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To CSDoom/Zdaemon server admins:

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Simple message to CSDoom/Zdaemon server admins: for pity's sake, either turn item respawning off, or don't run maps with invulnerability.

Why? Think about it. Items respawn on a 30 second cycle. Invulnerability lasts 30 secs. The first player to the invuln on any map that has one, if they're remotely sensible, wins. Simple as that. Good example is DWANGO5 MAP08. Come on, it's just common sense...

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Yup yup, that has happened to me waaay too many times.

I'm not changing any code, its the responsibilty of the server admin to make this decision on their server.

So, I hope they make the right one!

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Pretty obvious observation Adam, I hope server admins take it on board, if they don't it's pretty obvious why not :)

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If I remember correctly, the invulnerability doesn't respawn with the rest of the items anyway, unless that option was specifically turned ON.

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