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a good boss was the q2 one, i kinda liked it, took alot of shooting to get him out of that armor then when he was out he darted around everywhere, it was challenging

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Guest DooMetallicA

w@velength, noone cares what your opinions are, havent you learned that yet? besides, if you even read the bible it specificly states that god let people go bad due to a test of faith. an no, not everyone is going to hell. saved people go to heaven, unsaved people just die into nothingness, and satanists and the like goto hell. and you have NO right to condemn my religion, so back off!

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Guest DooMetallicA

episode 3 of wolfensteign at the end the boss is hitler, and he has armor you have to shoot off of him too. therefor the quake 2 boss idea wasnt quite original, although both games were produced by id.

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Guest DooMetallicA

the final boss could not have been satan in doom 2. he was just ONE of the gatekeepers according to the story of one(or was it both?) episode of the Final Doom. also, I'm hoping that the final boss in doom3 is the gatekeeper, just not with his head on a giant mechanical death plaque. I hope its a big ass open arena with walls here and there, kinda like in the last level of episode 2 of Doom 1. except the place be bigger & stuff.

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heh, people, stop linking the game to stupid christian bullshit

rellik: 'angels' do look like that, the winning side painted the losing ('bad') side as horrendous, as they wrote the cosmic history (describing themselves as pretty/sublime in the meantime)

to make a boss that size in doom, due to engine limitations, you would have to reduce the player's height and width from, like, 56 to 5 or 6, and lower his viewpoint and slow him down proportionately; the boss would only look ok from far away, of course

about the hole in its head: heh, well, it must have closed it, three rockets in your head must hurt

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Guest DooMetallicA

there are thoes of us that believe in god, "just in case".

and i didnt mean a big guy like that indoom 1 or 2, i mean like in doom 3.

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Guest DooMetallicA

yeah, maybe the bible is a hoax, but what do you think put us here? hmm, the big bang? thats just as irrational as your judgement of the christian religion.

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Guest DooMetallicA

Im afraid what to believe, so I pretty much try to forget about everything and do what i think is right. Gos Scares me, if he exists, and I dont want to go to hell just because I'm ignorant about that topic just like the rest of the world.

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Guest DooMetallicA

BTW, why should I forget about reading that about the dragon???

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Guest DooMetallicA

"there can't BE a Hell. For one thing, most all religions audibly state that if you are not part of their religion you are going to Hell... So.. that would mean everyone goes to Hell no matter what.", if you say that, then that actually means that you believe all religions are correct. most religions are screwed up versions of the previouse. like jahovas witnesses and catholics are all derived from christianity, but then all the budah stuff is something completely different.

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why are we talking about religion all of a sudden? shouldnt we be commenting on how nice the pic is? FNORD!

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Guest DooMetallicA

hell and satan have to do with the pic, thats why :)

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Guest DooMetallicA

that is what wiccans believe. wiccans to christians are witches and all that good stuff, but i think it has a lot more meaning than just spells & shit. there are a lot of wiccans where I live. actually, there are a lot all over the US, but most of them aer young, in their teens. they believe that whatever they believe will happen, will happen. if you believe there is a hell, there is, if you believe ther isnt, then there isnt, if you believe your gunna get laid eternally after you die, then i guess that too. a friend of mine is a wiccan, and she believes that if you live your life thinking what you're doing is wrong, then bad stuff 'l happen. otherwise, good stuff. for short...

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Guest Elextrum

Sorry if it's not my discussion, but I felt the hugest need to answer this post:

I have more circumstancial evidence that God exists than I have that you exist, w@velength.

>1. No dude, I am saying that all religions >are WRONG. Read my statement again and try >to find the irony. By saying that you will >go to Hell if you are not part of their >religion, then that would mean everyone is >going to Hell! See? Religions contradict >themselves! Therefore they are all wrong.

There is a lot of misconstrued logic in that assumption. By your logic applied to people, you could say that the existence of people is wrong. People contradict themselves. Therefore they are wrong and can't be truly real.

Just because some people go to hell, doesn't mean ALL people go to hell.

>2. I know what you are thinking, Dave! Does >that mean there could be only one true >RIGHT religion out there? No, Dave- Sit >down for a minute and ponder all the socal >and moral reasons why that doesn't compute, >for yourself. See?

Think about the one religion that does not allow other religions to be compatible with it. Christianity. Many religions oppose each other on major, essential points. Therefore, if truth is out there, and it is real, it is conceivable that one of the religions is RIGHT.

>2. Don't bring the Big-Bang theory into >this... I didn't say I was an Evolutionist, >either. I am just stating the facts; what I >have observed. I don't believe anything >right now. I do however believe that aliens >have something to do with it, but I am not >the subject at hand. Neither are other >religions. Bash them on your own time, >because, like I said above, none of them >make sense, any way.

If you saw a computer in the desert would you assume that it existed there by chance, all the chips falling into place from a massive whirlwind in the desert?

Or would you assume intelligent design?

People and aliens are more complex than computers, so how much more are they intelligent designs. And all intelligent designs have intelligent designers.

Therefore God must exist.

