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Guest Excalibur_Z

Re-think your statement.

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Bare in mind that these sorta things happen everyday in those countries. How would you feel if death and destruction was a normal part of your day and not something that just happened once, like it did now.

These things didn't just happen because somebody decided to blow up some American stuff. There's a reason why it happened!

So look at the root of the problem, not who destroyed those buildings. That's just a little part of the puzzle !!!

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Guest Scuba Steve

Not a Bright man, are you Viper?

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Guest OllieJ

Their reason is simple: to strike fear into the hearts of americans...
By doing it they hope to have an effect...

The question will it be a good or bad effect, if the US just lashes out at Bin Laden without proof, or just attacks an entire country, then the terrorists have won...

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Buy Doom, it is worth the money.

I don't give a fuck WHO they are. Afghan, Iraqi, Isreali, Palestinian, Hindu, Chinese, Korean, Mexican or Martian. Whoever the fuck did this and whoever the fuck is letting them stick around needs a good dose of vitamin missle.

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hey Lut, if someone just murdered 10,000 of your people on national television in a horribly gruesome way, would you feel the same? America didn't ask for this, those people didn't ask for this so shut your fucking face. If they would have only attacked the Pentagon, that would have been different. But they didn't. It was people who just wanted to get through another day of work and go home to see their families and friends. Instead they were burned alive or crushed or fell hundreds of stories in absolute terror before being smashed on the concrete below. Have you no compassion? Do you have the audacity to say these people had it coming?

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Guest The Last Doomer

You're all fucking morons. And hypocrites for that matter.

You're no better than the terrorists themselves if you feel the only resolution to this problem is more murder and bloodshed.

None of you complain when the US launches air attacks against other countries. None of you complain about the countless lives lost in other nations during wartime.

Suddenly it hits so close to home and it's an outrageous act. Wake up and realize this is just a small taste of how other civilations around the world live day after day.


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Guest Omniverse

Ok I feel the need to make a serious post now.

To the one who has not learned to differentiate between retaliating with force and initiating it;

You fail to understand that killing and bloodshed are not intrinsically wrong. Sometimes they are very necessary and GOOD things that prevent horrible things from happening in the future.

You also criticize people for, what Ayn Rand called it in Anthem, the great "transgression of preference". God forbid they care about some people more than others! I suppose if your mother died, you wouldn't appreciate me telling you that "people die all the time" and that "you never care about THEM like this, now do you?" Now who is the hypocrite?

And you want to know WHY other civilizations live like this? It's the one concept that most people don't and REFUSE to understand; A CULTURE'S IDEAS DRIVE ITS HISTORY!!! Bad ideas will lead to war, death, and destruction. A culture with bad ideas will lead to these things. A culture with bad ideas is a BAD CULTURE. (I'd like to just give a nice 'fuck you' to all those labelling me a racist right now when the racists are the onces that can't divorce the concepts of 'culture' and 'skin color' in their minds).

Yes there are innocents in these countries that die. It is terrible. But to take a situation like this and point your anger at the VICTIMS of a HORRIBLE CATASTROPHE instead of a VICIOUS MURDERER is just sick, wrong, and twised. What the fuck is your major malfunction?

That's all I have to say.

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Guest The Last Doomer

I'm not a pacifist.

Bloodshed is never a good thing.

My parents are both dead already.

"Bad ideas will lead to war, death, and destruction."

These comments are full of bad ideas.

"A culture with bad ideas is a BAD CULTURE."

Then america is a bad culture.

I am not angry with the victims or the murderers. I'm angry with self-righteous 'I've-always-got-the-right-idea' americans like you.


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Guest Bluntman

Fuck Us? You prolly would like to fuck each and everyone of us u rag-head-humping mother fucker. But I digress.

20,000 ppl just died for what? Was this some sort of retaltion for some act of war on the US's part that we are not aware of? Fuck no.

The US has been launching air attacks against other countries just for the hell of it? Fuck no.

