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Guest Templar

Dehacked or exe editor for strife?

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Guest Templar

I got this project I'm working on, adding doom monsters + weapons etc, to strife. But as far as I know there is no exe editor or dehacked for strife.

Anyone know if one exists

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STRIFE has no exe mods. To my knowledge, only DeePsea and Wintex can handle the Strife graphics (control structure is different from DOOM). DeePsea is the only editor I'm aware of that handles Strife levels correctly.

STRIFE has a version of scripting events. The lumps are called SCRIPT00 ...SCRIPTnn. I have the documentation for this, but don't know if I can release it. In addition, it requires a special editor to create, since it's not simple text. Look at the lumps and you'll see.

Too bad the Strife code was not released (was it?). Strife has some very interesting aspects in the way it plays, sideway doors, breaking glass and the behavior of "friendlies". The cartoonish nature of the overlays probably don't appeal to most?

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The feature from Strife I'd most like to see in Doom ports is the conversation system, although there's plenty of other interesting stuff in it too, such as the friendly AI (the huge battle between the soldiers and rebels in the castle area was pretty cool) and the fact that at one point the plot "branches", although it does come back together again later on.

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I loved the castle battle scene too. Probably my favourite bit. I still fire up Strife and warp to that level.

Like every one else, I am pretty sure there is no DEH type tool for Strife. There was one for Heretic (Heretic Hack Editor or HHE) and one for Hexen (Hex) that I am aware of and have tried, but I don't suppose that helps.

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