>3. In conclusion, my problem with religion >is not blind faith; that never hurt anyone, >it is your own problem. It is when you >force your religious beliefs upon your >children or others, without giving them a >chance to explore the physics and mysteries >of the Universe themselves, that I get >rubbed the wrong way.

I agree. But please understand that other ideological beliefs (IE. atheism, naturalism, new age concepts, and other non-religious beliefs) are just as much if not MORE shoved down people's throats at school, work and in the media.


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Guest j00 equals ded

Elextrum, you gave answers, not facts.

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That is an awesome picture. Reminds me of the Mother Brain from Super Metroid.

Elextrum: Oh, not that argument again...the "What are the odds that a computer (or 747, in the version I heard) would randomly assemble itself, if all the parts were there and a tornado threw all the parts around?" argument, that's supposed to be proof that God exists. Actually, it's not. The odds of such a situation would be incredibly small, but not zero. And just think about the size of the universe; it's bigger than we can even measure. There are more stars in one galazy than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of the Earth (yeah yeah, overused analogy, but it's true.) So we can almost say the known universe is infinite. And that's just what we can see; there might be more, beyond what we can measure, or even in other dimensions.

What's my point? Well, assuming the universe is almost infinite, we can change the analogy: What if, instead of one tornado randomly moving around pieces of a complex machine, you had [i[/i]nfinite[/i] deserts, with infinite tornados, moving things around for an infinite amount of time? The incredibly small probability of the exact situation occurring would increase dramatically. You could calculate the probability of at least one computer/747 assembling to be pretty much 100%. The fact that we are here in this universe is not total proof that God exists.

(Though I'm definitely not claiming I have any compelling evidence that God doesn't exist. Far from it. I'm just saying, you can't distort the meaning of "God must exist, [i[/b]ecause...[/i]")

w@velength: I probably wouldn't consider myself a Christian. I've actually barely read any of the Bible, and I have questioned many Christian ideas (see above). But even I found your comments incredibly closed-minded and ignorant. Do some research, and maybe get some cites to support your ideas, then maybe people will take you seriously. But I know from experience that going around shouting "Your religion is wrong, and your God can go fuck himself" to everyone is going to get you an ass-whooping. Trust me.

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People and aliens are more complex than computers, so how much more are they intelligent designs. And all intelligent designs have intelligent designers.

Therefore God must exist.

This has to be one of the most stupid pieces of reasoning I have heard recently, and is almost as comical as the 'everything is a goat/nothing is a goat' line.

For once I find myself in total agreement with Wavelength :-O

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remember my poem titled the unholy trinity:

huge face spewing rotating cubes
he is the father of all demons.

just like on felicien rops' vision
he is the hermaphrodite devil
ejaculating sins
on earth

the rest of the poem can be found at http://www.doom2.net/~ethh/doompoems.htm , along with other doom mythology poems.

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Guest Nash

Don't question life, just live it !

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Guest dimgeo

that in fact, when the judjement day comes, there will be no heaven and hell, just god coming in all his glory. whoever recorgnizes this glori as love, will live happily ever after in the light. whoever does not go with god, will be tortured in eternal death in the heat. so, the glory of god will be both heaven and hell... interesting, no? :) it is interesting that this is one of the ideas of the eastern orthodox churches (like the one we have here, in Bulgaria, it has existed since about 8xx? - almost 1100 years :) ). the idea is that, no matter that we have all sinned, we must try to be better AND ask for forgiveness. whereas the western churches (or the descendants of the catholic religion) states that the main point is repentance - give us money, we will fix you right :) probably we just got lucky our church did not have to time to become a greater power than the kings before the ottomans came on the balkans :P now, there is nothing strange in the fact that western civilization is doing it's best to put christianity to sleep :)

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Guest Nash

Nash: RTFM
Nash: RTFM
Nash: RTFM
Nash: RTFM
Nash: <font size=1><samp>RTFM</samp></font>


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Guest dimgeo

it's only 42 anyway :-)

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Good afternoon my children! and now, without any further ado:

You mean to tell me that the Gatekeeper...is Satan? Lucifer? The Dark Lord..
What? Why? Who said that?

No, the Icon of Sin WAS Satan.
Why? I never thought that. It even states that the doom monsters are aliens at one point in doom2 (and I don't personally think they meant alien as in 'alien to earth').

...catholics are all derived from christianity


Ladies and Gentlemen: If all things of complexity have to assembled by something intelligent, then surely god, (if we presume she exists for the sake of this argument) had to be assembled also?

Furthermore, to my undestanding revelation is supposed to be an account of a dream some prophet had. I don't believe satan featured at all- the beast from the desert and the dragon etc. are just 'things', like the prostitute and the other guy. It was just a pious, fear-inspired story.

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In context of all the other hellspawn-related descriptions of the monsters, I find it much more likely that the one reference to "aliens" in Doom 2, when placed in context, means "alien to earth".

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The lines "Deimos floats above hell itself"
"you never heard of anyone escaping from hell"
"It doesn't matter if you'll have to go through hell to get there."
"Hell is a wreck, you wonder where bad people will go now, when they're dead"

sorta can give you a hunch..

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