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Fredrik Wants World Domination

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Fredrik Johansson has updated the Frad Design pages with a new editing trick he has just discovered.

I finally figured out how to create a perfect double sky. That is, one that does not cause HOM, does not block the player or projectiles, one that does not make any ugly streaks high up there. I am shocked that it took me a year to figure out this incredibly simple solution.

Here is a screenshot of the effect. The news post continues with some thoughts about Vrack 3 and its insane number of linedefs, and finally ends up with a scary and evil laugh and the promise to make "the most extreme DOOM2 map ever".

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Btw, it isn't really a "new editing trick". It's just a very old one, with a modification that I think not many people have discovered. At least, I have not seen it i any WAD yet.

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Guest gems

uh, isnt that just f_sky1 used as both flat and ceiling texture?

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I don't recall seeing that before. Do all source ports and vinilla do this ?

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I figured out how to do that a long time ago. I have an old (unreleased) Deathmatch level that's on a space station, with no HOM or anything.

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It's actually not as simple as you may think. Especially not when you have a room that is 20000x20000x20000 units huge and want to load it with complex buildings and miscellaneous tricks that require bleeding sky effects etc.

Hmm. The way I did it from the beginning (Vrack 1) was inspired from a trick used in a map in HR2. That method is obviously not as good. Heh.

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I couldnt find it on your site (nice site)but looking at the screenshot it looks like you just used f_sky1 for the floor and ceiling. You oviously dont have many wads in your collection if you have never seen this done before, its a feature I have used many times without any problems. (if you fall off the outside edge of some of my mystic series wads you will see it).

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"it looks like you just used f_sky1 for the floor and ceiling"

No, I didn't.

And you are using Legacy for your maps.

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I think it's on by default from the first time you start ZDoom. I have turned it off several times, but those changes don't save when launching from Deepsea (something about response files).

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I don't know why it happens technically. It seems that it renders fine with just the empty sectors. But if there is a visible wall between the floor and the ceiling, it will cause the bug. Something dumb about Doom's rendering...

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I could swear I have seen this in old wads (before Legacy/zdoom etc). A wad called spcial2b, which was made to show off all kinds of editing tricks had a whole room that was like floating in space, even the door was invisible once closed. Im sure my friend Joe Peat used this in a little deathmatch wad called EVA, way back in 1996.

Like you I have had problems doing it but usually resort to copying from the wads that have it already by writing down every detail about the relevant sectors/linedefs and trying to duplicate them. I suppose we should both spend some time on Mordeths help pages

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LOL, I should have checked that link Mordeth posted first, its that spcial2b wad. Theres some really clever stuff in there.

Thanks Mordeth.

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ooh look at me, I've found a wad effect but I refuse to tell you all!!! whats that? its already been discovered over 5 years ago? shock no! Well I STILL wont tell you!!

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