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baja blast rd.

*** The "ask a miscellaneous editing question" thread ***

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Another question, more about Boom compatibility.

Will PRBoom crash on a wad if it has a TEXTURE2 lump with no TEXTURE1 lump?

I ask because I've got a TEXTURE2 lump I intend to modify and add a few textures to, but I don't want to have the unchanged Ultimate Doom TEXTURE1 lump in the wad.

I suspect it would, but I want to be sure.

On that note, is there any advantage to using TEXTURE1 over 2 or the other way around? Or is it irrelevant?

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GZDoom slopes, there are times when I cannot seem to make the heights of the sectors match up on the grid, is there something I'm missing?


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If the slope is a 3D Floor (as I've gathered from the image) you want the dummy slope lined up horizontally (that is, the length of the slope, not the width) with its target sector.


Like this.

So it looks like this:



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I don't think it's a 3D floor. In which case, you're better off using line action 181: Plane_Align. This lines the floor up perfectly, as opposed to using that not-so-intuitive slope settings tab. If it IS a sloped 3D floor and Aquila's advice still doesn't help, then hopefully this more comprehensive guide explains it for you.

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1 hour ago, kdoom said:

GZDoom slopes, there are times when I cannot seem to make the heights of the sectors match up on the grid, is there something I'm missing?


To me it looks more an alignment in height than an alignment with the grid.

In any case, highlight the sector and use mousescroll to raise/lower the sector by 8 units each click, or ctrl+mousescroll to raise/lower the sector by 1 unit each click.

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It is a 3d floor, and yes its height alignment, excuse my poor wording of the issue. I was unaware of the plane align, although it still seems a bit off. I'll tinker with this info until I get it looking proper, thanks for the tips.

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I can extract wad files using slade and into my wad but I'm having issues transferring .pk3 stuff into my .wad 


does the method differ doing so ?


like I can put wads from realm667 into my wad easily but have problems doing so with stuff from .pk3 files and I'm wondering if theres any more to this 

Edited by quake92

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1 hour ago, kdoom said:

It is a 3d floor, ......


The alignment of the control sector with the game sector is critical, which Dragonfly pointed out in his tutorial.


Since you are mapping for UDMF ...

However, as a map becomes more complex, it is more and more difficult to align the control sectors, especially when the alignment has to be done other than at 90 deg. For that, even for not so complex maps, I use boris's ThreeDFloorMode-v0.2.3.zip plugin. See the ZDoom Forum for info on how it works.


An example pwad

Edited by Kappes Buur

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1 hour ago, quake92 said:

I can extract wad files using slade and into my wad but I'm having issues transferring .pk3 stuff into my .wad 


does the method differ doing so ?


like I can put wads from realm667 into my wad easily but have problems doing so with stuff from .pk3 files and I'm wondering if theres any more to this 


like you know in a pk3 file the decorate image sound and info files are all in different folders? Am i supposed to somehow realign all those together when trying to transfer a specific enemy from the pk3 onto my wad ? 


Specifically I'm trying to extract some of weasels nazi enemies from his nazi pk3 file, when I get this to happen I will be a happy man please if anyone has any pointers it will be greatly appreciated :)

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Is there any possible way to change the height of the Arachnotron's projectile from 32 to any other height, and it will work with PRBoom?


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Unless I misunderstand how Doom handles projectiles heights, they are fired at a height equal to half that of the firing actor. I don't believe there's a way to change it outside of ZDoom and its derivatives.

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Here's the baby spider attack function:

void A_BspiAttack (mobj_t *actor)
    if (!actor->target)
    A_FaceTarget (actor);

    // launch a missile
    P_SpawnMissile (actor, actor->target, MT_ARACHPLAZ);

Pretty simple. The meat of the action happens in that call to P_SpawnMissile:

// P_SpawnMissile
( mobj_t*	source,
  mobj_t*	dest,
  mobjtype_t	type )
    mobj_t*	th;
    angle_t	an;
    int		dist;

    th = P_SpawnMobj (source->x,
		      source->z + 4*8*FRACUNIT, type);
    if (th->info->seesound)
	S_StartSound (th, th->info->seesound);

    th->target = source;	// where it came from
    an = R_PointToAngle2 (source->x, source->y, dest->x, dest->y);	

    // fuzzy player
    if (dest->flags & MF_SHADOW)
	an += (P_Random()-P_Random())<<20;	

    th->angle = an;
    th->momx = FixedMul (th->info->speed, finecosine[an]);
    th->momy = FixedMul (th->info->speed, finesine[an]);
    dist = P_AproxDistance (dest->x - source->x, dest->y - source->y);
    dist = dist / th->info->speed;

    if (dist < 1)
	dist = 1;

    th->momz = (dest->z - source->z) / dist;
    P_CheckMissileSpawn (th);
    return th;

