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Koko Ricky

What's the weirdest shit we've done with Doom?

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Doomhuntress said:

wasn't he banned or something

He bounced out after he was banned from Everything Else. He had a map pack that was more or less a gallery of art made with the doom engine. I can't seem to find it, but it was one of the most mind blowing things I've ever seen done in any game.

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ggg has lots of super cool stuff, most of it listed ^^, some of it not.

the one you're talking about is ggg12unfin.wad, which is indeed listed in that thread.

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RUSH said:

Are you going to play these "truly weird" mods while high on magic mushrooms? Because THAT would be truly weird indeed. Please report on the experience.

The dosages I prefer make it nearly impossible to do something as coordinated as playing a video game. In fact, such dosages cause one to (in my experience) lose interest in most activities other than contemplation and spiritual work. However, I have played Doom 64 while coming down and the increased edge detection (a side effect at even low doses) made the architecture more appreciable.

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I played Doom a couple hours after the peak of an LSD trip a few years ago. It was great fun and very tense, but it didn't take long til I ha to go outside again. I can't stend being indoors while tripping (assuming it's daytime.)

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GoatLord said:

The dosages I prefer make it nearly impossible to do something as coordinated as playing a video game.

Or posting. Oh, wait...

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I miss gggmork's posts and work.

His actions were mostly harmless from what I've seen, and very far between. So It's a shame for him to have been compelled to wander out.


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Welp, I'll be checking out some of these mods I think, it looks like we're getting into some interesting stuff. I'm kind of obsessed with fsknovlk.wad right now, from a few years back, but after I plow through that one I'll try out one of ya'lls suggestions.

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And let's not forget Ars Doom and Doomonstration Game, a weird cross between a scene demo and a Doom level.

My idgames review for Ars Doom:

Entartete Kunst (or just Kitsch?) meets Doom. You're basically a bible-thumping vandal (I think so since you're using a brush and a cross to smite what appear to be "eggheads", pseudo-intellectuals and wannabe art critics, which however don't fight back) in a large, psychedelic art gallery. Has some impressive architecture and texturing, but suffers from heavy slime trails that make it look poor. The "gameplay" consists in finding all 3 keys (and secrets, if you wish). 4/5 from me -Maes

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I once made the mask into Doom, he threw oversized rockets, chickens and other weird shit like chainsaws or bombs... i don't know why i made him...

Im not sure if i still have a backup....

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joe-ilya said:

I once dreamt of a humanic penetration interaction

Now, a WAD based on that would be weird. Whatever that means.

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SavageCorona said:

Ghoul's forest was just a stupid dehacked edit and a flat map with some trees in it.

I don't give a fuck about the environment when playing this kind of mods Heh.

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J.B.R said:

Lemme guess, you're a ghoul lover?

I didn't say that, i mean i like this kind of chasing games

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Uh... anyways, lets keep this on track instead of insulting peoples likes and dislikes...

Mouldy, i am with you 100%. Archie has got to be the weirdest thing i've seen in probably my whole life. If you dig into the slade file, you can uncover the *story*
behind the experience. Its... touching, In a very uncomfortable way... but its not without its merits. It is quite, quite memorable. I kind of wish more people could see the thing. The dude must have really worked on that thing, and i hope it helped him out somehow.

I wish i could email the guy to hear more about the conception of that thing, but alas, "4-chan@gmail.com" is not something i'd like to have sending me messages anytime soon...

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Maes said:

Now, a WAD based on that would be weird. Whatever that means.

I would imagine it's some weird version of sex, if you can believe that. Closest thing to that would be hdoom I suppose.

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Pretty boring, but I once made a mod that made the rocket turn into a(n already-exploding) barrel when it exploded. And also the lost souls turned into barrels when they saw you. Then gave the barrel explosion the Pain Elemental's death codepointer. Shooting a rocket on Map12 was apocalyptic! To both your health, and framerate. Later I made them turn into trees after exploding, which dropped and vanished shortly afterwards. This gave the explosions a defined limit, as they were blocked from bouncing off walls and coming back.

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I once made the rocket launcher shoot lost souls, thinking that it'd be like having a PE at your side. In reality, the lost souls travelled forward for a short while while slowing down and turning to face the player in a single motion. What was weird was that many of them just exploded when they hit the first obstacle. Those that didn't just attacked the player.

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