The US is oblivious to war-torn countries and suffering around the world? Hell Fuckn no. Ask anyone how the US always sticks its nose in other countries business', its been that way since the attack on Pearl Harbor.

What should the US do about it? According to you we should ignore it... I agree that inocent blood or "collateral damage" shouldnt be apart of any resolution to the problem. But 20,000 innocent lives will not perish in vain.

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Guest The Last Doomer

"According to you we should ignore it..."

Please point out where I indicated the US should 'ignore' the situation.

I'll gladly clairfy any misunderstandings you seemed to have.

"Was this some sort of retaltion for some act of war on the US's part that we are not aware of? "

Of course not, we're aware of every 'act of war' the US carries out. We killed innocent people in other countries, they killed innocent people in the US.

You play, you pay.


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Guest Bluntman

Anything less than finding the ones' responsible for this Attack and Eliminating them would be ignoring. Another words anything less than bloodshed would be ignoring. What other choice is acceptable?

Please enlighten me; When has the US killed any number of innocent ppl for the hell of it? I'll concede that any military strike will have the potential for collateral damage whether its performed but the US or the russians or the Iranians. But you consider that enough for a small group of ppl to take the lives of 20,000 more innocent ppl? And then we're to chalk it up to "whats goes around, comes around?" Thats horse-shit.

You play, you pay? Well we should be able to have a field day with this type of logic. So now we should be able to nuke the fuck outta the middle-east now, right? They played, now they pay...

Are you affected by this event at all? Does the loss of that much life so quickly not concern you at all? I guess its probably cause you So high above us to react in a manner not conceivable for any of the rest of us self-righteous americans.

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Guest Viscius



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It's bigger than that.
This was a deliberate attempt at crippling the heart of capitalism.
How do you do that?
You target the heart of world trading which happens to be in America.

Many many lifes were lost the other day and they weren't all American.

Sympathies to everyone affected though.
If we live through the wars that follow I doubt if we'll ever see it's like again.

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I'm not sure if you are familiar with
the tales / myths / whatever about the
Illuminati... but the date scares me.
And this isn't even far-fetched.
I noticed this right after I heard that
this had happened:...

date: 11 + 9 = 20
year: 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3
20 + 3 = ...

Scary, huh?

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Guest Griever

I would like to invite all that read this to take a moment of silence for those innocent lives lost on September 11, 2001.

My God give us the strength to pull together in this tragedy, and may He give us the insight so we may find out who is responsible for this.

This Act Cannot Go Unpunished.

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Guest Omniverse

If you think America is a bad culture driven by bad ideas, then you hate prosperity and life. It's as simple as that. You'd have to be blind to not see how our ideas have succeeded at supporting life way more than any other ideas.

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Guest UgLy

Greetings mortals;
What is all this talk about what the US should do? I might be wrong here, but didn't we recently hold a national election to choose leaders to make the decisions? Of course, we all know more than those we placed in charge, right?

Well, back to the topic. We are a culture of DooMers. We kill, mange, and destroy on a daily basis. Foreign policy is not our strong suite. So, get back to doing what we do best-DooM. Rather than trying to destroy ourseves, focus our energies on creating the Ultimate Payback Wad.

Boys and girls-as a community, let's put our best efforts together and see if we can come up with a megawad featuring how we (as space marines) will take care of this evil that has now become a literal Hell in the United States.

I suck at level creations, but love payback--so far as the damage, anger, hatred, etc., is left to the computer game, and not acted out upon fellow human beings.

That's my story.

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date: 11 + 9 = 20
year: 2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3
20 + 3 = ...


what is this number about??

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23 (and "5", it's square-sum
[or however you call it]) are
supposed to be signs of the
Illuminati / Illuminati-
You are german, right?
The german costitution / law
was signed on the 23rd of may.
(1949, I think).

Some say this is all just
paranoid crazyness... some
others believe in it. I'm
somewhere in between.

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Well, the ~200 or more people that were on the planes were killed instantly.