See that th = P_SpawnMobj (source->x, source->y, source->z + 4*8*FRACUNIT, type); line? That's where the projectile is actually spawned. Notice how it's hardcoded to appear 32 units above the calling actor's bottom. So the only way you can change that for the arachnotron would be to change the value here, in P_SpawnMissile (which might or might not be possible in DeHackEd, I honestly have no idea but I'd bet on "not possible"), and this in turn would affect all projectiles spawned by any monster, including imps, cacodemons, revenants, barons and knights, and so on. Only the pain elemental's lost souls and the player weapons would be unaffected.

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Anyone know a good tutorial for transferring assets from a .pk3 file to a custom wad using slade ? i can do wad to wad but not from pk3 to wad.


best regards

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16 hours ago, Kappes Buur said:

Have a look at the table in https://zdoom.org/wiki/Using_ZIPs_as_WAD_replacement under How to

That pretty much tells you how to reverse map from pk3 folders to wad markers.

English isnt my native language but atleast now I know this is the info I need to disect to grasp how to rearrange stuff within pk3 files, thank you a lot i will take time to try to get a hang of this good stuff

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I need help - how to prevent sky1, sky2 and sky3 from getting removed while I remove unused patches from pwad?Skyboxes are 1024x240, but I think boom compatible ports should read them without any problems. They all are in texture1 and pnames lumps too. 

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Personally, i will make backup folder and after removing unused patches i will add them back if they will be deleted.

Or another solution could be that you make somewhere in map 3 dummy sector and fill them with sky1,2,3 textures after that editor should recognize that their are used and keep them. not best solution but it should work.

Edited by Marlamir

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13 minutes ago, Marlamir said:

Personally, i will make backup folder and after removing unused patches i will add them back if they will be deleted.

Or another solution could be that you make somewhere in map 3 dummy sector and fill them with sky1,2,3 textures after that editor should recognize that their are used and keep them. not best solution but it should work.

But everything is in texture1 and pnames lump. I just don't get why slade doesn't recognise that these skies were used. I guess, I'll try beta version of slade to see if it will help me. 

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11 hours ago, Myst.Haruko said:

But everything is in texture1 and pnames lump. I just don't get why slade doesn't recognise that these skies were used. I guess, I'll try beta version of slade to see if it will help me. 


In vanilla D2 format you have to open the Texture1 Editor




Scroll down to SKY1 and install the new patches




which, of course, replaces the original SKY! image.

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I have this midtexture (from the gothic texture pack from realm667), that appears higher on prboom+ even though on zdoom and on the editor I have it just above the floor.



Does anyone know why this happens?, I think it might have something to do with the size, but other textures of similar size seem to work fine.

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After looking at what could possibly be wrong for a while, I noticed that on the editor the texture had a height of 128 with the top half being blank, but the actual image in slade had a height of 64. Apparently when adding the texture to the textures file the height was written as 128 for some reason, and I suppose that zdoom was looking at the textures file while prboom was looking at the actual image.


I have no idea how that happened, but I managed to fix it by editing the textures file manually.

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@Kappes Buur whelp... I didn't know that lower unppegged worked for midtextures, now I feel stupid for wasting time placing so many textures by hand. Thanks for letting me know.


Still, that would not have solved this problem, when choosing lower unpegged the texture got placed on the ground in the editor but when testing with prboom it appeared floating.


I can see that you have the texture as 128x64, that's why it's working fine for you, I had it as 128x128 until I edited the textures file.

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Is there a way to make the Upgrade Stamina (from strife I htink) not increase health to the new maximum?  Or create a item that just increases maximum health by X and gives a health bonus by the same amount?

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Whats the best way to implement a custom sky box/texture? 

I know about using Mapinfo, but what I've gathered it only works in ZDoom/GZDoom?


So, how would one do a custom skybox without breaking compatibility with the common source ports? (Prboom, Glboom etc.)


I tried the search too, but could'nt find any definitive answers. And some topic's were really old, so I thought there could be some new better tricks out already for this.


EDIT: I'm using Slade and Doom Builder

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1 hour ago, masaa12 said:


So, how would one do a custom skybox without breaking compatibility with the common source ports? (Prboom, Glboom etc.)



Since you are limiting your mapping to vanilla doom format, you have to use the TEXTURE1 and PNAMES lumps.

I made a video some time ago showing how to accomplish a sky in D2 with 4 256x128 textures. The same could be done just as well with a single 256x128 texture. But, make sure that the texture(s) are tiled properly.





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