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We've been getting quite a few emails about this subject, hence this snippet. Walnut Creek aka CDROM.COM is going to stop providing free mirrors for commercial archives - which is quite understandable. After first hearing about this last week we fired off an email to maintainer Ty Halderman of the (non-commercial!) Doom archives there, and he wasn't aware of any changes in the current status of our beloved archives. So rest assured... unless we hear otherwise in the near future all Doom files at CDROM.COM are safe.

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Guest Anonymous User


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Guest Anonymous User

Now all we need is someone to mirror the entire doomgate

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Guest Anonymous User

mirror yo momma

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Guest Caleb

oh bullshit! Ty aint stupid! he knows and knew what was going on with cdrom

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Guest Anonymous User

Well, all I know is what I read, so far. But it's looking like it's a problem for commercial sites who don't want to start paying. There's no single entity to bill for the amateur areas, so that'll probably not be a problem and will continue to be supported.
If that doesn't work out, there are other places that the archive could be kept, but it's got a surprisingly high bandwidth requirement for a dead community.
Anyway, I may or may not be stupid (this proves nothing), and I may or may not have the answer, but I'm all over it, like something all over something else.
If I end up anonymous, this is Ty. :)

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Guest Pirx

all those doom files are 1.8 gigabytes or so (ola said some time ago) and that's pretty ridiculous compared to what new games need, so why should cdrom.com take the doom files down?

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Also, if they "take them down" they probably won't get many new submissions. Anyway, those files may be included in cdrom.com's CDs, but are not their exclusive property (they often do appear posted in other places) - and their copyright belongs to the authors, as you can see in the included text files. So according to what the news says, we aren't in danger.

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Guest Confusion

Dead! He called the community dead! Why has no-one picked this up? Dead! How dare he!

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He could well mean that it is not really commercially exploitable (unlike the unreal or q3 communities, for example). You can always ask him what he meant if it bothers you. It is evident that the DOOM community is producing things, so...

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"it's got a surprisingly high bandwidth requirement for a dead community."

Did I really have to put quotes around "dead" and a smiley on the end so you'd know I was being sarcastic? I mean, really... That was precisely my point, that for a so-called dead community, we're a pretty active bunch.

Or maybe you were being sarcastic too... Ah, yes, I should have realized, hmm?

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Guest Slipgate


Just because CDROM.com isn't automatically mirroring other commercial FTP sites doesn't mean it won't continue to be an FTP site itself, storing whatever (that is appropriate) that is uploaded to it. In the case of DOOM, most people upload directly to CDROM.com so that's CDROM.com specific. Most (not all, just most) other FTPs you get Doom stuff from are people mirroring CDROM.com, not the other way around.


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