All of the people who were on either 2 floors above or 2 floors below either one of the WTC crashes were killed instantly.

Anyone in the elevators were killed instantly (fireball).

Anyone (well most people) that was in the top section of either buildings when they collapsed were killed instantly.

Anyone (well most people) within a 1 block radius of either building collapse that did not escape were killed instantly.

Anyone still in the rubble is dead (it's been too long).

Approximatly 100 people who were in the two other planes were killed.


How did the terrorists get on board with weapons?
I think it's been said that security doesn't check carry-ons, but I wouldnt know because ive never been through an airport checkpoint.

Also, the weapons (knives) they had could have been disguised as something else (like that silly pen-shaped digital camera they have out now), and the blade could have been made of bullet-proof plastic - which wouldn't set off the metal detector or the density detector (because of it's shape).

As far as an attack goes - it's an act of islamic jihad against the U.S.
Personally I haven't ever been very fond of the islamic religion because it's based around physical objects and actions, and they treat their women like crap.

As for Salami Bin Ladin, they're starting to think he may not ahve done it after all - the identities of the terrorists were egyptian (at least thats what I heard). But he could still be connected (and how the hell could we counterattack against such a small and invisible force like that?).

BFG = would kill more people than just the terrorists (remember the spray attack, and what if one of em hides? then you have to shoot again...)

I can't say that I was too emotional over the ordeal in the beginning. You see, im anti-captalist and I dispise the professions that most of the people who died probably would have been engaged in (moreso than normal people hate lawyers). And I dont like cities either - somehow I secretly wish that more people would have been killed, perhaps it would ahve provoked a stronger response from our government.
But these things kind-of have a way of setting in on a person, especially after seeing so many people upset watching the thing happen. I am giving blood today, they will be having a large blood drive at the student rec center at my univ. and since I will be going swimming it wouldnt hurt to give (well, not hurt too much).

Years from now a kid somewhere could be watching a movie with a scene from new york and ask "what are those two buildings, ive never seen em before...".

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"You'd have to be blind to not see how our ideas have succeeded at supporting life way more than any other ideas."

ok god. here we go.

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Guest The Last Doomer

"Anything less than finding the ones' responsible for this Attack and Eliminating them would be ignoring. Another words anything less than bloodshed would be ignoring. What other choice is acceptable?"

The ones directly responsible for the attack are mostly already dead. They have been eliminated. Pinning this on any other group or individual without adequate proof would be wrong. Please quote me where I said we should have bloodshed. I simply said bloodshed is never a good thing and doing so would make us no better than the terrorists. What other choice(s) are acceptable? Well that path that the US government has taken right now is very acceptable and should be praised.

"Well we should be able to have a field day with this type of logic. So now we should be able to nuke the fuck outta the middle-east now, right?"

I never said we should not directly attack with nuclear weapons or an infantry invasion. Though doing so would be an unacceptable retaliation.

"Are you affected by this event at all? Does the loss of that much life so quickly not concern you at all?"

I didn't know the people that died in New York or Washington any more than I know the people in Kosovo and the middle east that have died in the past.

"If you think America is a bad culture driven by bad ideas, then you hate prosperity and life."

I hate prosperity and life when all it brings is internal bickering and murder. People are never happy. So when there's no enemy outside the borders to fight then the fight each other inside the border. I personally grew sick of all the shit on the news each night about congress is passing this law and that law to slowly take away more freedom and so and so murdered so and so because he couldn't have his high. Hopefully with these 'acts of war' the country will continue to unite as it has and work together for a brighter future instead of destroying it for their own personal 'prosperity and life.'

The night before the incident happened I said and I quote "This country needs another war."


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Guest The Last Doomer

"Please quote me where I said we should have bloodshed."

This line should read:

Please quote me where I said we SHOULD NOT have bloodshed. Fighting maybe what's necessary. But irrational attacks and playing the blame game like the multitude of people in these comments are doing isn't right.


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