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Andrea Rovenski

Sunlust + Summer of '69 demos [-complevel 9]

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Awesome... Does anyone had tested MAP01 from Summer69? I guess no because get all secrets almost unreal.
Sectors 345 and 742 are secrets and so so so so close to each other :( + something always pushing you away from there.
Edit: With RocketJump reach secret in 345 a little easier.

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blob1024 said:

11 in 9:14
map is cool, demo isnt but holidays are over =)
hope its inspiring some faster demos


found decent fights with AVs, but 05:xx should be easy stuff for j4rio


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I did a map 7 max but it sucks and I have no time to improve it anyway so have at it. I'm posting just because I'm wasted anyway and I would never post sucj a shit demo anyway so enjoy!!!


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^^ cool demo. I didn't think to keep the RL cyb alive for the HK/baron fight. I imagine it definitely helps buy you some space, but with the added challenge that damaged AVs (from cyb splash) will target you from further away

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Hmm, didn't quite expect to see vdgg recording on this wad. :) So, if I understood Ribbiks correctly, an out of range arch-vile can still attack you if some other monster hurts him? I've always thought that this can happen only if the player himself hurts the AV. Interesting and very illogical...

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No, it looks like a post in a hurry by Ribbiks. Some AVs attack me (if I come out too close), some change attack -> cyberdemon (if hit by splash damage). I guess you all remember that scenario from MAP15 from Scythe2?

That cyberdemon is invaluable, but a few times the revenant army just destroy him, which makes everything more difficult and slower.

I certainly didn't expect recording here either :) But I had so much fun, especially from MAP11 onwards (MAP20 on skill 3, last 2 maps skipped).

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vdgg said:

No, it looks like a post in a hurry by Ribbiks.

heh indeed, my apologies. my (hasty and incorrect) line of reasoning was that the undamaged pillar AVs got hit, their target died, and then they attacked you from further than 896 units away. That obviously wasn't the case here, I didn't think the comment through.

On a related note, is there anywhere that elaborates a bit more on AV behavior (moreso than the doomwiki page, for example)? Looking through p_enemy.c it's obvious the max range is 896, but it's not clear to me how or why injured AVs would behave differently (e.g. is their range actually changed? If so, to what? and for how long?), maybe it has something to do with the JUSTHIT flag? Anecdotally I seem to remember getting attacked by them from further than "normal" after they take damage, but I'm having a hard time finding it in the source.

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Yes, JUSTHIT flag will cause P_CheckMissileRange to return true as soon as the enemy has line of sight with its target, before the special check for AV's range could be performed. So, if the Archvile gets hit to pain state by a projectile of an already dead monster (or if this monster dies shortly after the AV is hit), the Archvile will target the player and attack him at the nearest opportunity, totally regardless of distance. The situation is improbable to happen for obvious reasons (first, AV must get hit by a monster who dies, and second, his pain state must be triggered by said hit).

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j4rio said:

map 6 max 2:47

Vile-jumping just to improve ammo usage efficiency is brilliant. I'm admiring the strategy in all your Sunlust demos - these are tough maps to optimize and I could probably spend days planning worse routes.

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