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Alien Vendetta Released

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don't ask :P Some last minute bad idea thing.

Anyway, linked Ariochs mirror as the primary dl location at the page now. hope this is ok, until I get the reuploaded version for doom2.net

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mute eater?
no demos at all yet?... hmmm... I knew I should've bribed them into letting me join that playtesting team...
mute eater, that is disturbing. ;)

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anders: why didn't you include the demos we recorded while testing it? like the UV one I made for map05.

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BTW, Playing AV in anything else than Vanilla doom is a waste IMO.. USE Doom2.exe. Trust me. It'll own more then. :)

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that was a kind and mature thing to say.
Personally, I look forward to both projects.
Sometimes the Doom community could try to be more of a community... =P

started posting demos at the DSF...

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Guest Mutator

Guys guys,

About the mo#!fu..in installation (sheild)

First of all the program were made in general to check your doom2.wad to be valid. Because the av.wad contains some origional textures and flats.

The retarded link Arioch posted is illegal!
-I know that sounds stupid (totally even), but it is, since a regular guy (a none owner of Doom2) could extract these textures and use them. Some copyright thing...

...if it hadn't been for my what-the-hell-ever-you-think about my coding shit in VB(none of your damn buisness) AV wouldn't even been done now!
-Why...? You might wonder, well first of all we had the "texture-names" of all the maps. Do that by hand (see yah in three days)

There were problems(using a mild word) with the engine wad, or should I say engine wad(s)
-Swapped textures from one engine to another bla bla long story :-(

Anyhow, I could have made a better program, it was supposed to decompress it for yah, and fast enough too :-)
-But lack of time to make the release date, I didn't have time to make an idiot proof program.

The last week before the release, me and Anders spent more than 100 hours to make it too the release date. Without my fucking VB "whatever you think about my coding" skills, you wouldn't have had AV!

...so please excuuuse me if I bothered any!

Anyway, it worked and everyone(hopefully :-) is happy now, playing AV *sniff*

Best regards,
Kim "Mutator" Malde

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ROFL! So checking for doom2.wad makes it legal to rip off and use textures from Heretic (and Hexen?). So av.wad is illegal anyways.
Yes, it worked, but not for the people with non-MS OSes.

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technically a lot of stuff is illegal (like eternal doom, brotherhood of ruin and many more).

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Legal, illegal, whatever. I have it and it's MINE all MINE :)

*goes to play av some more

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Guest wondersmith

I have to agree with Tarin: copyright is a ridiculous excuse for the installation program. The text file brazenly documents the theft of intellectual property (textures and music) from Duke Nukem 3D, Rise of the Triad, and other sources. It's especially funny that you say authors "may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels." So it's OK for AV to steal from others, but not OK for others to steal from AV?

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"So it's OK for AV to steal from others, but not OK for others to steal from AV?"

I have to say I see your point on this. It's my opinion, anything original someone makes for a wadfile be it the map itself, music, graphics, whatever should be free to be used by others to add to or modify without restriction. Proper credit, however, must be given to the original authors.

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Boy, a few of you guys are tough. In some instances I see you ripping people for using music other than Doom's basic sounds and now your blasting the AV team for using textures from another game, in addition to critizing their installation program.

From my point of view nobody here has done anything to help create these levels. These guys are just submiting their hard work for others to play. Why be so judgemental? I thought this forum was populated by adults.

Im sure that's true in most cases but there are some people who are obviously very young or just lack maturity and still think it's neat and cool to say 'fuck' and all the other garbage usually attributed to a select few younger or, maybe even, uneducated people.

Be thankful there are guys/gals who take the time to create these levels so that we might have something to enjoy. Praise them for their effort, don't condemn them because you may disagree with their procedure or their overall design. It takes so little to offer a compliment.

I know some people swear out of habit or to make something sound a little funnier. I don't think this is offensive as it is not meant in a malicious fashion.

I imagine some of you will take a few shots at me. Okay, go ahead.

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Hmm, where are all the weapons at in map26? I could only find a sg and that seems a tad insufficent to kill those hordes... Even looked at the map in an editor and couldn't find any weapons. Maybe I'm blind?

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Installation program -> not good.

AV -> Excellent. (I don't think anyone here has disputed this fact).

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