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Guest s999cop

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Guest s999cop

over these 7 years, all the main Doom websites we have left is the most updatest Doomworld.com or newdoom.com, sigh ! Doomheadquarter and doomshack seem completely dead ! Not even fyrestorm wanna report to doomhq anymore! except some small doomsites and all those 3000 wads all over the world.

Talking about clans, Doomclans are only Ds, Chronic, IV,
zou, seek&distroy, and some others. But i've notice that there are about 20 quakeclans existed, and about 20 players on each clan. doomclans compare to quakeclan is too extremely small. Did everyone already "tranform" from doomer to quaker? Is there anyone still remember Doom3, but i know some of u definitely do ! Right?

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hi 999
Clans in Doom seem sparse on the ground at the moment, and have been for a long time, perhaps because Doomers tend to shy away from the idea of Clans, thinking they are localised weirdo's who's only object is to lord it over other players. This , or is nowadays far from the truth, it's just a few guys/gals (yes gals) who get on together, have a laugh and play Doom, 90% of most clanner's time is to annoy (hopefully) other clans, talk about Doom and play odd game to keep eye in, most non clanner's time is to disparage Clanners and ignore the existance of Clans, case in point Doomworld, after holding a poll on whether to host clan news and poll being in favour of this, there has been no foreward movement from those on high at Doomworld to encourage,help, mention or even to accept the existance of Clans :)

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Guest Duke Nukem

Yea, im a pretty proficiant clan hopper. (But i always get kicked out because i just realized how much i suck) and i dont think we need big clans. Doom is a completely different game than Quake. DooM (not nearly as many nerds or players still) and Quake (heh. too many players.) That would explain why there are more people in Quake clans than doom clans.

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DoomHQ just got a new webmaster (Dream Destroyer) and is moving servers so we may see some action over there soon. Hopefully.

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Most of the people who left for newer games did a long time ago, mostly to the original Quake. A lot of the best levels designers at the time (Elliot Cannon, John Anderson, Iikka Keranen, etc) were hired by companies to work on their new FPS titles, so obviously they didn't have much time for Doom anymore...

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