to advoid it to be disgusting or too realistic

*There is a brief talk about Id tech 6, about how it's a huge leap in rendering terms, Marty mentions some dynamic lighting and how textures react to it. Not really deep on the subject.

*Marty acknowledges that they have seen some of the infamous "recolored screenshots", but points out that the screenshots they released are only a small part of the game, and that there is a lot to be seen. When asked about the posibility about adding an option to change the color filter, marty says something like "Look, we know what we are doing, and we know how we want to make it, so trust us, ok?"

*The most interesting piece of information (at least for me) it's about the number of players in a multiplayer match. While Marty say's that the 6vs6 match mode worked really well, and that the maps were made with that number in mind, the final number of players in a match will be determined by the feedback obtained during the multiplayer alpha

*The chainsaw is going to be available on multiplayer, but marty doesn't want to tell how it's gonna be incorporated (maybe its gonna work different? idk)

*Some e-sports talk, though marty doesn't discards that Doom may be suited for an e-sports crowd, he says that the mp was aproached with a more casual audience in mind, "the kind of multiplayer you just pop in and just enjoy it for what it is"

*The usual snap map talk (It's easy to use!, you can make new game modes! blablabla), Marty mentions that he once used snap map to create a 2 player racing mode where both players race through 2 simetrical paths and throw attacks and obstacles to each other... interesting

*The reason why Doom it's not appearing on gamescom, it's because Id feels that they've already shown enough, and they want to finish the game

So yeah, some of the info is quite interesting, also, please excuse my horrible english

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"Look, we know what we are doing, and we know how we want to make it, so trust us, ok?"

TOP. KEK. Id has fucked up a LEVEL EDITOR, clearly, they need some serious guidance still.

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The exact quote translated says:

"We are really making the game we think that's gonna work with the people, both from a visual and a gameplay standpoint, we always listen and pay atention to what is said outside, but we know what we want to deliver, and that's how we want to aproach it"

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StevieCybernetik said:

"Look, we know what we are doing, and we know how we want to make it, so trust us, ok?"

TOP. KEK. Id has fucked up a LEVEL EDITOR, clearly, they need some serious guidance still.

He was referring to the colors not the editor...

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