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  • First off, a message to our hosted sites. We've asked several times now to send us a message whenever you update, since we do not have the time to check your site several times each day in case you actually did update your site. It's sooo easy to do, and saves us a lot of trouble.
  • One of the few people kind of enough to do just that, are the folks at the Tools-Assisted Speedruns site. They've updated with two more pacifist demos, one of them which has never been done before in pacifist style and the other much faster than the regular speed record.
  • The Doomed Millenium has posted a preliminary list of all-time best Doom(2) add-ons. Here's your change to submit or vote for your favorite add-on!

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The Mockery and Iron fist projects have not updated in a very long time, and nobody seems to notice. I e-mailed the head of the MockeryTC project a few times to which I got no response. I think he's died or something, and nobody at Doomworld has even noticed. I wonder what's going on?

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To Hyena, Mockery is Scott Cover's 'project', and is not a real project as such. It will consist of really crappy levels and is intended as a joke. I can't imagine people actually looking forward to this :) As for some other hosted sites who seem to be dead... We sent those an email a while ago that if they don't spring back to life sometime soon their account here will be terminated. Andrew is far too kind, really. I'd killed them off long ago.

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So you think I'm faar too kind, eh? WELL MORDETH, YOU'RE FIRE- eh who am I kidding... /me goes back to sleep

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Guest Anonymous User

Actually, I did look forward to Mockery. I have a sense of humour, you see. In fact, I did some experimenting, and realized that if I try, I can make some levels that are so crappy, they're funny. I wanted to see about joining his team, and didn't get a response. That was months ago. Yeah, anyway, I'm weird.

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For some reason, it listed me as anonymous. Maybe I misspelled my password.

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Guest Anonymous User

Ha. I could make Mockery myself. ;) I already have two levels that would be perfect canidates. One is named "myfirst.wad" and features a single room with a spectre. There's no exit. :) The next is "my2nd.wad" and it's more of the some except with some pillars and a bunch of former human sargents and imps. There are a couple of shotguns for the player along with shells and stim-packs. Since the pillars were placed along the outer wall, I decided not to texture the wall farthest away from the player since they couldn't see it. What happened was that a 'star' HOM appeared. :)

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Those are bad, but not so bad that it's funny. The level I designed goes like this: You start in a room full of imps, trapped in the corner with a BFG9000. After you kill all of them in one shot, you open a door, which does not have unpegged door jamb textures, and outside. The sector outside has the same cieling height as inside. There's a rocket launcher and a chaingun surrounded by so many boxes of ammo, you could shoot all day and never run out. When you pick up the rocket launcher, about fifty SS officers run at you from a quick-opening door. If and when you kill them, you go into a room that has the sky texture for three of the walls, and the exit switch is too big for the room (height 64), and you can't even see the switch part.

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