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Hexen Thing_Projectiles

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I have another dumb question
Okay, to start I am trying to make a wall that shoots fireballs at the player.
I got it right only It shoots once then stops. I want it to continuously shoot fireballs, like in the guardian of ice, the room to the left when you enter.
I used the while expression and inserted a delay but the script is still a runaway.
Then when I put the delay below the while the fireballs shot once.
I may be stupid or not understand what I am doing wrong

Here is the code

#include "common.acs"

int mapvar0;

script 4 (void)


    int var0;

   var0 = 1;
   while (var0 < 3)  
   Thing_ProjectileGravity(15, T_FIREBALL1, 270, 32, 32);
        thingsound(15, "FireDemonAttack", 127);
        Thing_ProjectileGravity(16, T_FIREBALL1, 90, 32, 32);
        thingsound(16, "FireDemonAttack", 127);
Can someone please help?

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Close the code tags by using [/code].

As for your problem, wrap in curly braces everything that should be in the while loop. Like this:

#include "common.acs"

int mapvar0;

script 4 (void)


   int var0;

   var0 = 1;
   while (var0 < 3)
       Thing_ProjectileGravity(15, T_FIREBALL1, 270, 32, 32);
       ThingSound(15, "FireDemonAttack", 127);
       Thing_ProjectileGravity(16, T_FIREBALL1, 90, 32, 32);
       ThingSound(16, "FireDemonAttack", 127);

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